Campus News

Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography workshop

Sunday, 12 February 2023 13:33
385 Hit
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As a part and in continuation of MSA University's plan to develop the skills of all faculty members, the Faculty of Physical Therapy at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, organized a workshop entitled "Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography" by Dr. Omar Mabrouk, Ass. Lecturer BS.c. in Physical Therapy, Certified MSK US Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University and Certified neuromuscular and spine US BACME at Deraya University.


Faculty of CS - Grad 1. Graduation Discussion

Sunday, 12 February 2023 11:15
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The Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University congratulates Grad. 1 students for finalizing their graduation projects that showed their hard work and their scientific and coding skills.


These projects involved researching a topic of interest, writing a paper, and creating an original work of computer science. With the help of faculty mentors, the students were able to develop their skills and gain valuable experience that will help prepare them for the future.


Faculty of Dentistry Evacuation Drill

Saturday, 11 February 2023 16:02
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The Faculty of Dentistry at MSA University organized an Evacuation Drill in collaboration with Building H facility Management.

Organized by the Sustainable Development Committee, an awareness Session was presented by Dr. Amr Edris from the Faculty of Management Sciences and was performed prior to the drill about the types and causes of fire in buildings and ways to control it. Later, a test of the evacuation was conducted for everyone in the building.

The Phenomenal Finale for the Biotechnology Innovation Competition

Thursday, 09 February 2023 11:33
669 Hit
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The Faculty of Biotechnology hosted the Phenomenal Finale for the Biotechnology Innovation Competition with the special attendance of Major General, Ahmed Mohamed El-Shazly; Director of the Veterinary Services Department and Brigadier General, Mohamed-Ibrahim Shindy; Commander of the Veterinary Hospital of the Armed Forces in addition to Prof. Abdelbary Prince; President of Biotechnology Innovation Competition.


Congratulations Prof. Dr. Nour El Gendy

Monday, 06 February 2023 11:17
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MSA University congratulates Prof. Dr. Nour Shafik Emam El Gendy, Professor of Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development, Head of the Innovation and Technology Support Office, and a member of the Scientific Excellence Center for Projects and Entrepreneurship at MSA university as she got appointed as the Scientific Adviser to the Secretariat of the Union of Arab Women Leaders, based on the Secretariat's decision issued on February 4, 2023.


Be Unique, Be Fashionable by Recycling

Sunday, 05 February 2023 12:00
401 Hit
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The Fashion Design Department at the Faculty of Arts and Design and the Think Green Committee held their second workshop under the title of “Be Unique, Be Fashionable by Recycling.”


This workshop aimed to explore the creative possibilities of fabric manipulation, using a range of fashion industry leftovers and materials to create new, usable products that reflected our mission to integrate awareness.


Congratulations Dr. Ahmed Mustafa

Sunday, 05 February 2023 10:00
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It is a great pleasure to announce that our staff member Dr. Ahmad Mustafa (Faculty of Engineering and Center of Excellence member), has been invited as visiting professor for 17 days at the water research institute, national research council (IRSA-CNR), Bari, Italy.


Congratulations Prof. Dr. Ayman Diab

Sunday, 05 February 2023 09:57
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) congratulates Prof. Dr. Ayman Diab, Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology at MSA University, for his honoring as he obtained the shield of Ain Shams University while hosting the semi-final qualifiers for the innovation competition in biotechnology under the auspices of the Veterinary Hospital for Treatment and Laboratory Analysis in the Armed Forces and headed by him Prof. Dr. Ayman Diab.


Basic Life Support and First Aids

Thursday, 02 February 2023 14:17
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Within the framework of MSA university’s plan to develop and improve the skills of faculty members and the teaching assistants, the Faculty of Physical therapy, in cooperation with the Training and Development Department at the university, organized a training course approved by the Egyptian Red Crescent under the title “Basic Life Support and First Aids” for 3 consecutive days with a number of hours approved by the Foundation.


Faculty of Biotechnology Graduation Projects' Discussions

Wednesday, 01 February 2023 09:57
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The Faculty of Biotechnology held its Graduation Project Discussions which was truly an astounding success.


222 Individual Graduation projects were held in more than 30 research institutes across the country, additionally 4 students have completed their projects’ practical in research labs within Germany and Spain.


Cooperation protocol with BEDO company

Tuesday, 31 January 2023 11:06
422 Hit
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Believing in the importance of linking the needs of the labor market with university education. The Community Service Unit at the Faculty of Management Sciences at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) signed a cooperation protocol with the BEDO Company. one of the leading companies in the field of educational solutions that enhance learning in engineering, and technological education, vocational training centers, and technical schools as well as STEM education.


The company vision is to combine knowledge of educational technology, IT and audio/visual advancements to produce new creative and unique solutions unparalleled anywhere in the world.


Sustainability Gen-4 Post COP27 Conference 2023

Monday, 30 January 2023 20:38
550 Hit
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Within the framework of interest in the areas of scientific research and providing a platform for participants from the academic and applied community locally and globally to present and publish innovative and new scientific papers that achieve the goals of sustainable development and the recommendations of the Climate Conference (COP 27)


The Department of Architectural Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at MSA University held and organized, from January 29-30, the department's scientific conference under the name "Sustainability Gen-4 Post COP27 Conference 2023" in the presence of a group of senior architecture professors in Egypt and a large number of speakers from different countries of the world.


Outstanding projects in computer sciences web programming class.

