News of Faculty of CS - MSA University
Sunday, 02 June 2024 15:34

Congratulations to Ibram Ashraf

Ibram Ashraf, a final-year student at the Faculty of Computer Science (Software Engineering Program), had his project "Tester," which aims to develop an AI-based software testing system, selected as one of the emerging projects adopted by the ministry. This selection occurred among four pioneering projects presented and discussed with Dr. Amr Talaat, the Minister of Communications and Information Technology.


Notably, the project was executed under the supervision of Dr. Marwa Soleiman within the framework of the eGp program launched by the Innovators and Talents Care Fund last November. The project was chosen among the top 25 winning projects. The journey to transform the graduation projects of Egyptian university students into startups began with 151 teams applying for the competition. They underwent an intensive training period, during which the teams were narrowed down to 99. After a thorough evaluation process by experts in the field of entrepreneurship, 25 teams won the support of the fund. The project also received support from the Innovators and Talents Fund of MSA University.


Congratulations, Ibram! We wish continued success and prosperity to all MSA University students and graduates.

Sunday, 28 April 2024 09:06

Diagnostic Artificial Intelligence

Congratulations to Youanna Aziz, Engy Emadeldin, Hanan Tarek, and Nada Khaled for achieving first place in the "Diagnostic Artificial Intelligence" competition at the 8th Annual Arab International Pharmacy Conference!!


In a remarkable collaboration between the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Computer Science, MSA University students achieved first place in the "Diagnostic Artificial Intelligence" competition at the 8th Annual Arab International Pharmacy Conference. Outshining over 50 projects from across the nation and the Arab world, this victory is a testament to our students' innovation and excellence.


Proud moments like these inspire us to reach for the stars. Congratulations, MSA students!


Sunday, 04 February 2024 10:52

Igniting the Digital World with Your Vision

The Faculty of Computer Science at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) has successfully concluded the impressive yet powerful resurgence of their signature event entitled "Deep Minds" with this year's theme, "Crafting the Future, Igniting the Digital World with Your Vision," in which the faculty embodied the essence of innovation and forward-thinking that defines both the University's vision and the esteemed faculty.


With an impressive array of 59 student teams' projects on display, including groundbreaking contributions from first-year students, "Deep Minds" celebrated a spectrum of ideas and initiatives that are shaping the future of technology like never before.

The Faculty of Computer Sciences at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) had the distinct honor of hosting Dr. Wael, co-founder of WSFA Group for Financial Advisory and Consulting Services, for an illuminating guest lecture. The session, titled "Software Projects and Startups: Financial Planning and Evaluation," offered a deep dive into the critical intersection of technology and finance.

Monday, 11 December 2023 14:19

Metaverse Capsule

On the sidelines of the celebration honouring students who won local and international awards, the Centre of Excellence and MSA TICO are excited to announce the launch of the multidisciplinary project "Metaverse Capsule."" This project is a unique collaboration between three important faculties at MSA University: Arts and Design, Engineering, and Computer Science under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Ghada Abdelhady, TTO director and AL Mai Othman, faculty of Arts and Design. Centre of Excellence is so proud to present this innovative project that brings together a wide range of skills and knowledge.


The project is a pioneering investment in the field of entertainment and communication technology. It aims to create a unique experience for isolated individuals. We know that social distancing can lead to isolation and social exclusion, and that is why we designed the "Metaverse Capsule." The main goal is to enable isolated individuals to interact with their families and friends in a realistic way. By sitting on an innovative chair and wearing a virtual reality headset, they can immerse themselves in virtual worlds that offer engaging interactive experiences.

Thursday, 09 November 2023 12:01

A Visit from the Tenth District Public School

October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) extended the warmest welcome to the students and representatives of the student unions of the Tenth District Public Language School in the secondary stage as they visited our campus to learn about the academic and cultural environment offered by the university.


