Comprehensive Review Conducted by University of Greenwich at MSA University

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Comprehensive Review Conducted by University of Greenwich at MSA University

October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) and MSA UK Quality Assurance, Audit, and International Partnership were honored to host a delegation from the University of Greenwich, led by Prof. Noel-Ann Bradshaw, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Science.


The University of Greenwich delegation was welcomed by Ms. Mona Afifi, Head of the UK Quality Assurance & International Partnership Unit at MSA University. Moreover, the University of Greenwich team, alongside esteemed UK external examiners, conducted a comprehensive review and moderation of student work, portfolios, and graduation project presentations from the Faculties of Management Sciences, Engineering, Computer Science, Biotechnology, and Pharmacy.


They also rigorously evaluated student grades and results as part of the examination boards.


The delegation commended MSA University for its high standard of quality assurance practices.

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