Campus News

Mobile Journalism session 2019

Sunday, 15 December 2019 11:00
1381 Hit
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We care about our amazing and astonishing students and we care to keep them updated with all the cutting edge technologies

MSA students, Graduates and Staff at the World Youth Forum 2019

Sunday, 15 December 2019 10:31
1523 Hit
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Effective participation and attendance of a high-level delegation from the Board of Trustees, faculty members, graduates and students of the MSA University at the World Youth Forum 2019 chaired by Prof. Dr. Nawal El-Degwi, MSA University Board of Trustees Chairman ,,, Dr. Mona El-Degwi, The Manager of Dar Al-Tarbiyah Schools ,,, and Eng. Engy Mansour, Director of Human Resources Department at MSA University.

Pharmaceutics field visit to Global Nabi

Sunday, 15 December 2019 10:26
1702 Hit
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The Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, MSA University, organised a field visit to Global Nabi to increase students awareness of the importance of industry and to link the planned scientific content and industrial pharmacy to the Egyptian industrial environment.

Pack Designer Competition - 2019

Sunday, 15 December 2019 10:15
1913 Hit
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Students of the Faculty of Arts and Design at MSA University obtained 10 out of 30 winning places in the the Packaging Competition "Pack Designer 2019", with the participation of 163 students from various Egyptian public and private universities.

Egypt Air Training

Sunday, 15 December 2019 09:45
3003 Hit
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Students of the faculties of Mass Communication & The Faculty of Languages, MSA University at the Egypt Air Training Academy!!

Honoring pharmacy students

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 12:46
1672 Hit
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Our Pride, the most amazing students who achieved a mile stone in their academic life.

Biochemistry poster day

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 12:33
1591 Hit
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Following the vision of MSA University and belief in the role of scientific research in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and in the value of encouraging Pharmacy students to participate in the scientific research..

The 47th Egyptian Universities competitions

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 12:01
1420 Hit
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In light of the impressive results and the impressive performance of the 47th Egyptian Universities competitions, and the victory of MSA’s team over many public and private universities.

IEEE's Robotics Workshop

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 10:46
1654 Hit
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IEEE's Robotics Workshop was a great success!!

Digital Smile Design and Implant Planning

Sunday, 08 December 2019 14:10
1784 Hit
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Digitalisation & automated technology is taking over the world everywhere so why should we stick to the traditional ways...

MSAMUN 10th annual conference

Sunday, 08 December 2019 12:02
1769 Hit
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The Opening ceremony of the 10th annual conference of the United Nations simulation model at the October University for Modern Sciences and Arts

Suture materials and techniques learn from the experts hands-on seminar

Saturday, 07 December 2019 01:04
1596 Hit
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The Faculty of Dentistry held a hands on seminar with the title "suture materials & techniques, learn from experts" where the speaker Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Maksoud, Prof of Periodentology at Harvard school of dental medicine , Boston, USA gave a lecture about different suture materials & techniques followed by practical training on models for different suture techniques. the lecture was attended by 40 staff and interns to benefit from the seminar.

Free Drawing Practical Training Session

Monday, 02 December 2019 12:02
2063 Hit
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Another patch of the future innovative artists from the first year students at the Faculty of Arts and Design had a practical training session about the free drawing of statues and art pieces of different historical eras of the Egyptian civilization in the Egyptian Museum

Faculty of Pharmacy visit to 57357 hospital

Monday, 02 December 2019 11:02
2110 Hit
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Drawing happiness, laughter and hope in the hearts of the children of 57357 Hospital to participate and contribute in charity work was the noble goal and precious wish for the student of the Scientific Club for Microbiology SMC from the Faculty of Pharmacy - during their visit today to the hospital under the auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Hanan Al-Laithi.

Egyptian stock market Training

Sunday, 01 December 2019 11:16
1877 Hit
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Our amazing and astonishing students of the Faculty of Management sciences visited the Egyptian stock market as the faculty of management Sciences at MSA University organized two days training there.

Field Trip to Edita Foods Industries factory

Sunday, 01 December 2019 11:09
2207 Hit
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Our amazing and astonishing students of the Faculty of Management sciences visited Edita Foods Industries factory as the faculty of management Sciences at MSA University organized three days training there.