The Faculty of Computer Science at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) would like to congratulate the students, Mahmoud Hossa and Farida Sherif as they soared to great heights with their groundbreaking research.


Among 316 authors and 220 papers, their work "Karate Kata Style Classification Using Pose Landmarks and Deep Learning" our Computer Scientists secured the 2nd Place Best Paper Award at the 5th Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES 2023).


Cheers to MSA's Unstoppable Team Spirit!


Our vibrant students from the Faculty of Computer Science have once again showcased their creativity and commitment to our MSA community. They've developed and tested an exciting in-house application designed to make your university experience even more enjoyable, especially during those thrilling orientation days.


Celebrating the Success of MSA Students in Engineering and Computer Sciences!


We're thrilled to commemorate the closing ceremony of our students from the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences at MSA University. This celebration marks the remarkable achievement of completing an intensive 8-week summer internship, made possible through the collaboration between MSA-STC and GlobAction Management.


Sunday, 17 September 2023 21:09

Welcome to the Faculty of Computer Science

To Our Future Computer Scientists


We are so excited about this new start as you have joined our family!


It is a great pleasure to welcome you all to MSA University. We hope you had an overwhelming orientation day full of knowledge joy, and positivity.


Glad to see you among us!

What an incredible journey through the AI Revolution in Computational Chemistry and Pharmacy!


The Faculty of Computer Science hosted an enlightening event titled 'AI Era for Computational Chemists and Pharmacists' which was given by Dr. Ahmed Farouk whose expertise illuminated the path forward. The event welcomed a diverse audience, including professionals from biotechnology, pharmaceutical majors, and the world of computer science.


October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) would like to give a big round of applause to our talented hackathon winners and to celebrate the incredible achievement of our outstanding CS students: Nadeen Amgad, Mariam Ahmed, and Mustafa Marzouk as they secured the 2nd place in the "Bioverse: AI in Medical Image Analysis" Hackathon, organized by IEEE EMBS Nile University. .


This hackathon was a fantastic opportunity for them to engage with experts in Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, and Biotechnology.


Wednesday, 09 August 2023 20:53

MSA University's participation in ECPC

October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) is bursting with excitement as we share a spectacular achievement in the realm of coding brilliance.


For the very first time, our talented students participated in the Egyptian Collegiate Programming Contest (ECPC) where 22 teams from Engineering and Computer Science showcased their coding skills by cracking complex programming problems.


October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) would like to give a round of applause to the Faculty of Computer Science students Abdullah Magdy and Abdullah Mohamed for their phenomenal achievement, making it to the finals of the esteemed Innov8 Hackathon in Bahrain


Not only that, but these exceptional talents also seized the prestigious Best Paper Award at the renowned IMSA International Conference for their exceptional graduation project, which focuses on innovative surveillance solutions for poultry farms. This project not only impressed our community but also experts in the field.


Sunday, 16 July 2023 15:49

IMSA Conference Remarkable Success

MSA University celebrates the Remarkable Achievement of the IMSA Conference.


We take great pride in having the privilege of hosting the prestigious IMSA conference, a momentous scientific event that brought together minds from around the globe. With over 270 participants representing 15 countries, this conference served as a melting pot of knowledge, expertise, and fruitful discussions.


Another significant event took place at MSA University on Monday, July 10th, 2023. The Faculty of Computer Science proudly signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) cooperation protocol with Globaction company.


The signing ceremony was attended by faculty members, students, and representatives from Globaction. This collaboration aims to strengthen ties between MSA University and Globaction in the field of computer science, fostering mutual growth and development.


The MOU outlines various areas of cooperation, including joint research projects, exchange programs, and internship opportunities for students. This partnership will provide students with valuable industry exposure, allowing them to gain practical experience and develop their skills in a professional setting.


During the event, both parties expressed their commitment to enhancing the educational experience for students and promoting innovation in the field of computer science. The collaboration will also facilitate knowledge sharing and the development of cutting-edge technologies that address real-world challenges.