Monday, 30 January 2023 17:43
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Students of the faculty of computer sciences have presented an outstanding projects in their Web Programming course.. Dr. Nehal Ali - the module leader- has initiated and lead a competition since the beginning of the fall semester and the students have shown remarkable progress throughout the semester that ended with high quality web projects. Most of these projects were launched online and served different sectors (Tourism, Technology, Gaming, Pharmacy, Sports and more)

3D Printing Workshop by Fabrigate

Monday, 30 January 2023 14:36
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We inspire people and help them unleash their creativity to limitless possibilities


The Architecture Department at the Faculty of Engineering conducted a 3D Printing Workshop for the architecture students by Fabrigate Company and given by the expert Eng. Ahmed Hanafi.


Strategic Vision for Physical Therapy in the Future

Sunday, 29 January 2023 18:08
428 Hit
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Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Nawal El-Degwi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Prof. Dr. Khairy Abdel-Hamid, President of the University, The Faculty of Physical therapy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, hosted the workshop for the Physical therapy Sector Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities honoring all deans of faculties of physical therapy in Egypt entitled “Strategic Vision for the Future of Physical therapy” where topics related to the specialization of physical therapy and strategic planning of the sector committee of the Supreme Council of Universities , academic standards were discussed.


Arts and design ollivanders wand shop project

Saturday, 28 January 2023 11:12
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Why go to London to visit one of the most magical locations of J.K. Rowling's legendary Harry Potter when MSA University provides you one.


The students of the Cinema & Theatre Department/ Faculty of Arts & Design intricately executed a detailed model for the dusty Ollivander’s wand shop in Diagon Alley, where Harry’s wand famously chose him. The set was to fulfil the requirements of the final project requirements in “Introduction to Production Design” Level 3 Unit.


Congratulations to CIDC winners

Saturday, 28 January 2023 10:38
451 Hit
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With the participation of 75 students from 15 faculties of oral and dental medicine from various public and private universities in Egypt!!!


Students of the Faculty of Dentistry at MSA University get the third place in the competition held within the activities of the Sixth International Dental Conference, which is held at the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, and is held from January 25-27, 2023.


Dental care awareness visit

Wednesday, 25 January 2023 13:06
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In light of the celebration of international family day, the Faculty of Dentistry organized a day to spread awareness of the importance of dental care among children and their families in the Children's Palace building at the 6th of October club.

The awareness campaign emphasized the proper ways of personal and dental care along with healthy diet tips.

Development and Renovation of MCOM

Wednesday, 25 January 2023 11:13
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MSA is always keen to provide students with the finest learning environment equipped with the most advanced devices and software systems,


October University for Modern Sciences and Arts - MSA University has taken several steps to develop and renovate the Faculty of Mass Communication, including:

Continuation of Graduation Projects of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the Faculty of Mass Communication

Monday, 23 January 2023 11:50
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The Advertising and Public Relations Department at the Faculty of Mass Communication finally concluded their Graduation Projects discussion as they tackled the most critical and prominent topics and social problems.


25 graduation projects were presented by the students of the department under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Amany Fahmy - Dean of the Faculty. The topics were guided by all seventeen sustainable development goals, Egypt's vision 2030, and the current economic developmental stage of the Egyptian state, as the projects dealt with a wide range of the most influential issues at all levels.


Congratulations Dr. Yara Ahmed Mohamed for obtaining her Ph.D.

Sunday, 22 January 2023 11:53
662 Hit
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) and the family of the Faculty of Biotechnology congratulate Dr. Yara Ahmed Mohamed for obtaining her Ph.D.


Dr. Yara Ahmed holds a master's degree in biotechnology from the Faculty of Science, Cairo University back in 2017. She joined the Faculty of Biotechnology at MSA University as a teaching assistant in 2015.


Confetti Magazine

Saturday, 21 January 2023 14:07
559 Hit
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Confetti, a beacon of art and creativity,

A magazine that welcomes faculty of languages' students with open arms,

For writers, painters, and caricaturists,

A platform for talents to showcase their charms.


A competition of the creative mind,

A chance for free expression, for all to find,

A celebration of diversity,

And a showcase of humanity.


Congratulations Dr. Zahra

Saturday, 21 January 2023 13:28
384 Hit
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts and the family of the Faculty of Biotechnology congratulate Dr. Zahra Salih Hussein for obtaining a Ph. It is worth noting that Dr. Zahra holds a Master of Science degree from CIHEAM University in France in the field of genetics and biotechnology in 2014 and joined the Faculty of Biotechnology as an assistant teacher since that year.

Graduation projects of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the Faculty of Mass Communication

Thursday, 19 January 2023 16:03
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Graduation projects of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the Faculty of Mass Communication, MSA are the highlight of the official delegation of Al-Fayoum Governorate talk,


Dr. Mohamed El-Tony - Deputy Governor, and Mr. Mahmoud Hamed - Technical Office in the governorate praised the graduation projects dedicated to the governorate's advertising campaigns, which were carried out by the students of the faculty, within the framework of implementing the cooperation protocol signed between the two parties.


Cooperation Between MSA University and New Valley

Tuesday, 03 January 2023 21:12
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In order to keep pace with Egypt's strategy for sustainability, which is consistent with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals And through scientific research and applied projects of the Center for Scientific Excellence and Entrepreneurship and the Earth Center at the university, which aims to contribute to solving environmental and societal problems and the phenomenon of climate change.


A cooperation agreement was signed between October University for Modern Sciences and Arts - MSA University and the Governor of the New Valley to implement sustainable housing projects, preserve the aquifer, implement a number of projects which aimed to achieve the sustainability of natural and environmental resources, reduce the effects of climate change, expand the transition initiatives towards clean energy and the green economy and create a smart network to manage and monitor groundwater withdrawal remotely through monitoring stations to digitally follow daily withdrawal rates to preserve the aquifer and revive handicrafts.