Free Drawing Practical Training Session

Sunday, 01 December 2019 10:42
1885 Hit
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The future creators from the first year students at the Faculty of Arts and Design had a practical training session about the free drawing of statues and art pieces of different historical eras of the Egyptian civilization in the Egyptian Museum

Training session at Security Institute for Human Development in the Ministry of Interior

Sunday, 01 December 2019 10:04
1724 Hit
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- Genetic fingerprinting techniques.


- Definition of criminal crime and its stages.


- Methods of DNA separation through modern devices.


- Biological evidence in crime survey.


- The use of DNA in the identity of the deceased.


- Use of DNA in lineage issues.


- Definition of the interest of forensic medicine and its sections.


Field Trip to Al-Nahar networks & channels

Sunday, 01 December 2019 09:58
1717 Hit
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Within the framework of the implementation of the university's plan and vision for linking the curriculum and theoretical sciences to the practical reality, the Summer Training Committee at the University, MSA-STC organized a field visit for the students of the Faculty of Mass Communication for Al-Nahar networks and channels in Egyptian Media Production City

5th Annual media Conference (ACT)

Sunday, 01 December 2019 09:33
1458 Hit
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Concluding the activities, discussions and proposals of the fifth scientific conference of the Faculty of Mass Communication, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts - MSA University under the title "Media & Climate Change", which was held on Saturday, 30th of November in the presence of:

Pharmaceutics Field Trip to Eva

Tuesday, 26 November 2019 11:36
1485 Hit
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Our amazing & astonishing pharmaceutical Level 4 & 5 students from the Faculty of Pharmacy had a field visit to the Eva Cosmetics factory.

Eng. Mohamed El Sawy award

Tuesday, 26 November 2019 11:28
1761 Hit
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Eng. Mohamed El Sawy, founder of Sakia Abdel Moneim El Sawy and awarded the Order of Merit from the President of the Federal Republic of Germany

The First aid activities and training

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 11:03
1619 Hit
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The First aid activities and training concluded at the Faculty of Biotechnology in cooperation with the Egyptian Red Crescent Society, held in the period from 16 to 18 November 2019 inside the university headquarters in the presence of more than 45 students from various faculties.

The 14th Annual Schools Championships

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 10:44
1387 Hit
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Today was the final day of the 14th Annual Schools Championships hosted by MSA University that was attended by 2500 student from more than 47 international schools.

El Moled - المولـد

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 10:10
1752 Hit
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MSA University enjoyed a wonderful day with all the students and staff members in the marvelous event "El Moled - المولـد".

1st Diabetes Awareness Campaign

Tuesday, 19 November 2019 09:42
2802 Hit
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An astounding success, the faculty of Biotechnology arranged for the ‘1st Diabetes Awareness Campaign’ with a phenomenal combination of speakers, sponsors and events!

Field trip to Salah Eldin El Ayoubi Citadel

Saturday, 09 November 2019 14:50
2178 Hit
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MSA always cares about its creative, amazing & awesome students and we always want to link their theoretical lessons to the practical life.

Parametric Thinking workshop

Saturday, 09 November 2019 14:19
2288 Hit
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Our amazing, innovative & creative Students at MSA university are always aiming to achieve the best results.

Technological Leverage For Digital transformation of Egyptian Manufacturing

Wednesday, 06 November 2019 15:05
1912 Hit
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In an Era where every second counts and speed is everything the Digital Transformation is a necessity for everyone today in business & personal life so MSA held the "Technological Leverage For Digital transformation of Egyptian Manufacturing" today to keep up with all the changes happening in the world.

Awareness Event for Breast cancer

Wednesday, 30 October 2019 12:46
1713 Hit
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MSA University always cares about the community and the people..
So as part of the Community service the Faculty of Dentistry's Community Service Committee organised an Awareness Event for Breast cancer and inviting all the patients, Faculty & Staff members to attend, listen & benefit from

Breast Cancer Awareness

Monday, 28 October 2019 15:14
1544 Hit
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According to the World Health Organisation & the Egyptian National Cancer Centre 34% of Egyptian Women suffer from Breast Cancer.

The Rifat Chadirji Prize 2019

Monday, 28 October 2019 11:35
2129 Hit
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MSA University Congratulates our amazing, talented & astonishing Architecture Engineering Graduates who achieved 2nd and 3rd place after competing with 190 applicants from 44 Different Countries in The Rifat Chadirji Prize 2019 - Barjeel Museum For Modern Arab Art In Sharjah.

