- Date August 19, 2024

The Faculty of Engineering at MSA University aims to enhance the student’s creativity and imagination when dealing with future engineering problems. It also aims to increase students’ understanding, awareness, and appreciation of the social impact of technology, which helps guide future engineers to build successful and professional businesses worldwide. The engineering programs also aim to provide all students with the skills and tools that will facilitate progress faster in management positions which are achieved by:
Blending strong foundations in mathematics and basic sciences with fundamentals of engineering and systems engineering in various disciplines.
The effectiveness of using computers in communication, calculation and design.
Understand the uncertainties involved in engineering systems through probability, statistical and random techniques.
Work within a team in a multidisciplinary environment.
Expanding students’ horizons by studying social and human sciences.
Exposing students to human/machine systems, leading to rapid advancement into management positions.
MSA selects a limited number of students for admission to the Faculty of Engineering to ensure a challenging learning environment where students develop their analytical skills and creativity.
The Faculty of Engineering at MSA has majors with unique advantages, including the following:
The latest curricula in various majors.
An ideal learning environment, facilitated by a low student-lecturer ratio, which leads to a good relationship between students, lecturers and their assistants.
Communication with a high-quality team, who have experience in applying modern teaching and learning methods and experience in the real world.
Using international scientific books in English.
Focusing on computers, the Internet, scientific trips, small projects, and educational videos in most engineering materials courses, with the availability of modern laboratories to conduct various experiments.
Contacts and opportunities with British and American universities.
The University of Greenwich’s accreditation of MSA Engineering programs provides our students with the opportunity to obtain a British Bachelor’s degree in their specialties.
“The Faculty of Engineering at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts offers modern educational programs, in cooperation with a British partner, that supports entrepreneurship and meets the needs of the job market, and prepare graduates qualified for creative thinking and equipped with engineering, technical, intellectual, professional and administrative skills; and it conducts applied scientific research.”
Justice and Non-Discrimination.
Quality and Excellence.
Integrity and Honesty.
Intellectual Freedom.
Respect and Acceptance of Others.
Fulfilling accreditation requirements from national/international bodies.
Developing the faculty’s educational services.
Conducting scientific research that goes along with global developments.
Promoting the faculty’s community participation.
Achieving institutional flexibility in dealing with challenges.
Providing a rich and diverse university life.
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“MSA Alumni Biweekly Jobs Newsletter”
- Date August 19, 2024

Conditions Required for Each Certificate
Thanaweya Amma
- Only Scientific Math Branch is accepted.
1- The Total number of subjects to be calculated are (9).
2- Passing grade for (OL) subjects is “C”
3- Passing grade for (AL or ASL) is “D”
4- Accepted scores must be taken during not more than (4) successive years with no maximum of IGCSE sittings.
5- There are (5) qualifying subjects :
- English language or Literature.
- Math
- AS/AL Math
- Chemistry
- Physics
+ Student must take at least (4) more subjects from the list of subjects approved by the Egyptian Ministry for Higher Education.
American Diploma
1- The Total number of subjects to be calculated are (8) subjects.
2- At least (4) subjects from Grade 12 + Maximum of (2) subjects from Grade 10.
3- The passing grade for SAT 1 or EST 1 is 800 while ACT I the passing grade is 820.
4- Each requested subject MUST be at least (1) credit.
5- There are (5) qualifying subjects :
- English Language or Literature or Composition.
- Math.
- Advanced Math (or SAT II / ACT II / EST II)
- Chemistry
- Physics
+ (4) More subjects from the list of subjects approved by the ministry.
Important Note: The rules regarding the validity and the accepted dates for SAT / ACT or EST are set and will be announced by the Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt.
N.B: The passing grade for SAT2/EST2/ACT2 is 900
*Subjects must include: (Math + Physics or Biology or Chemistry)
1- The Total number of subjects to be calculated are (8).
2- At least (5) subjects from Grade 12 +Maximum of (3) subjects from Grade 11
3- Subjects with less than one credit are not accepted.
4- There are (5) qualifying subjects :
- English language or Literature.
- Math.
- Advanced Math
- Chemistry
- Physics
+ Student must take at least (4) Subjects from the list of subjects approved the Egyptian Ministry for Higher Education.
1- The Total number of subjects to be calculated are (6).
2- The student MUST study (3) subjects at least on the higher level + (3) on the standard level.
3- In addition to Theory of Knowledge & Extended Essay.
4- Passing score is 24/45.
5- Arabic language can be considered one of the 6 required subjects
6- Qualifying subjects:
- English Language or Literature
- Math
+ In addition to another 3 different subjects
1- The total number of subjects to be calculated are (7)
2- ONLY (1) subject can be calculated from Grade 10 if (Biology – Chemistry – Physics)
3- There are (4) qualifying subjects :
- English language or Literature.
- Math.
- Chemistry
- Physics
+ Student must take at least (3) more subjects.
French Baccalauréat
1. The total number of subjects to be calculated are (7)
2. Passing mark is (10)
3. French Oral & French Écrit are calculated as one subject
4. Only Série Scientifique (S) is qualified to join the faculty of Engineering
5. Year 12 must include Mathematiques subject
6. Physique-Chimie can be calculated from year 11 or 12
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