The third year Scientific Eposter Competition

Sunday, 01 January 2023 19:24
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As celebrating the world education day,


The sustainable development committee together with oral pathology department, Faculty of Dentistry, held the Scientific Eposter competition between students of the third year.

Congratulations to the Graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry

Thursday, 29 December 2022 22:04
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And yet another round of outstanding comprehensive care cases by our amazing Dentistry students.


MSA University and the Faculty of Dentistry would like to congratulate and give a round of applause to semester 10 dentistry graduates who presented their work among the respected jury members of MSA University.


Congratulations to the graduates and wishing them success in their future.

Job search Techniques & Networking Session

Thursday, 29 December 2022 10:38
458 Hit
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The Faculty of Management Sciences invited Mr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman the HR Recruitment Business Partner Manager in QNB AlAhly to discuss with students their futures, specifically focusing on job search techniques and networking. 


The session discussed the following topics:


  • Is there a roadmap for a job search?
  • What current job search channels are there?
  • How do I build my professional network?
  • How do I create a brand in the era of social media?
  • How do I come up with an effective elevator pitch?


Number of students attended 120 students from different programs and academic levels the event was successful and met its goals


Organic Chemistry Fair Periodic Table Challenge

Thursday, 29 December 2022 10:07
449 Hit
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The freshman students of organic chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy competed in this year's fair titled "Periodic Table Challenge" where they all came up with ideas to represent various elements of the periodic table.


Their creativity was assessed by the organizing committee and the Head of the Department Prof. Dr. Aliaa M. Kamal who presented awards for the best 24 students who had outstanding performance and innovation.



Masscom third Student Art Exhibition

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 23:01
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The Faculty of Mass Communication hosted its third Student Art Exhibition attended by her excellency Professor Nawal El Degwy Head of board of trustees, University President Professor Khairy Abdel Hamid along with Dean of the Faculty Professor Amany Fahmy and Hossam Diab, Renowned Egyptian Photojournalist, plus a number of distinguished staff members.


New Era Of Artificial Intelligence In Language Learning

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 15:12
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The Faculty of Languages was pleased to welcome Eng. Khaled Naguib, one of the most distinguished Engineering speakers of Fall 2022. Eng. Naguib was able to deliver a very relatable talk to our faculty, which is rooted in humanities and interdisciplinary.

The talk addressed historical roots of AI and the reason behind its blooming in 2010. In addition, he helped the audience to apply and play with AI during the session.

Furthermore, The attendees talked to "Iron Man", extracted verb phrases from The Black Cat, and wrote code on python, all in one session!

The Faculty of Languages would like to thank Eng. Khaled Naguib for his time and efforts.

The Role of the Banking Sector in the latest International Economic Crisis

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 13:25
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The 4th year Economics major students got the opportunity to attend with Dr Amal Soliman, their Economics Instructor an Economic Conference titled "The Role of the Banking Sector in the latest International Economic Crisis" under the auspices of Dr Mostafa ElFiky and The Economist Mr Hesham Okasha. The conference presented many economic issues that are of great interest to our students who are eager to know a lot of what is happening in the real world and the steps that the government is planning to take to engage  more in development and digital transformation. it took place in St.Regis Hotel, in the 20th Dec.

Digital Future Professions Train

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 11:47
472 Hit
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The Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University hosted a symposium entitled "Digital Future Professions Train" by a group of specialists from the Information Technology Institute (ITI).


The symposium talked about the most significant free training opportunities available in the fields of cybersecurity, data analysis, artificial intelligence, GIS, IOT, UX/UI, and also talked about the latest digital opportunities for training, employment and entrepreneurship.

Practical workshop in fashion

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 10:00
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The Fashion Design Department at the Faculty of Arts and Design conducted a practical workshop for all fashion students. Through this workshop, TA Abdelaziz discussed the fashion design magazine cover design, the color theory, the printing files and papers using adobe suite for layouts and how to make fashion editorial design layouts.


The students also learned how to prepare their digital files to be ready for printing and to compare the printouts and the digital files, as all fashion students at the end of each semester are required to submit part of their work as a hardcopy.

The role of DNA fingerprinting in criminal offenses and national security

Tuesday, 27 December 2022 12:31
420 Hit
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The Faculty of Biotechnology at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) proudly organized a training course and 5-days workshop entitled "The role of DNA fingerprinting in criminal offenses and national security" in fruitful cooperation with the National Defense College -Nasser Higher Military Academy.


The workshop was attended by 203 students from the first year of the Faculty. Relating this workshop to the biotechnology curriculum and courses, this workshop included various lectures on crime scene sciences, types of fingerprints, the role of DNA in detecting the perpetrators of the crime, and other topics which were given by a number of doctors and consultants specialized in crime sciences.


Monday, 26 December 2022 21:38
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Carpooling has long been touted as a way to save money on fuel, reduce traffic congestion, and promote environmental sustainability.


Three students who are Fady Magdy, Youssef Ahmed and Yehia Mohammed from the Faculty of Mass Communication launched a social awareness campaign named “Fe-Sektak” which aims to increase awareness of the use of carpooling in Egypt.


MSAMUN’s annual senior conference

Sunday, 25 December 2022 21:44
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Once again MSAMUN strikes us with a spectacular ceremony!


MSAMUN’s annual senior conference ended after a week of heated debates, fun, astonishing resolutions, and lots of tears. It also ended with the honor of having the presence of Dr. Nawal El-Degwi , Prof. Khairy Abdelhamid and Dr. Samia El Sheikh.