6th Cairo International Exhibition for Innovation

Thursday, 24 October 2019 14:35
1941 Hit
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Happening now ....

Active participation and intensive activity in the booth of October University for Modern Sciences and Arts - MSA University at the 6th Cairo International Exhibition for Innovation held at the Center for International Conferences and Exhibitions from 24 - 25 October 2019 under the patronage of the President.


A Linux Session

Tuesday, 22 October 2019 14:52
1850 Hit
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Computer Science inverts the normal. In normal science, you're given a world, and your job is to find out the rules. In computer science, you give the computer the rules, and it creates the world.

Biotechnology's Awards Ceremony

Tuesday, 22 October 2019 14:53
1914 Hit
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In light of the academic and intellectual accomplishments of the Faculty of Biotechnology’s students and staff, the Faculty organized a very special Awards Ceremony to acknowledge and celebrate those distinguished successes.


Cairo Water Week 2019

Monday, 21 October 2019 11:26
1997 Hit
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MSA the only University shared in CWW 2019

Cairo Water Week 2019 Under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, President of the Republic, the activities of Cairo Week were launched in its second edition under the slogan “Responding to Water Scarcity” during the period from 20 to 24 October.


Draping principles workshop

Sunday, 20 October 2019 10:41
1928 Hit
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Our Talented MSA fashion students with Elena Ryleeva, EWST fashionlab - fashion design training & research studio Founder are creating fashionable art through draping skills in the "Draping principles" workshop

The Seed Processing Station

Sunday, 20 October 2019 09:48
1658 Hit
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As part of the practical and field training for students of the Faculty of Biotechnology, MSA University, students enrolled in the (Host Plant Resistance) course visited the “Seed Processing Station” of Fine Seed International company in Sadat city.


Faculty of Biotechnology at Bibliotheca Alexandria

Sunday, 20 October 2019 09:37
1928 Hit
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Our amazing and wonderful students of the Faculty of Biotechnology visited the oldest and greatest sources of knowledge in history, which was developed by Alexander the Great and carried out by Ptolemy I and Ptolemy II, a library overlooking the Mediterranean shore in the most beautiful and oldest cities in the world as a part of Biotechnology's Book Club activity.


Mass Communication’s field trip to the Citadel & Faiths Compound

Thursday, 17 October 2019 14:32
2364 Hit
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In accordance to MSA’s sincere efforts in fostering support and reinforcement among its freshmen students, the faculty of Mass Communication organized a field trip to the Citadel and Faiths Compound on Saturday, October 12, 2019. Two groups of students comprising fifty-six joined the field trip to experience the historical sites live. The students were escorted by Dr. Hala El Zahed, family leader and their instructor; Dr. Maha El Tarabishi, acting vice dean; Dr. Nihal El Shimy, political science & psychology instructor at MSA along with TA & family leader Ms. Farida El Hakim.


The 1st International Conference "Translating Cultures – Theory & Practice"

Saturday, 12 October 2019 14:59
2879 Hit
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The Faculty of Languages -MSA University- celebrated the success of its First International Conference "Translating Cultures – Theory & Practice". The conference was held on Oct 9-10, 2019 under the auspices of Professor Nawal El Degwi, the Head of the Board of Trustees, and Professor Khayri Abdel Hamid, the University President and chaired by Prof. Soha Raafat, Dean of the Faculty of Languages.


Handicrafts Exhibition

Wednesday, 09 October 2019 09:56
1693 Hit
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Our amazing Students Attended and participated with unconventional ideas in the exhibition of “ Torathna” for the handicrafts held at the Egyptian Centre for International Exhibitions at the fifth settlement under the auspices and presence of the President of the Republic of Egypt Abdulfatah Al Sisi.


Human genome project

Tuesday, 08 October 2019 10:35
1663 Hit
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Our amazing young scientists from the faculty of biotechnology watched a movie about the Human genome project, the movie talked about the international scientific research project with the goal of determining the sequence of nucleotide base pairs that make up human DNA, and mapping all of the genes, it remains the world's largest collaborative biological project.

Graduation Ceremony Class 2018-2019

Monday, 07 October 2019 11:44
2049 Hit
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Dear Seniors,

our amazing graduates made all of us proud on their graduation days


MSA won the 1st annual conference in communication and information technology

Thursday, 03 October 2019 14:11
1701 Hit
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MSA University celebrated a new achievement when it came in first place compared to all Egyptian private universities in the competitions of information and communication technology - Huawei 2019 (Huawei ICT competition) and its students got the first places in the world.