MSA University takes pride in its continuous efforts to establish fruitful partnerships with leading companies. This collaboration with Globaction is a testament to the university's commitment to preparing its students for a successful future in the rapidly advancing world of technology.


Stay tuned for more updates on the exciting projects and initiatives that will emerge from this collaboration between MSA University and Globaction!

On Monday, July 10th, 2023, MSA University witnessed an incredible milestone as the Faculty of Computer Science signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) cooperation protocol with ITworks company.


The event was attended by esteemed faculty members, students, and representatives from ITworks company. The MOU aims to foster collaboration and create a strong partnership between MSA University and ITworks in the field of computer science.


Under this agreement, both parties will work hand in hand to promote knowledge exchange, provide internship opportunities for students, and conduct joint research projects. This collaboration will undoubtedly enhance the educational experience for students and equip them with the necessary skills to excel in the ever-evolving field of technology.


The signing ceremony was marked by speeches highlighting the significance of this partnership in bridging the gap between academia and industry. The collaboration will not only benefit students but will also contribute to the development of innovative solutions and advancements in the IT industry.

MSA University takes pride in its commitment to providing its students with the best opportunities for growth and success. The signing of this MOU with ITworks is a testament to the university's dedication to fostering meaningful partnerships that create a positive impact on the community.


Stay tuned for more updates on the exciting initiatives that will emerge from this collaboration!

Tuesday, 20 June 2023 14:46

The Deep Minds event

Celebrating the Extraordinary Success of Deep Minds!


We are thrilled to share the remarkable success of the Deep Minds event at the Faculty of Computer Science, MSA University!


Tuesday, 20 June 2023 12:24

The conclusion of Hackathon Day

MSA University and the Faculty of Computer Science are thrilled to celebrate the conclusion of the exhilarating "Hackathon Day" challenge and would love to congratulate all the students who participated in this huge event.


20 teams from the faculty of CS competed together for more than 24 hours while 12 teams stood for the final deadline and presented their work to a jury of 38 CS staff members and market experts divided on 3 committees judging the projects presented. And finally, the Jury selected five winners from the Hackathon.


MSA University and the Faculty of Computer Science would like to congratulate the Senior Students Abdalla Mohamed Mohialdin and Abdullah Magdy Elbarrany from the Faculty of Computer Science for publishing a scientific paper on their graduation project to a Q3 Journal. The paper was published in the proceedings of International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) Volume 14 Issue 3.


The Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University have conducted a session titled "Augmented reality for android developers workshop (ARCORE)" which was given by the expert Eng. Mohamed Elsdody, Technical Solutions Professional from ITWorx.


Eng. Mohamed Elsdody shared his experience with the students as he is a Lead Software Engineer with 11+ years of experience in technical solutions, and mobile application development. In addition, he is a coach team member on the development of high-quality code and applications.



The Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University congratulates Grad. 1 students for finalizing their graduation projects that showed their hard work and their scientific and coding skills.


These projects involved researching a topic of interest, writing a paper, and creating an original work of computer science. With the help of faculty mentors, the students were able to develop their skills and gain valuable experience that will help prepare them for the future.


Students of the faculty of computer sciences have presented an outstanding projects in their Web Programming course.. Dr. Nehal Ali - the module leader- has initiated and lead a competition since the beginning of the fall semester and the students have shown remarkable progress throughout the semester that ended with high quality web projects. Most of these projects were launched online and served different sectors (Tourism, Technology, Gaming, Pharmacy, Sports and more)

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 11:47

Digital Future Professions Train

The Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University hosted a symposium entitled "Digital Future Professions Train" by a group of specialists from the Information Technology Institute (ITI).


The symposium talked about the most significant free training opportunities available in the fields of cybersecurity, data analysis, artificial intelligence, GIS, IOT, UX/UI, and also talked about the latest digital opportunities for training, employment and entrepreneurship.