This model continues to surprise us with all its successful events, we can’t wait to see what else they have in store!

Usability of Montessori tangible user interfaces to support learners’ retention skills in preschools

Sunday, 25 December 2022 17:46
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For the second year and as a part of MSA University's AI strategic vision, A multi-discipline research between the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Arts and Design was successfully published in a scientific journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer) Q1 and it was entitled "Usability of Montessori tangible user interfaces to support learners’ retention skills in preschools".


Training Course for media students

Sunday, 25 December 2022 13:26
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Within the framework of October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) in linking the students of the Faculty of Mass Communication to the labor market, and in order to raise the level of performance of our students in the media, Dr. Sherine El-Adawy, Head of the MSA Writers Association and the family leader for a group of first-year students at the faculty, organized a training for reading news bulletin, delivering the news, facing the microphone and the audience, and strengthening the voice and self-control while reading.


Panorama October field trip

Sunday, 25 December 2022 11:31
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"Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced" - John Keats


The students of the Faculty of Mass Communication, MSA University who are currently having their World History course were able to have a field trip to Panorama October, Mohammed Ali Mosque and Salah Al-Din Al-Ayoubi Citadel in Egypt in order to have an informative tour and to know the history of places.


The aim of this field trip was to make them understand the link between what is studied in the theoretical and practical aspects as they related the trip to their curriculum.


The difference between commercial and artistic designs Session

Sunday, 25 December 2022 09:27
507 Hit
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The Faculty of Arts and Design and the Fashion Design Department hosted a session led by the Fashion Designer Ahmed Saedi, Founder of Masion Saedi and IDEAS. Mr. Ahmed discussed the difference between commercial and artistic designs and how fashion brands use avant-garde designs as a marketing tool to become more well-known in the market. Saedi also explained how to make an avant-garde design wearable, as many celebrities are willing to wear such designs on the red carpet. Furthermore, he shared his journey and experiences with the students by providing them with an insight into how to start their own business. The event concluded with an open discussion between Saedi and all the fashion students which allowed them to learn more from him.

A visit to the Special Education Schools for People with Disabilities

Thursday, 22 December 2022 14:57
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As MSA University believes in the role of people with disabilities in society and within the framework of celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) in the month of December, the Sustainable Development Committee at the Faculty of Dentistry visited the Special Education Schools for People with Disabilities, for the hearing impaired and children with autism and hyperactivity in the Sixth District at 6th of October City.


The doctors, in conjunction with the students of the Community Service Committee, raised awareness for children and students with disabilities about the importance of washing teeth, taking care of personal hygiene, washing hands, and proper nutrition through a puppet show for simulation, pictures, competitions, and a practical explanation.

The Egyptian Drug Authority honors the Faculty of Pharmacy students for winning the first place

Thursday, 22 December 2022 14:51
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The Egyptian Drug Authority honors the Faculty of Pharmacy students for winning the first place.


MSA University would like to congratulate the Faculty of Pharmacy for its continuous achievements as the fifth-level students of the Faculty won the first place at the Egyptian Drug Authority Competition. The outstanding students are:

  • Ibtihal El Sayed Omar
  • Nihal Khaled Mohamed Ezz El Din
  • Shorouq Mohamed Ramadan


Step-by-Step Protocol writing

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 16:18
487 Hit
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The Research and Innovation Hub at the Faculty of Dentistry at MSA University conducted a prosperous seminar named "Step-by-Step Protocol writing" which was given by Dr. Nada ElZawahry, BDS, MSc, Ph.D. (Cairo University), and Lecturer of Orthodontics, Cairo University.

A step-by-step session discussed the proper planning and the best way to plan writing by giving an introduction of the globally standardized accepted protocol guidelines.

Therefore, the Research and Innovation Hub would like to thank Dr Nada ElZawahry for the informative and engaging session which all the attendees felt benefited to be attending.

A visit to Fayoum Governorate

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 16:12
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As a part of the cooperation protocol conducted between El-Fayoum Governorate and October University for Modern Sciences and Arts - MSA.

A delegation from the Faculty of Arts and Design at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts -MSA headed by Prof. Dr./ Tarek Saleh - Head of the Center for Scientific Excellence and Entrepreneurship at the university and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design visited El-Fayoum Governorate, where the delegation met Dr. Ahmed Al-Ansari - Governor of Fayoum and reviewed the features of the visual identity of El-Fayoum Governorate through its relative characteristics and unique natural environments, to improve the cultural and aesthetic dimensions of the governorate, making it a special character and a destination for visitors nationally and internationally, in implementation of the cooperation protocol conducted between the governorate and the university during the month of October to fully implement a visual identity for the governorate.


importance of early detection of breast & cervical cancer awareness symposium

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 13:59
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Within the framework of MSA University’s interest in achieving the goals of sustainable development, and as a continuation of the Cancer Awareness Week, the Faculty of Physical Therapy organized a fruitful scientific symposium to raise awareness of the importance of early detection of breast and cervical cancer presented by Prof. Dr. Azza Nasr, Professor of Radiation Therapy at the National Institute of Oncology and Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee of the National Council for Women.

Immunity and cancer prevention Seminar

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 10:15
473 Hit
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The best protection is early detection! - Eva Vertes


Within the framework of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Environmental Development Committee at the Faculty of Physical Therapy organized a seminar entitled "Immunity and cancer prevention" given by Prof Dr. Gulsen Saleh, Head of Clinical Nutrition Department at 57357 Hospital and Professor of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition - NNIon.