Dental Graduation Orientation Day

Wednesday, 25 September 2019 11:00
1834 Hit
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Under supervision of prof.dr.Faten Kamel ,Dean of faculty of Dentistry, graduation project commitee organized an orientation session for senior students where criteria of graduation projects were explained to students in details and some of top previous graduation projects were presented .


Al-Wadi Holding Group Cooperation Protocol

Sunday, 15 September 2019 10:30
1857 Hit
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Within the framework of the exchange of knowledge and experience and bridging the gap between theoretical education and practical application and correct guidance for the topics of graduation projects and the optimal use of field visits and summer training ...

Child University Program

Wednesday, 28 August 2019 14:39
1649 Hit
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Promoting the creative education of science and discovering and embracing distinguished children in the early stages of basic education are the main porpous of the child university program

MSA University Visits Africa

Sunday, 25 August 2019 10:36
1934 Hit
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Detection and treatment of more than 150 cases and the conduct of 76 surgeries and delivered 11 lectures to raise awareness of oral and dental health for various stages of life ,,,, is the outcome of volunteer work carried out by Dr. Rania Ihab Younis Assistant Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Faculty of Dentistry At the MSA University during an arduous journey to the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya.

Dr. Hatem El Banna's Achievement

Sunday, 25 August 2019 10:10
2816 Hit
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Dr. Hatem El Banna, Instructor of Finance and Financial Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, MSA University, the Egyptian Stock Exchange contributes and participates in the launch of a new index, "EGX 30 TR" for the 30 most active companies in terms of liquidity and activity to diversify market performance measurement tools and assist dealers and investors in measuring the total return.

MSA Oscar

Monday, 05 August 2019 11:41
1805 Hit
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The first annual event, MSA Oscar, was held to honor the university students who are distinguished scientifically and mathematically and have won the top positions in the international and local competitions during the academic year 2018-2019 in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hawaii International Network and Communication Technology and for the first time in the history of Egyptian universities the Director of Human Resources and The Deputy Chairman of the Board.

Embracing Industry 4.0

Sunday, 04 August 2019 10:22
1815 Hit
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In 5 hours Microsoft shared with everyone their plan for 2025 and their vision for 2050, witness the tremendous progress in:

- Information storage and installation in industry development
- Artificial Intelligence
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
- Big data and IOT (Internet of thinking)
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution
- The quantum physics

The 10th annual Architecture Exhibition

Saturday, 03 August 2019 19:29
2122 Hit
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New designs and ideas for re-use of the editorial complex and landscaping projects on the ground in the new administrative capital and architectural designs for the development projects of Upper Egypt.

Sales & Negotiation Skills' Session

Saturday, 03 August 2019 18:14
2275 Hit
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The Faculty of Management Sciences, MSA University organized a session on Sales & Negotiation Skills on 30 July 2019. The session was conducted by Mr. Abdallah Donkol, the Commercial Manager of Wadi Group.

The first step for media reformation

Thursday, 01 August 2019 14:25
2156 Hit
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MSA’s Mass Communication faculty launches its first step for media reformation In light of MSA’s “Year of Change”, the faculty of Mass Communication held its first step towards presenting new approaches to media education through the “New Trends in media Education” Seminar.

The Cooperation between the Center for Excellence & Entrepreneurship

Wednesday, 31 July 2019 10:48
1907 Hit
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- Spread the culture of entrepreneurship and self-employment.
- Qualifying graduates and MSA students to establish and manage their projects successfully ...
- Adopting creative ideas and providing financial and non-financial assistance ...
- Using the faculty members of the university to provide advice and experience to the youth of Egypt.
- Evaluating ideas that can be implemented and transferred to projects, through competitions and distinguished graduation projects ...


The Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Visit

Wednesday, 17 July 2019 10:11
2089 Hit
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The Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources pays tribute to the distinguished scientific level of the students and graduates of MSA University during a visit to a number of applied projects in the faculties of engineering, biotechnology and pharmacy and presented research on the use of modern digital transformation techniques in the fields of water, irrigation and agriculture.


Faculty of biotechnology research institute visit

Monday, 15 July 2019 10:45
2726 Hit
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To further consummate the collaboration agreement between the faculty of Biotechnology at MSA University and the Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI), delegates from the faculty members, presided by the Dean of the faculty Prof. Ayman Diab, visited the research institute, on Sunday the 14th of July, with the intent of determining the cooperative potential between establishments.