For the second year and as a part of MSA University's AI strategic vision, A multi-discipline research between the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Arts and Design was successfully published in a scientific journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer) Q1 and it was entitled "Usability of Montessori tangible user interfaces to support learners’ retention skills in preschools".


Wednesday, 21 December 2022 09:19

“Kotlin” Lecture By ENG. Mohamed El Sdody

The Faculty of Computer Science organized a significant informative lecture under the title of "Kotlin" led by the Tech Lead Software Engineering Eng. Mohammed El Sdody from IT-Worx. Eng Mohamed has more than 12 years of experience in mobile development on different platforms.


During the lecture, Eng. Mohammed showed the power side of Kotlin compared with Java and cross-platform languages. In addition, he showed one of its primary features such as productive programming as it provides many ways to reuse code between multiple platforms.

October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) congratulates Prof. Dr. Ali Hamed El Bastaweesy, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University, for the membership of the Computers and Information Sector Committee for private universities for the second time by the Supreme Council of Universities.
Congratulations Dr. Ali, with our heartfelt wishes for more success and excellence.

October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) is proudly congratulated and honored the students who participated, were shortlisted and who have won in Smart City Hackathon-2021, Climathon-2022, and Hack 4Climate competitions.


This event was organized as part of MSA University's strategy to encourage students to work on projects that integrate different disciplines and that these projects are able to compete in the labor market.

To Our Future Physical Therapists and Computer Scientists, we are so excited about this new start as you have joined our family!


This is a fresh new start and we hope you had a great orientation day filled with joy and beautiful moments with your colleagues who will soon turn into family.

We want you to know that the entire MSA university community is committed to helping you succeed and achieve your potential.


Welcome to the family!


The ability to recognize dental implants is critical to the treatment procedure.


Dentists confront a variety of concerns and obstacles and Identifying the type of implant is one of those obstacles.


The Faculty of Dentistry MSA university in collaboration with Faculty of Computer Science is launching the web App in concern of the use of Artificial Intelligence in Identification of dental implants using deep learning.


Sunday, 21 August 2022 10:52

Design Thinking Workshop

Within The Context of Keeping MSA Graduates Updated with Current Trends and Preparing Them for “The Challenging Job Market”,,,


The Faculty of Computer Science, MSA University held a "Design Thinking" Workshop by Eng. Ahmed Samir for its students. The session discussed how to prioritize the needs of clients when tackling creative problems and what measures students might take to interpret them in a beneficial way.


Monday, 08 August 2022 13:46

Congratulations Mohamed Amr

In an implementation of the strategy of MSA University to focus on artificial intelligence techniques and use them in the academic curricula and in the framework of the fruitful cooperation between the faculties of Computer Science and Dentistry,,,


Mohamed Amr, a student at the Faculty of Computer Science, won second place in the Nile University graduation projects competition. The project uses artificial intelligence techniques to identify foods with the activities carried out by the application holder using a blood glucose sensor, then the application allows dispensing with this costly sensor and is satisfied with the mobile application.


Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:32

Unity for Metaverse technical workshop

The Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University conducted a workshop under the title of "Unity for Metaverse technical" and was given by the respectable guest Eng. Ahmed Amin.


The workshop discussed topics such as AR/VR/Mixed reality, entertainment, e-commerce, marketplaces, and robotic process automation (RPA).


Eng. Ahmad Amin engaged the students in this workshop to test these VR/AR and blockchain technologies and the students were very happy experiencing these technologies.


Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:39

Computer Workstation Ergonomics

The Faculty of Physical therapy, in cooperation with the Faculty of Computer Science, at MSA University held a workshop entitled “Computer Workstation Ergonomics” that dealt with the Academic staff members who use computers for extended periods of time and may experience discomfort or pain as a result of poor posture, improper adjustment or use of workstation components or other factors.


In addition, some guidelines on how to adjust their computer workstations were given in order to work safely and to be productive.



