Pharmacists in Frontlines Conference
- Date September 25, 2024

Through two days the international conference of the Faculty of Pharmacy, MSA University shed light on many urgent health related topics. The conference title was “Pharmacists in frontlines: New challenges & innovative solutions”.
International keynote speakers have demonstrated important data and research that covered disease and patient wellbeing subjects.
The conference has reached very fruitful recommendations that can contribute to health research fields. These recommendations focused on the use of small interfering RNA (siRNA) as an innovative out of the box tool for treatment. It is aimed to deliver antiviral siRNA either directly using cytosol targeting bacterial toxin or indirectly by using exosomes.
Widespread use of antibiotics should be discouraged, as they may lead to higher bacterial resistance rates, which will impact the burden of diseases and deaths in a population during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Principles (IPC) and AMS need to be applied to the COVID-19 clinical management / decision making process in all healthcare settings.
It is also recommended to use Nanofibers as excellent nano formulations for targeting brain.
Bright future is waiting for AI as saving money & time in radiology based assisted diagnosis, genomics, drug prescription and drug interactions. Pharmacoeconomics and health economics open the gate for many job opportunities in academia, market research, epidemiology, data management, biostability and health care policy.
Monitoring of the safety of COVID-19 vaccines as the global pandemic requires continuous attention.
The trials for using new antiviral agents in influenza treatment is still an interest in virology due to resistance to previous antiviral agents. The concept of polypharmacology is of great value for medicinal chemists to apply in drug repurposing and repositioning in order to reach treatment in less time and cost for patient health.
All academics, researchers, industry professionals and students are welcomed to join us in this valuable gathering.
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