Congratulations to MSA Engineering Journal: Issue4

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 10:00
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MSA University and the Faculty of Engineering proudly and happily celebrate the enormous achievement as "MSA Engineering Journal: Issue 4" received the highest rank (7/7) in the evaluation of the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities among other university journals which were evaluated.


Congratulations to the Faculty of Engineering for this outstanding performance and exerted effort.

The impact of Biotechnology on Human Health

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 09:41
395 Hit
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A conclusion to a spectacular experience!


The Faculty of Biotechnology held its Exhibition on the Fields of Biotechnology with the Theme of "The impact of Biotechnology on Human Health". The poster exhibition comprised major fields that include biotechnology research including Medical, Pharmaceutical, Agricultural, Industrial, Environmental, Marine and Bioengineering. Thus, the students of the "Introduction to Biotechnology" course prepared posters to present the field, its effect on health and the latest research developments.

“Kotlin” Lecture By ENG. Mohamed El Sdody

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 09:19
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The Faculty of Computer Science organized a significant informative lecture under the title of "Kotlin" led by the Tech Lead Software Engineering Eng. Mohammed El Sdody from IT-Worx. Eng Mohamed has more than 12 years of experience in mobile development on different platforms.


During the lecture, Eng. Mohammed showed the power side of Kotlin compared with Java and cross-platform languages. In addition, he showed one of its primary features such as productive programming as it provides many ways to reuse code between multiple platforms.

Online Academic Evaluation Fall 2022

Tuesday, 20 December 2022 19:15
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Dear beloved Students,


MSA University is always concerned with your requests, reviews, and opinions; therefore, the online academic evaluation is here to help you address all your concerns regarding the courses you take as a part of the continuity of our road to success.

Final World Cup 2022

Tuesday, 20 December 2022 19:14
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Whether they were on France's or Argentina's side at the Final World Cup, MSA Staff members and their families were gathered together and were unified for one passion: FOOTBALL


The day was more than perfect as it was full of friendly and loving vibes.

Molecular Genetics Scientific Day

Tuesday, 20 December 2022 12:45
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Following the vision and beliefs of MSA University to meet the global standards of the era of personalized medicine and deal with newly emerging therapeutics such as immunotherapies, gene therapies, and RNA-based therapeutics. The Biochemistry Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy was honored to present level 2 students' research model maquettes of various molecular applications used in the discovery, early diagnosis, and prediction of different diseases.

MSA Graduate Success Story

Tuesday, 20 December 2022 12:32
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MSA graduate success story. An exciting new session held today at the Faculty of Mass Communication. Where graduates come as former students and making their mark on their communities and are often leaders in their chosen fields.

Alumni Nihal Gamal class of 2017 PR and Advertising Department. Talked to our students on the marketing industry and how she became the partner and office manager in 361 degrees agency, handling one of the leading accounts "Pfizer”, one of the world's largest pharmaceuticals firms.


Field trip to Egyptian Broadcasting TV and Radio station

Tuesday, 20 December 2022 12:27
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Student training committee MSA-STC has organized a Field trip to Egyptian Broadcasting TV and Radio station for students of Communication engineering.

MSA University in cooperation with Maspero has organized a field trip for students; the trip aims to make the students see how their academic studies could be applied to the actual work.

Study Skills and Time Management for Academic Success

Monday, 19 December 2022 12:40
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Believing in the effective role of Staff members and teaching assistants in supporting and encouraging students, the Faculty of Physical Therapy at MSA University organized a workshop entitled "Study skills and time management for academic success", in order to inform the students about the importance of time management and developing educational skills to achieve academic and personal success.

The workshop was held and organized by Dr. Omnia Saeed, Lecturer of Physical Therapy for Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, and Dr. Athar Tarek, Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Physical Therapy for orthopaedic diseases and surgery, in cooperation with the Training and Activities Committee.

El-Fayoum Trip

Monday, 19 December 2022 12:13
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Time Flies, But The Memories Last Forever !!

In case you are wondering how our MSAians spent their trip to El Fayoum, firstly they went to the Magic Lake for a relaxing boat trip and horse riding. Later, they had hilarious moments through sandboarding, sand football, and sand volleyball games. In addition to having had a massive color fight and other fun moments.

The Wood Manufacturing Exhibition

Saturday, 17 December 2022 09:25
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In light of the boosting events recurring in the furniture field and new materials in the market nowadays, MSA university, interior design department is very proud to have had a fruitful field trip for its level 3 students enrolled in the furniture design unit on Thursday 15th of December 2022.


In collaboration with the wood manufacturers and IMC there was a successful tour through the wood manufacturing exhibition in the international conference hall in Cairo, Egypt. Giving the interior design students the chance to get to know the trendy materials showcased this year.

National Council for Women Competition

Thursday, 15 December 2022 10:27
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The Faculty of Mass Communication at MSA University continues its successes and achievements in various fields.


October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) congratulates the winners of the faculty members and students in the competition of the Information Committee of the National Council for Women headed by Prof. Dr. Suzan Al-Qalini..

Strategic Planning as Core for Strategic Management

Wednesday, 14 December 2022 18:53
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Within the framework of cooperation between the Awareness and Training Committee of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit at the Faculty of Pharmacy, MSA University and the German Authority for Cultural Exchange DAAD, the Faculty hosted Ms. Heba Selim, a lecturer at the German Authority for Cultural Exchange, who led a workshop entitled "Strategic Planning as Core for Strategic Management".


The workshop dealt with how to develop strategic and operational plans in various institutions and their compatibility with national plans, and the role of leaders in drawing up different frameworks, defining strategic goals, and setting indicators of success.