MSA University and the Faculty of Computer Science would like to congratulate the Senior Student from the Faculty of computer science Omar Magdy Tawfik on publishing the first journal in the Faculty of Computer Science, which was published in The Science and Information (SAI) Organization as part of the International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) Q3 Journal.


October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) held a two-day workshop with the leaders of the Ministry of Civil Aviation to discuss ways of cooperation in the implementation of many projects in various fields, including communication systems and the use of robots in sterilization, information technology and artificial intelligence applications, waste management and aircraft biofuels, Visual identity and packaging.

MSA University’s Faculty of Computer Science Staff members & Students


Congratulations on earning your Microsoft azure 900 AI certification!


MSA University would like to congratulate and extend its vast appreciation to the Faculty of Computer Science staff members and students for completing and passing Microsoft artificial intelligence.


In addition, the university would like to thank you for your keenness in following the framework of continuous advancement related to the latest technology and developments related to artificial intelligence and other fields of study.


Sunday, 06 March 2022 14:38

A shadowing day for Wadi Group Company

MSA Students Training Committee has organized a shadowing day for Wadi Group Company.


Job shadowing is when a student follows and observes a professional for a short period of time, such as a day or a week. After you've shadowed, you should have a better idea of what professionals do each day and whether or not you can see yourself following that career path.


The students from faculty of Engineering, Management Sciences, Languages and CS were able to shadow the following job positions:


MSA University and the Faculty of Computer Science would like to congratulate the two students of Computer science Abdel Rahman Ezz Eldin and Mostafa Mohamed Saeed for publishing their Second scientific paper with cooperation and under supervision Of Dr. Ali Khater and Eng. Shereen El-Feky.


In accordance with a memorandum between MSA CS faculty and Pylon Company.


The faculty invited the business and software technical lead of Pylon to express their opinion about the students’ graduation projects (Grad 1).


The company commended the scientific and technical level of the projects.


The projects proved its validity and suitability for the needs of the Egyptian IT market as it achieved the target of using artificial intelligence in various fields.

Within the agreement signed between MSA CS faculty and sumerge Software Solutions Company, a technical seminar was held to present our students’ Grad 1 graduation projects. The company appreciated the scientific level of the projects through the published research in the IEEE conferences.


The feedback highlighted the importance of business perspective.


They provide students with valuable comments enriching quality of the projects for Egyptian industrial IT market. The projects also target some of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) which were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015.

Due to the implementation of the strategic plan and future vision in employing our graduates in major local and international companies, and providing advanced training opportunities for our students in addition to implementing joint activities in university research and management consultancy,


The Faculty of Computer Science at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) signed a cooperation agreement with Qcentris, one of the leading companies with focus on software development, quality assurance, and consulting.

Tuesday, 22 February 2022 10:27

CS Graduation Projects Discussion

The Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University has held the Graduation Projects Discussion Event for students in CS Pathway which includes image processing, Deep Learning, Cancer Detection , Chabot’s, Self-driving cars, speech recognition , automation systems, smart surveillance – social distancing. The event took place in the presence of Dr. Ali Bastawissy, the Dean of Computer science faculty and our external examiners.

MSA University and the faculty of Computer science would like to congratulate its senior software engineering student Mario Nady for being accepted and participating in ASIA EXPO SCIENCE 2022 organised by @Milset in collaboration with Emirates Science Club as well as the cultural and scientific association with his graduation project "Multimodalities analysis in Adaptive learning."


40 countries are participating in the competition from all over the world to present their projects and start-ups in different fields.


The faculty of Computer Science congratulated its top performer students and gave them certificates in the English for Research Purposes ENG201 course on Monday, 14th February 2022, in the presence of the Dean of the Faculty Dr Ali Hamed El-Bastawissy, the Vice Dean Dr Ayman Ezzat, and the Assistant Professor of Linguistics in the Faculty of Languages Dr Rania El-Wakil.