MSA MWHO Annual International Conference 2019

Sunday, 14 July 2019 10:23
2814 Hit
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In the framework of the keenness of the Faculty of Pharmacy MSA University to develop the skills of its students and belief in the importance of youth and health to build the future, the Faculty was honored to inaugurate the first International Health Simulation Model Conference


Protocols of Scientific & Research Cooperation

Tuesday, 09 July 2019 13:29
1873 Hit
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According to the rapid development in all fields and researches related to the oil, natural gas and bio-fuel sector, as part of integration of efforts and scientific cooperation and exploitation of the scientific and material resources available at the Ministry of Petroleum and October University for Modern Sciences and Arts.

UK Student Summer Study Abroad Programme for 2019

Sunday, 07 July 2019 11:14
2055 Hit
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MSA Quality Assurance and International Partnership Unit is proud to announce the commencement of the UK Student Summer Study Abroad Programme for 2019.The unit has been running this programme with success since 2004.

A new initiative to serve the Egyptian community

Thursday, 04 July 2019 15:27
2010 Hit
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MSA is leading a new initiative to serve the Egyptian community ! After analyzing the needs in the health sector for professional communication skills, the faculty of Mass Communication under the leadership of its Dean, Dr. Ibtessam ElGindi, conducted a training to the nurses of Wadi El-Neel hospital to enhance their communication skills as well as their interaction with patients. .

Pharmacy Graduation Projects - Fall 2019

Wednesday, 03 July 2019 19:25
3983 Hit
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The Faculty of Pharmacy, October University of Modern Sciences and Arts attended the opening ceremony to discuss the graduation projects for undergraduate students in the presence of representatives of the University of Greenwich and a number of members of the faculty of pharmacy from different universities and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt.  

Biotechnology's Graduation Projects - Fall 2019

Sunday, 30 June 2019 14:36
2523 Hit
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Our Biotechnology students soon to be alumni are extraordinary & capable of achieving greatness, 164 student presented their graduation Project in front of 65 external examiners from over 40 research labs across the Nation in the opening ceremony.

The honor of the Minister of Higher Education to MSA Engineering Students

Tuesday, 25 June 2019 13:47
1884 Hit
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The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research honors MSA University’s students (Mustafa Azzouz and Abdul Rahman Jamal) from the Faculty of Engineering Majored in Communications and Electronics for achieving the second place in the worldwide competition of Huawei ICT, held in China from 26 to May 27, in the attendance of 100,000 students from 1,600 universities in 61 countries around the world.

Spring 2019 Bedforshire visit to Masscom

Monday, 17 June 2019 12:39
1976 Hit
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After a very successful week of hard work, Spring 2019 Bedforshire visit to the Faculty of Mass Communication was very fruitful. Bedfordshire delegation moderated all 400- level Students' submissions in terms of coursework, midterm and final exams The visit also included two staff development sessions to Mass Communication; in addition to a post graduate session with students.

Graduation Project Discussion Sessions

Sunday, 16 June 2019 13:59
3049 Hit
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The Faculty of Languages, MSA University, enjoyed a celebration of success over the last week where the Fourth-year students (Class 2019) had their Graduation Discussion sessions held.

Huawei Global Network and Communication Competition

Thursday, 30 May 2019 09:30
2225 Hit
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Out of 100,000 participants from 1600 university in 61 countries worldwide, only 49 teams where able to make it to the final stage of Huawei’s competition “Huawei Global Network and Communication Competition” that was held in China,

Mass Communication Graduation project

Wednesday, 22 May 2019 10:32
2600 Hit
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Our amazing Mass Communication, TV & Broadcasting & Journalism Majors students showed a wonderful self-confidence, strong personality and new important topics in their graduation projects where it was full of creativity, dedication and innovation.


Faculty of Management Graduation Projects

Sunday, 19 May 2019 10:21
2619 Hit
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Faculty of Management Sciences - MSA University- graduating students presented their graduation projects part 1 and part 2 in majors Accounting and Marketing and International Business.


Approval of the Institutional Review with UoB

Wednesday, 15 May 2019 10:35
2016 Hit
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Congratulations to MSA, it's our pride to announce that the institutional review with University of Bedfordshire has been approved.