Study Design: Step by Step Seminar

Wednesday, 14 December 2022 18:25
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The Research and Innovation Hub at the Faculty of Dentistry hosted another successful event!


The Research and Innovation conducted their second seminar entitled "Study Design: Step by step“ given by Associate Professor Dr Shereen Hafez, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Cairo University.

Maspero Field Trip

Wednesday, 14 December 2022 14:07
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MSA Student Training Committee (MSA-STC) in cooperation with the Faculty of Mass Communication organized a field trip to Maspero for the students of the Faculty.
Throughout the trip, the students visited the Production Studio, Control rooms, and location Studios. They also got a Broadcasting lecture by Eng.M anal Soliman, Chief Engineer, and after the lecture, they visited the Broadcasting studios as to enhance their ability to connect between the academic studies and actual work.

Modernizing Tally Handcraft session

Monday, 12 December 2022 11:56
482 Hit
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The Faculty of Arts and Design hosted an incredible session related to Modernizing Tally Handcraft and this session was given by the fashion designer and entrepreneur Mohamed Samy, the Founder of Masion Samy and Mula by Samy.
During the session, Mohamed Samy talked about his exciting journey through starting his own brand as he studied different cultures and started to look for the uniqueness in the Egyptian culture by introducing his first collection that was inspired from siwan shawls and Al-Malas Al-Said.

Advances in Gene and Immune Therapy Conference

Sunday, 11 December 2022 15:25
566 Hit
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Faculty of Biotechnology had the honour to organise the first annual conference under the title of "Advances in Gene and Immune Therapy Conference" which was held in the SSB conference hall on Saturday the 10th of December.
The Conference aimed to shed light on the latest developments and the prospects of molecular medicine with a concentration on the fields’ potential to cure intractable diseases and fundamentally alter the trajectory of many other vexing illnesses, with a plethora of applications from personalized cancer therapies to vaccine development in infectious diseases.

Congratulates Prof. Dr. Ali Hamed El Bastaweesy

Sunday, 11 December 2022 13:09
613 Hit
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) congratulates Prof. Dr. Ali Hamed El Bastaweesy, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University, for the membership of the Computers and Information Sector Committee for private universities for the second time by the Supreme Council of Universities.
Congratulations Dr. Ali, with our heartfelt wishes for more success and excellence.

Real Life Career path

Sunday, 11 December 2022 11:51
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The Faculty of Management Sciences invited a group of its brilliant graduates who are holding prestigious positions in more than one multinational corporations to discuss with students how to start pursuing a bright future career.


The session discussed the following topics:


Trending Material in Interior Design

Saturday, 10 December 2022 16:31
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Great & very interesting event within the framework of MSA University's keenness to give students the chance to explore the importance of Trend materials and their methods of use and applications in interior design, & furniture. The Interior Design Department of the Faculty of Art and Design, in cooperation with the Chamber of Woodworking & Furniture Industry, held an important symposium entitled "Trending Materials in Interior Design, Furniture Industry Organization by Assoc''. Prof, Hoda Madkour.


What is Takes to Work in The Advertising Profession

Saturday, 10 December 2022 13:44
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"What is takes to work in the advertising profession", was the title of the session presented by Mr. Amr Nada, the managing director of Leap Communications Advertising Agency.


the MSA Creativity and Activity Club Bazaar

Thursday, 08 December 2022 17:10
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Our creative students of MSA participated with their amazing handmade products on the first day of the MSA Creativity and Activity Club Bazaar.


Students from different faculties brought their unique pieces which many students were fascinated by and were immediately sold.


Let's tell them something motivational through the comments.


See you tomorrow and stay tuned for more creativity!

Congratulations to Dr. Shereen Farouk Abou Dagher

Thursday, 08 December 2022 17:02
522 Hit
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) and the family of the Faculty of Engineering, Architectural Systems Engineering Department, would like to warmly congratulate Dr. Shereen Farouk Abou Dagher for obtaining a Ph.D. from Cairo University in November, 2022 in the field of coordinating sites for the child with a thesis titled "Designing and Coordinating Residual Spaces as Child-Friendly Spaces".


Violence Against Women Awareness Day

Thursday, 08 December 2022 16:50
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Let's be the change we want to see in the world!


The Faculty of Biotechnology at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) invited all MSA family of faculty members, employees, and students to wear a uniform or a mark in orange, which is the color set by the United Nations to support the cause of stopping violence against women.

Research Process: A step-by-step Guide

Wednesday, 07 December 2022 21:19
552 Hit
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The Research and Innovation Hub at the Faculty of Dentistry held its first workshop under the title of “Research Process: A step-by-step Guide” with a high level of participation.

Biochemistry Poster Day

Wednesday, 07 December 2022 15:35
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Following the MSA University vision and belief in the role of scientific research in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and in encouraging pharmacy students to participate in scientific research, the Department of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy was honoured to present 30 posters of level 4 students' researches in the biochemical and genetic changes related to different diseases and disorders as fibromyalgia, Familial Mediterranean fever, Post-COVID syndrome, ovarian cancer, glioblastoma, osteoarthritis, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, etc. .

Research management Workshop

Tuesday, 06 December 2022 20:10
445 Hit
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In continuation of the efforts of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of October for Modern Sciences and Arts in developing the research capabilities of faculty members and increasing funded external research projects, and within the framework of cooperation between the Awareness and Training Committee of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit of the Faculty with the German Authority for Cultural Exchange DAAD, a workshop entitled "Research management" was held by Prof. Dr. Mona Al-Tabaji, Lecturer at the German Authority for Cultural Exchange (DAAD), which aims to introduce how to manage research projects and the success factors of these projects, while shedding light on how to develop project plans and optimal follow-up to ensure the success of these projects.