Twelve students have been selected and they presented their PowerPoint Presentations showing their skills acknowledgement.

Due to the implementation of the strategic plan and future vision in employing our graduates in major local and international companies, and providing advanced training opportunities for our students in addition to implementing joint activities in university research and management consultancy,


The Faculty of Computer Sciences at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) signed a cooperation agreement with Sumerge Software Development Company.

MSA University and the faculty of Computer science would like to congratulate the two students of Computer science Omar Tarek and Omar Magdy for publishing their scientific paper to the IEEE Xplore as part of the international Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communication, and Computations ( JAC-ECC )


MSA University and the faculty of Computer Science would like to congratulate the two students of Computer Science Mohamed Amr and Youssef Maged for publishing their scientific paper to the IEEE Xplore as part of the IEEE International Conference on Computing (ICOCO).


MSA University and the faculty of Computer Science would like to congratulate the student of Computer Science Mohamed Amr whose paper got published to the IEEE Xplore as part of the IEEE 12th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON).


MSA University and faculty of computer science would like to congratulate the Senior Student from the faculty of computer science Abdelaziz Ashraf whose paper got published to the IEEE Xplore as part of the International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems


Sunday, 30 January 2022 11:16

Huawei International Exam-ICT Competition

MSA students won the Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals in Huawei International Exam-ICT Competition.


MSA University in cooperation with Huawei ICT academy has participated in Huawei international competition and the students of Computer Science have won the Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals as follow:


A Team from Sumerge visited faculty of computer science giving out a guest lecture speech about Agile software Engineering. Sumerge is known for being one of the leading software solutions development houses in Egypt and the MENA region, working internationally since 2005.

October for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) would like to congratulate 7 of their astounding students who got interviewed and tested among 200 students and got selected among 30 students from various Egyptian public and private universities to attend and participate in the training course at the Policy and Business Development Unit that took place at the Ministry of Youth and Sports.


Within the framework of October for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) keenness to provide best academic and practical education, The Faculty of Computer Science signed a cooperation protocol with Pylon with the attendance of Dr.Ali El Bastaweesy, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, and the CEO of Pylon, at MSA Campus.


Tuesday, 07 September 2021 14:54

Congratulations Dr. Ali Khater

MSA University and the Faculty of Computer Science would love to congratulate Dr. Ali Khater as his research team won the first place in the international competition for solving optimization problems.

MSA university’s Faculty of Computer Science Staff members & Students

Congratulations on earning your Microsoft Azure 900 AI certification!

MSA University would like to congratulate and extend its vast appreciation to the Faculty of Computer Science staff members and students for completing and passing Microsoft artificial intelligence.

You get what you work for and not what you wish for and the students of the Faculty of Computer Science made amazing efforts in their graduation projects


Tuesday, 02 March 2021 09:02

HCIA- AI professional certificate

MSA University and the Faculty Computer Science would like to congratulate one of its staff members Dr. Yasmine Eid


In a world full of average, be outstanding !


Yesterday on Campus with more than 60 attendees including MSA Staff, students and external attendees,


Our amazing, wonderful and extraordinary Second Level Students (Abd El Rahman Ezz El Din & Moustafa Mohamed Saed) published a paper entitled "Neural Network with Adaptive Learning Rate" Under supervision and valuable Cooperation with Dr. Ali Khater & Eng. Shereen El Feky From Faculty Of Computer Sciences.


Saturday, 25 July 2020 12:05

CS Graduation Projects 2020

In the Age of AI, Today is a technological rise.


Faculty of Computer Science, MSA University celebrates the graduation of bringing new scientists and programmers to the world and Egyptian society.


