In compliance with MSA University’s General Conduct Regulations, the following rules and behaviors are expected from our students through any online communication platform, and while attending a virtual Zoom class:
- Make sure you are in a quiet area before entering a Zoom class.
- Join your scheduled class on time or few minutes earlier.
- Only use your real name while signing-in.
- Turn off your camera, unless the instructor asks you to turn it on.
- Mute your microphone when you are not speaking, and allow others to speak without interrupting them.
- Use the “Raise Hand” feature if you wish to ask a question or share something, and wait for the Instructor’s permission to unmute you.
- Use the chat box to share ideas and ask questions that are related to the lesson.
- Avoid typing words in ALL-UPPERCASE; which is the written equivalent of shouting.
- Use language that is appropriate for an academic environment; polite, courteous, respectful, and clear.
Any improper conduct performed by a student during a Zoom session, or through any used online communication platform, including but not limited to:
- Sharing content without permission.
- Showing disrespect for the university, faculty, instructor, or classmates.
- Using inappropriate language, emoji, graphics, videos, photos, etc.
- Sending messages that are threatening, offensive, or breaching tradition and moral standards.
Will not be tolerated, and immediate disciplinary action will be taken against violators, and would result in dismissal from the University.