Advertising and Media Campaign Presentation Day

Wednesday, 15 May 2019 10:26
2269 Hit
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17 amazing students groups of the Faculty of Management Sciences presented their advertising projects as a part of presentation day for the course Advertising and Media Campaign.

Pharmacy Summer Training Committee

Monday, 13 May 2019 09:37
2474 Hit
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The faculty of pharmacy is keen to help its students take control of their life and future through the summer training committee

MSA MWHO Annual Conference

Monday, 13 May 2019 09:26
2645 Hit
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In a continuation of the international cooperation between the world health organization simulation models, the world health organization simulation model (Gran WHO) at the Andalusian School of Public Health in Granada,

Because Your Health Matters

Saturday, 11 May 2019 12:32
2240 Hit
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Our awesome & amazing students from different levels participated in this huge successful event,The third scientific day of analytical chemistry department- faculty of pharmacy under the title of " because your health matters, analysts care"

Arts and Engineering Photo day 2019

Thursday, 09 May 2019 09:33
2241 Hit
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What an Amazing photo day for Engineering and Arts & Design!

You are all special & MSA University is truly proud of what you became in the time you spent around campus creating unique memories single place of the University,

Fashion Show 2019

Thursday, 09 May 2019 09:18
2408 Hit
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The Faculty of Arts and Design held its Fashion Show on the 5th of May as part of the Projects assigned to the level 3 Students majored in Fashion designing.

Business Development Internship

Thursday, 09 May 2019 09:07
1883 Hit
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MSA University is offering a Business Development Internship for its extremely awesome students and giving them a chance to take Control over their Career now!!

Management Sciences trip to Baby Home School

Thursday, 09 May 2019 08:59
2890 Hit
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The Faculty of Management Sciences organized a trip to Baby Home School (Dar El Tarbiah) on Sunday 5/5/2019 where the students of course children press (MCOM206) taught by Prof. Ahmed Samir Roushdy,

LaLiga Session

Wednesday, 08 May 2019 09:43
2706 Hit
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The Faculty of Management Sciences, MSA University organized a session by Mr. Juan Fuentes, delegate of LaLiga (Spanish Football League) in Egypt to highlight issues and secrets in the growing area of sports marketing an area where millions of dollars are invested.

Organic Chemistry fair in collaboration with pharmacognosy department

Wednesday, 08 May 2019 08:54
2423 Hit
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Take a look on our amazing level 1 and 3 pharmacy students as they show the fruit of their labour in the organic Chemistry fair in collaboration with pharmacognosy department.

Advertising & PR Graduation Projects

Tuesday, 07 May 2019 17:14
1878 Hit
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Days of effort, studying, weeks of rehearsals, preparations and years of Development those are the pillars of success.
For the past 4 years the Faculty of Mass Communication have been establishing those pillars and reinforcing them in the seniors we see today. Determination, Innovation, Creativity and Continuity are what you built on top of the pillars we provided. MSA University is truly proud of you all and we know you are destined for greatness so keep rushing forward in your life.

The Industrial Projects’ Poster Discussion Day

Tuesday, 23 April 2019 12:09
2753 Hit
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Our distinguished and amazing faculty of Biotechnology conducted the Industrial Projects’ Poster Discussion Day.

Harvest 7

Monday, 22 April 2019 00:00
2128 Hit
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Projects ready to be implemented to serve national projects and participate actively in the implementation of future plans for development and a quantum leap in quality and innovations of unprecedented students from the Faculty of Arts and Design at MSA University’s Harvest 7 that was the opinion of the experts and pioneers of art and design in Egypt.

The 58th annual conference of the (ESPET)

Monday, 22 April 2019 00:00
2205 Hit
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Faculty of Pharmacy gladly announce the great success of the 58th annual conference of the Egyptian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ESPET) under the title of “New trends in Pharmacology”.

5th Edition of Biotechnology Horizons 2050

Monday, 22 April 2019 00:00
1957 Hit
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A huge success for the students’ 5th edition of “Biotechnology Horizons 2050” the conference of the Complex Genome Analysis course with the attendance of 253 students, staff and visitors where everyone enjoyed a scientific presentations and discussions, with the presence of pioneers in this field, Dr. Mohamed Attia, Dr. Mohamed El Hadidi, and Dr. Ahmed Nada.