Sunday, 05 July 2020 11:22

Hackathon Project DOCAMii

The DaVinci Code team from October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) won the second place in the Digital Corona Hackathon, which consisted of a total prize pool of 90,000 EGP, organized by the Olympiad in Informatics, and The Africa and Arab Collegiate Programming management (the regional representative of the World Championship for Programming for Collegiate) In partnership with a group of organizations and under the auspices of the American Embassy in Cairo the competition started its activities on the 1st of June and concluded its ceremony by announcing the winners on the 3rd of July.


Tuesday, 28 January 2020 13:07

Computer Sciences Graduation Projects 2020

As Steve Jobs once said "Every One Should Learn How to Code, It teaches you how to Think" and Our Amazing and Creative CS senior students have discussed various topics at their graduation discussions due to their amazing thinking skills using cutting edges technologies & most up to date programming languages.


Monday, 27 January 2020 11:40

IBM Courses

Congratulations to Dr. Ali Khater and Eng. Shereen El-Feky for being Awarded the IBM Badges and Certificates of "Predictive Analytics Modeler - Mastery Award" On 23 Jan 2020.


Monday, 06 January 2020 11:00

2019 - A year of global achievements

Dr. Nawal El-Degwi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of MSA University is feeling proud to congratulate and praise the students and graduates of the university who won prizes and first places in many international competitions, entrepreneurship, tournaments and both local and international sports competitions during the year 2019 ....


Monday, 16 December 2019 14:24

Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) BootCamp

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence), it is the future of computing and machines, for example self driving cars is just the start of a new era where A.I takes over a lot of daily tasks.

In an Era where every second counts and speed is everything the Digital Transformation is a necessity for everyone today in business & personal life so MSA held the "Technological Leverage For Digital transformation of Egyptian Manufacturing" today to keep up with all the changes happening in the world.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019 14:52

A Linux Session

Computer Science inverts the normal. In normal science, you're given a world, and your job is to find out the rules. In computer science, you give the computer the rules, and it creates the world.

The summer training committee STC arranged the third field visit in the first semester ‎for ‎the university students from the faculties of Engineering and computer science, and ‎that is ‎to employ the university's mission to develop the practical experience of students ‎through ‎the companies.‎ ‎

As a part of MSA University’s vision to increase the student’s knowledge and technical skills, ‎

Wednesday, 22 November 2017 11:14

The line follower to the future competition

it's a team competition founded by IEEENU to help undergraduate students get the leadership skills, group work skills and technical skills in programming

Monday, 09 October 2017 14:57

MSA Graduation Ceremony 2016/2017

Pride and Glory at MSA’s 17th Class Graduation Ceremony. Modern Science and Arts University's graduation ceremony on the 3rd and 4th of October, 2017 combined glare and glory as graduates will be receiving a Greenwich or Bedfordshire degree, alongside the Egyptian one. More than 30 scholarships were awarded for students of Greenwich programme for higher education including: Master degrees and PhD; alongside acceptance letter in their masters programs and partial scholarships. MSA Graduates had undoubtedly taken a leap and had an edge over their peers' counterparts.

Tuesday, 03 October 2017 18:40

Letter from Juniper USA

Vincent Herreman - Juniper USA, Small email to inform you that we have completed the Juniper bootcamp event at MSA University! All participants have received their exam voucher and are able to book the JNCIA-JUNOS certification exam.So please accept my warmest appreciation for all your hard work, effort and willingness to help in order to make this event happen! We couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you! Proud to have been a member of this extraordinary project team! Until we meet again, All the best,

Monday, 25 September 2017 10:10

Juniper Networks Academic Alliance Boot camp

MSA University – Faculty of Computer Science hosted an international Juniper Boot Camp in the period 24-26 September 2017.

Thursday, 14 September 2017 10:24

Faculties Orientation week 2017

MSA University has started the orientation week for the new students with the first faculty, Pharmacy.
The orientation day for the faculty of pharmacy started with a word from Dr. Nawal El Degwi, head of board of trustees, along with a word from Dr Khairy Abdelhamid, President of MSA University and dean of pharmacy.