Field Visit to Nawah Scientific Research Center

Monday, 05 December 2022 10:09
373 Hit
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The Faculty of Biotechnology at MSA University sponsored a field visit to Nawah Scientific Research Center for the students who currently study the Gene Therapy course.


Firstly, the students attended an informative theoretical session demonstrating the methods of gene therapy and different gene delivery systems. Afterwards, the students had a complete tour of the research center where they were informed of all the labs and the kind of experiments done there. The tour included the Mammalian tissue culture lab, Microbiology lab, Nanotechnology lab, Analytical chemistry lab, and stability testing lab.

How to Select Your Career

Monday, 05 December 2022 09:45
576 Hit
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Within the framework of the interest of the Faculty of Pharmacy at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) and its in professional guidance and continuous communication with graduates, the Alumni Follow-up and Continuing Education Committee organized a symposium entitled "How to Select Your Career".


The different fields of career guidance were presented by three of the most distinguished graduates, whom the faculty had the honor to host, and who are considered a role model for students, as they are a source of pride for the faculty because they have reached distinguished and advanced positions in the pharmaceutical fields, and they are:

Egyptair field trip for Mass Communication and Languages

Monday, 05 December 2022 08:14
437 Hit
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MSA Student training committee (MSA-STC) have organized a field trip to Egyptair for students of Faculty of Mass Communication and Languages.


MSA University in cooperation with Egypt Air have organized a field trip for 15 students with the aim to make the students aware of training programs of Egypt Air Academy.


The Gene Therapy course

Sunday, 04 December 2022 22:09
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The Faculty of Biotechnology, MSA university sponsored the visit of the Gene Therapy course students to Nawah Scientific Research Center.


The Gene Therapy course students attended the visit trip, accompanied by Dr. Ahmed Nour El-Din and L.A. Norhan Yasser. The students arrived at 10:30 am at Nawah scientific, they attended an informative theoretical session demonstrating the methods of gene therapy and different gene delivery systems.



Wednesday, 30 November 2022 17:33
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The Faculty of Languages, MSA proudly concluded its progress seminar of fall 2022 about the marriage between AI and humanities.


The seminar presented four topics by faculty members, ranging from employability, hands-on application, art, and literature.


Back to School Awareness Campaign

Wednesday, 30 November 2022 14:11
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As MSA University believes in the importance of its youth in raising awareness to societies for a better future, the students and faculty members of the Committee for Sustainable Development at the Faculty of Dentistry at MSA University conducted a "Back to School" awareness campaign on the importance of brushing teeth, maintaining proper nutrition and paying attention to personal hygiene to the children who came with their families at the Faculty's dental hospital. In addition, the committee were able to visit El-Sanabel Nursery in 6th of October City and conducted a full awareness campaign for brushing teeth, healthy food, and the proper way to brush teeth for nursery and kindergarten children.


Diabetes Prevention Marathon

Wednesday, 30 November 2022 12:13
448 Hit
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MSAains ran significant rounds on our beautiful campus for the great cause of World Diabetes Awareness Month!


In light of achieving the goals of sustainable development and raising awareness of healthy life and occupational safety and health and coinciding with the International Diabetes Awareness Month, the Faculty of Physical Therapy in cooperation with the sports and social activities department organized a huge Diabetes Prevention marathon to raise awareness of diabetes, the importance of changing lifestyles and of ways to avoid the severe health complications of diabetes in the future.


The Media and Youth Empowerment Eighth Session

Wednesday, 30 November 2022 11:31
739 Hit
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The eighth session of the scientific conference of the Faculty of Mass Communication at MSA University was held on the 28th and 29th of November, 2022 under the title "Media and Youth Empowerment" in the presence of a group of professors, media professionals, senior statesmen and officials.


Cinematic Storyboard Workshop

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 14:33
725 Hit
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When directors have an image in their mind of how a particular shot or sequence should play out, storyboarding is the first step in making this idea a reality.


The Cinema and Theater Department at the Faculty of Arts and Design organized a fruitful workshop under the title of "Cinematic Storyboard" and it was led by the expert animator and illustrator Ahmad Yousry for the students of the Cinema and Theatre department. The workshop articulated how the storyboard artists and their sensibilities have a profound effect on how the film will take shape.


"Forever is Now" Educational Trip

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 14:13
460 Hit
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Experience is the teacher of all things


As a part of MSA University's strategy to inform students of the trendy and newest updates to keep pace with the developments in the labor market, the Faculty of Arts and Design at October University for Modern Sciences and Letters (MSA University) organized an educational trip to "Forever is Now", an International Art Exhibition at the Giza Pyramids for students of the preparatory year and the third year of the Graphics and Media Arts Department with the supervision of several faculty members.


Constructive Assessment for Learning

Monday, 28 November 2022 13:45
549 Hit
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Within the framework of cooperation between the Awareness and Training Committee of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit at the Faculty of Pharmacy at MSA University, with the German Authority for Cultural Exchange (DAAD) to develop the capabilities of the faculty members, a series of training programs have been organized dealing with different topics on education, learning, promising leadership, and scientific research.


How to start your own project - preparing for entrepreneurship

Monday, 28 November 2022 13:18
416 Hit
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Within the framework of the interest of the Faculty of Pharmacy at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) in entrepreneurship and encouraging students to start small projects, the Graduates Follow-up and Continuing Education Committee and the Entrepreneurship Committee of Community Service and Environmental Development organized a workshop entitled "How to start your own project - preparing for entrepreneurship" given by Dr. Alaa Youssef - founder and CEO of JEVAN.