Egypt My Love

Thursday, 02 May 2019 18:59
2075 Hit
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A rocking performance and outstanding creativity of the advertising students at their event "Egypt my Love" in the attendance of the following marketing and advertising experts:

Tax Simulation 2019

Thursday, 02 May 2019 10:31
2113 Hit
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80 students attended the extremely successful tax simulation organized by The faculty of Management sciences and RSM which is an international professional accounting, tax and consulting group and is the fifth largest firm in this field in Egypt and top 3 students were granted summer training by RSM.

Infection control and HCV in Egypt

Thursday, 02 May 2019 10:21
2075 Hit
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8-10 million of the people in Egypt have HCV as per the WHO.

That is why the Faculty of Dentistry at MSA university organized the event entitled "Infection control and HCV in Egypt"

Antimicrobial Resistance: Warning Alert!

Thursday, 02 May 2019 10:10
2227 Hit
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According to the Egyptian state vision 2030 for treatment and prevention of communicable diseases and as a part of the community service role of the MSA University, The Faculty of Pharmacy has organized an event entitled “Antimicrobial Resistance: Warning Alert!!!” under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Hana Ellaithy, dean of the faculty in the honorable presence of Dr. Omar AbouElatta, WHO Office, Egypt.

Photo day for Languages, Management & Mass communication

Thursday, 02 May 2019 10:04
2349 Hit
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What an Amazing photo day for Languages, Management & Mass communication!
You are all special & MSA University is truly proud of what you became in the time you spent around campus creating unique memories single place of the University,

Stock Market Simulation Spring 2019

Sunday, 21 April 2019 09:43
2022 Hit
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The Stock Market Simulation is a student activity that is organized by the Faculty of Management Sciences and it includes both the simulation of the stock market and insightful preceding sessions.

Graduate Attributes Event

Thursday, 18 April 2019 17:17
2375 Hit
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The Faculty of Management Sciences held an important graduate attributes event. The faculty invited Dr. Salma Soliman who is one of the Faculty of Management Sciences’ graduates major Marketing and International Business as a guest speaker

Africa rises at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA)

Tuesday, 16 April 2019 10:18
2163 Hit
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In the spirit of closer relations with African nations, MSA University organized a book fair under the title "Africa Shines" on April 15, 2019. With the support of Professor Dr. Nawal Al-Degwi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of MSA, was a great success hosting a number of diplomatic figures headed by Dr. Inas Abdel Dayem, Minister of Culture, Dr. AlAmine AlDoudou, Ambassador of the State of Chad, and Ambassador Ashraf Rashid.

NAQAAE Visit to the Faculty of Mass communication

Tuesday, 16 April 2019 10:12
1814 Hit
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The Faculty of Mass Communication welcomes a distinguished delegation from The National Authority to ensure the quality of education and accreditation (NAQAAE):

Biotechnology, Pharmacy and Dentistry Photo Day

Sunday, 14 April 2019 10:13
2212 Hit
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What an Amazing photo day for Biotechnology, Pharmacy & Dentistry You are all special & MSA University is truly proud of what you became in the time you spent around campus creating unique memories single place of the University,

The 3rd International Conference of Arab Pharmacists

Sunday, 07 April 2019 09:53
2195 Hit
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Our amazing pharmacy students are always up for a challenge to astonish the world with their success.

MSA DCMSA celebration

Sunday, 07 April 2019 09:50
2379 Hit
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Our amazing DCMSA celebration included diagnosis of the MSA University's special Students and offering them advice and awareness regarding oral hygiene all around the campus.

The World Forum of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Sunday, 07 April 2019 09:26
2370 Hit
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Attendance and active participation of the delegation of the Modern Sciences and Arts University at the World Forum of Higher Education and Scientific Research held in the new administrative capital between the 4th and the 6th of April 2019 in the new administrative capital under the auspices of President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi.

Land and Water Days Conference 2019

Sunday, 07 April 2019 09:04
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Land and Water Days 2019 Conference was held by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on 31 March - 4 April in Ritz Carlton Hotel. Modern Science and Arts University participated in this Conference by Electrical Communication & Electronics Engineering Department (Five Projects) and Industrial Systems Engineering Department (3 Graduation Projects) in the Conference Marketplace supervised by Dr. Ayman Abd-Elbary and Dr. Said Mabrouk Organized by MSA Center of Excellence with a great support from Dr. Mohamed Amin.

Main Office - 6th Oct. Campus

26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.

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Postal code: 12451

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