Tuition Fees Categories – فئات الرسوم الدراسيةTuition fees differ according to certificate type, scores, and faculty. Faculties Requirements – الشهادات والمواد الدراسية المطلوبةCheck out the required conditions and subjects for each certificate and faculty. How to Apply – التسجيل والتقديم فى خطواتFollow the step-by-step guide to generate an online application. English Language Placement Test – اختبار تحديد مستوى اللغة الانجليزية English placement test structure, levels, rules and exemption cases. Applicants’ Parent Session & Interview – إجتماع أولياء الأمور ومقابلة الطلاب المتقدمينKnow more about the Parent sessions and student interview Procedures, a key component of the admission process. Admission Documents for all Certificates – المستندات المطلوبة للتقديم لجميع الشهاداتHave more details about the required official documents and papers based on your certificate. Faculties’ Website – الكليات المتاحةExplore detailed information about each faculty on its webpage. Faculties Guideline Booklet – كتيب دليل الكلياتTake a look at the comprehensive information about each faculty. New Applicant Dashboard – منصة الخدماتTrack your application online through the New Applicant dashboard. Scholarships Programs – برامج المنح الدراسيةCheck out the offered programs and scholarships Protocols for Training & Employment – إتفاقيات التعاون للتدريب والتشغيلTake advantage of the established training and employment protocols which provides job and internship opportunities. Admission for International Students – التقديم للطلبة الأجانبExplore the admission guidelines for international applicants. Admission for Transfer Students – التقديم للطلبة المحولينLook at the admission Procedures and guidelines for transfer students. Faculties’ Promo Videos – افلام الكليات الدعائيةWatch the Faculty videos to learn more about the available departments, programs, activities, and events. Arts & Design Placement Test Booklet – دليل إختبار القدرات لكلية فنون وتصميمThe booklet offers guidance for preparing for the Arts & Design Capacity test.