Monday, 22 May 2017 09:32

ENTREPRENEUR, suit up your future

As a part of MSA UNIVERSITY vision to encourage entrepreneurial spirit and raise the awareness for the importance of self development in Egyptian society, COMPUTER SCIENCE faculty organized an event entitled " ENTREPRENEUR, suit up your future".

Thursday, 11 May 2017 00:00

Improve your career with ORACLE

If your wish is to build a rewarding career in technology and experience a better lifestyle, look no further than Oracle. (Why oracle? ) Join the global team that's shaping the future and helping our customers add value by eliminating complexity and simplifying IT.

The good news keep coming back, our students are making a difference in all different fields of life.

Wednesday, 04 May 2016 00:00

MSA students in ACM International contest

the MSA university , Faculty of Computer Science has participated in ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (abbreviated as ACM-ICPC or just ICPC Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).) is an annual multi-tiered competitive programming competition among the universities of the world. The contest is sponsored by IBM.

IBM Egypt has organized for a 4-day Hackathon during November 2014. A Hackathon is an event in which computer programmers collaborate intensively on software projects. The IBM Egypt Hackathon was intended to address pressing problems on Egypt’s national agenda and strategic development plans through innovation and cutting-edge technologies. The Hackathon theme is Smarter Cities with focus on energy, water management, and health domains.

Modern Science and Arts University's graduation ceremony this year combined glare and glory as graduates will be receiving a Greenwich degree alongside the Egyptian one. MSA Graduates had undoubtedly taken a leap and had an edge over their peers' counterparts. MSAU graduates included Faculty of Dental & Oral Hygiene, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Biotechnology, Faculty of Management Sciences, Faculty of Mass Com, Faculty of Computer Sciences and Faculty of Languages. Thousand of parents witnessed the ceremony where Professor Dr Nawal El Degwi Head of Board of Trustees and Professor Dr Khairy Abdel Hamid MSAU President welcomed them, who in turn expressed their gratitude and commended the cherished care of their sons and daughters which prepared them to the challenge of the ever changing and demanding job market. Outstanding graduates received fifteen free scholarships to study Masters Degree in United Kingdom's Universities.

Monday, 03 November 2014 00:00


To All MSAians Please be advised that you have access to one of the largest online resources: EBSCOHOST What is EBSCOhost® EBSCOhost is a powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet or direct connection. It offers a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers. The comprehensive databases range from general reference collections to specially designed, subject-specific databases for public, academic, school, medical, corporate, and government libraries. How to access?

Monday, 20 October 2014 00:00

UK Study Abroad Programme Summer 2014

         UK Study Abroad Programme Summer 2014

11 Years of continuous Success

In a grand and thrilling Newcomers Orientation celebration at MSA University’s Opera Hall, the Orientation day for new comers, Prof. Dr Nawal EL Degwi. Head of the Board of Trustees received MSA students who attended the UK Study Abroad Programme Summer 2014 in our collaborative partner University of Greenwich, to grant them their UK Study Abroad Programme Certificates & Best Achievers Trophies.

Saturday, 16 August 2014 00:00

MSAians at UoG Summer 2014

Students Exchange Programme through British Degree Validation From Greenwich University to MSA Graduates More than 70 students traveled this academic year 2013/2014 to University of Greenwich as part of our student exchange programme to attend workshops in various disciplines besides attending summer classes. That trip includes several visits to touristic attractions which are very famous in UK to be acquainted to the British cultural background and its customs and habits.

MSA took part, for the first time in the International Collegiate Programming Contest which took place last October 2009 in Cairo University where all universities of Arab Republic of Egypt have participated. MSA team also joined that contest on the Middle East and Africa level where 46 teams from 29 universities of 9 Arab countries have participated. The American University in Beirut, Kuwait, Sultanate of Oman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Palestine has participated in the contest. In Egypt the AUC, BUE, Cairo University, Ein Shams and Helwan universities and MSA has participated for the first time.