Congratulations Prof. Ayman Diab

Monday, 28 November 2022 12:57
438 Hit
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) congratulates Prof. Dr. Ayman Diab, Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology at MSA University, for presiding over the finals of the innovation competition in biotechnology, which will be held in February 2023 under the auspices of the Veterinary Hospital for Treatment and Laboratory Analysis in the Armed Forces, in the presence and participation of jury committees from the following universities:


How to be a professional Facebook Media Buyer

Monday, 28 November 2022 10:33
470 Hit
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If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business. - Bill Gates


The Faculty of Management Sciences hosted a significant Digital Marketing Workshop entitled "How to be a professional Facebook Media Buyer in 120 minutes" given by the expert Eng. Shady El Shazly ,a Web Developer, Meta Business Partner, and Google Ads Expert.


The Faculty of Languages AI session part one

Thursday, 24 November 2022 10:42
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Fulfilling MSA university's mission to utilize and engage with AI and its application,

The Faculty of Languages was pleased to host a very important AI session given by the expert Microsoft Regional Manager Dr. Ahmed Bahaa who gave a futuristic talk about AI as he highlighted the significance of AI in many arenas, including warfare and job markets.


Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Nader El-Bakl

Thursday, 24 November 2022 10:25
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MSA University would like to proudly congratulate Prof. Dr. Nader El-Bakl, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry as he was chosen as part of the Supreme Advisory Committee of the Egyptian Health Council by Minister of Health, Decision No. 520 of 2022, and the first tasks assigned were:


Students' participation in City Hackathon-2021, Climathon-2022, and Hack 4Climate competitions honoring

Wednesday, 23 November 2022 12:12
566 Hit
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) is proudly congratulated and honored the students who participated, were shortlisted and who have won in Smart City Hackathon-2021, Climathon-2022, and Hack 4Climate competitions.


This event was organized as part of MSA University's strategy to encourage students to work on projects that integrate different disciplines and that these projects are able to compete in the labor market.

Faculty of Physical Therapy - Marco Burnik's Visit

Monday, 21 November 2022 12:12
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Within the framework of the cooperation between the Faculty of Physical Therapy at MSA University and Life Medical Consult, the Swiss expert Marco Burnik, an expert in the field of neural rehabilitation, visited MSA university in order to present updates in the field of neural rehabilitation using robotics.

Global Medication Safety Week Awareness

Monday, 21 November 2022 10:20
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In conjunction with the Global Medication Safety Week and under the auspices of both the Community Service and Environmental Development Committee at the Faculty of Pharmacy, MSA University, and the Pharmacovigilance Association in Egypt, the fifth-level students who are currently taking the "Pharmacovigilance" course at the Faculty carried out an awareness campaign about the importance of reporting side effects of all kinds of medications, especially serious and unusual side effects, as well as simple side effects.

3rd International Conference of Physical Therapy at MTI University

Monday, 21 November 2022 10:01
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In the context of encouraging scientific research, the Faculty of Physical therapy at MSA University participated in the Third International Conference of Physical therapy at MTI University, which took place on the 17th and the 18th of November, 2022.


It is an international student research conference with the participation of many countries. In addition, many public and private faculties of Physical Therapy were able to participate in this conference.

Awareness of World Diabetes Day

Sunday, 20 November 2022 10:16
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In light of creating awareness of World Diabetes Day, October for Modern Science and Arts University (MSA University) and The Sustainable Development Committee of the Faculty of Dentistry implemented an initiative to analyze sugar for 300 patients in all clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry and 60 faculty members and university employees.


The initiative was implemented under the supervision of Dr. Mona Abdel Muttalib, a consultant in general internal medicine and clinical nutrition, who followed up on the results of the patients' sugar analysis and provided them with the necessary instructions to deal with their health condition. She also gave awareness lectures about diabetes, its types, symptoms, complications, and treatment methods.

MSA's Closing Day of the Climate Conference (COP27)

Sunday, 20 November 2022 09:37
621 Hit
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As a part of the coverage of the closing day of the Climate Conference (COP27) taking place at Sharm El-Sheikh, the booth of October University for Modern Sciences and Arts - MSA University was in the presence of:

MSA's twelfth Day at the Climate Conference (COP27)

Sunday, 20 November 2022 09:22
499 Hit
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As a part of the coverage of the twelfth day of the Climate Conference (COP27) taking place at Sharm El-Sheikh, the booth of October University for Modern Sciences and Arts - MSA University was in the presence of:

EBSCOhost Databases

Thursday, 17 November 2022 10:50
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To ease the research process for all of our students and staff members while writing their academic papers, MSA University is bringing back EBSCOhost Databases for one year starting from the 1st of November, 2022 to the 1st of November, 2023.


EBSCOhost is an online research platform used by thousands of institutions worldwide.

MSA's eleventh Day at the Climate Conference (COP27)

Thursday, 17 November 2022 10:11
504 Hit
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As a part of the coverage of the eleventh day of the Climate Conference (COP27) taking place at Sharm El-Sheikh, the booth of October University for Modern Sciences and Arts - MSA University was in the presence of:

MSA's Tenth Day at the Climate Conference (COP27)

Wednesday, 16 November 2022 09:02
557 Hit
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As a part of the coverage of the tenth day of the Climate Conference (COP27) taking place at Sharm El-Sheikh, the booth of October University for Modern Sciences and Arts - MSA University was in the presence of:

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