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Friday, 29 May 2015 23:00
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1-Who is the founder of MSA University?

Prof. Dr. Nawal El Degwi, a leading pioneer in the field of education. MSA University is governed by Board of Trustees, which includes prominent figures both on the National and International levels.


To know more about Prof. Dr. Nawal El degwi's Biography Click here

2- What is the story behind MSA University?

Prof.Dr. Nawal El degwi (MSA founder) started her long life goals & achievements in 1958 by foundering Baby Home Language schools followed by Dar El Tarbiah Language Schools in 1961.


To complete her long life journey in providing progressive high end educational foundations, she established MSA University in 1996.


To know the whole story behind MSA University Click here

3- What are the study programs offered by MSA University?

  • Dentistry
  • Pharmacy
  • Biotechnology
  • Engineering
  • Computer Sciences
  • Management Sciences
  • Arts & Design
  • Languages
  • Mass Communication
  • Physical Therapy

4- How to Apply?

To fill out an online application,Click here

5- What are the tuition fees?

To find out the tuition fees, Click here

6- Are there any scholarships offered?

To know more about the offered scholarships, Click here

7- Does MSA University have dorms?

No, MSA University does not have dorms

8- Are there any buses available from/to MSA campus?

MSA University has more than 162 buses that covers all Great Cairo.

9- Where is MSA University located?

MSA University is located at 26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City, Egypt. For the exact location: Click here

10- What are MSA University's available facilities?

  • 50 acres Campus with 40% green area
  • 131K m2 total facilities area
  • 133 Lecture Halls
  • 31 Computer Laboratories
  • Gigantic Library
  • 1150 seat Opera Hall
  • Cinema Hall
  • 400 Seats Theatre
  • 5 Educational Engineering workshops
  • 93 Scientific Laboratories
  • 21 Art Studios
  • Food court (more than 31 Cafeterias around Campus)
  • 4 sports fields
  • Dental out-patient clinic
  • 270 Dental chairs in 14 Dental clinics
  • 1 Dental operation rooms, 1 X-Ray room & 1 sterilization room.
  • 15 Mass communication Studios
  • 2 large videography studios
  • A world class Gym (True Gym)
  • 800+ Day/Night security surveillance cameras

11- IS the application fees refundable?

No, the application is non-refundable.

12- Can I apply in more than one faculty?

Yes, you can choose up to 10 faculties in your application.

13- Does MSA University accept external transfer Students?

Yes we do, please follow this link to know our conditions.

14- What are the certificates I get upon graduation

MSA University provides dual certificates upon graduation, One from Egypt (accredited by the Ministry for Higher & the supreme council of Universities, while the other is from UK as follows:

  • Faculties of Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Engineering & Computer Sciences provide the second graduation certificate from the University of Greenwich.
  • Faculties of Languages, Arts & Design, Management Sciences & Mass Communication provide the second graduation certificate from the University of Bedfordshire.

Faculty of Dentistry Postgraduate Studies Program

Published in contents
Friday, 12 June 2015 00:00
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MSA University - Faculty of Dentistry Postgraduate Studies Program.  


About the Program:

Faculty of Dentistry, MSA University proudly announces the start of the following Masters Programs as of spring 2024


1.Master of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery


2.Master of Orthodontics


3.Clinical Master of Implantology


4.Master of Restorative & Esthetics Dentistry.

This program includes Operative Dentistry, Endodontics, and Fixed Prosthodontics disciplines.


5.Master of Prosthodontics.

This program includes both Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics disciplines.


6.Master of Periodontology.


7.Master of Pediatric Dentistry.



All programs are administered by highly qualified staff with emphasis on case based learning, clinical training and the full utilization of digital dentistry concepts and digital hub facilities


  • All our master programs are approved from the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities
  • All our masters programs are credit hour programs with international benchmarks.
  • The Programs consist of core and research courses in addition to the research thesis Except for the clinical masters of Implantology
  • All programs focus on producing high quality research and publications



Duration of Study:

These programs consist of Six Semesters (Thirty-six months) as a minimum and the maximum does not exceed five years


Except for the clinical masters of Implantology consists of 4 semesters (24 Months)

MSA University - Faculty of Dentistry Postgraduate Studies Program Tuition Fees


Full Tuition fees are subject to an annual increase 7%


International students pay the equivalent of Egyptian tuition fees in USD

Requirements for admission:

1. Graduate should have his BSc. Of Dentistry from any university in Egypt. Or its equivalent degree from any other university providing it is approved by the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities.

2. The general grading is “Good” and to get “Very Good “grading in one of the designated subjects such as restorative Dentist or Fixed Prosthodontics or Endodontic or Removable Prosthodontics

3. To complete his internship year satisfactorily as well as having one Extra year of experience.

4. Current employer’s approval to register and attend as full time student. If he doesn’t work he has to pledge to be full time graduate.

5. To pass TOEFL with 450 marks at least or (7) for IELTS exam

Only limited number of candidates will be accepted based on the submission requirements and the interview outcome

N.B. Application start at 1st May 2024 at dentistry Postgraduate Affairs in room H410. (Or call 16672 – transfer to Postgraduate Affairs).

Registration deadline on 30 of May 2024



Apply Now for Admission


Future Engineer Program at MSA University

Published in contents
Tuesday, 01 December 2015 00:00
24881 Hit
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MSA Edutainment Program - Engineering


Have you ever wondered why airplanes can fly as high as the clouds and submarines can dive as low as oceans? Do you like learning how things are built? Are you considering studying engineering but aren't sure which engineering field is right for you? Rest assured with Future Engineer Workshops at MSA you will get all the answers you need. In our 5 day program we will take you through the fields of engineering from Mechanical , Chemical, Electrical , Architecture and Civil and even marine. Join us and get the feel of what a real engineer is but most importantly get the answers you need for your education path from now!


Place: MSA October Campus.
Date: Will be decided.
Sessions: 5 sessions from 4-6 PM (buses will be provided by MSA).
Cost: 130 LE per session.

How to apply?

Please fill in the online application: http://goo.gl/forms/TvztBTF2ax

For more information and updates

Follow the updates on our Official Facebook page

MSA Live TV - The Official Television Station Featured

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Introduction to Central Laboratory for Research

Sunday, 23 October 2016 16:30
26179 Hit
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MSA University -  Central Laboratory for Research

Central Research Laboratories in October University for Modern Science and Arts:
Based on deep belief in the importance of scientific research for community development, MSA prepares and supports distinguished research cadres through its research laboratories that are established at the highest level of specialization and advanced technology.

Research Services Provided by Research Laboratories at the University:
  • Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Laboratory: The Molecular Biology Laboratory contains the latest PCR devices required for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of genes using fluorescent dyes and methods of extracting protein from different tissues, whether animal, plant or bacterial, as well as electrophoresis devices for nucleic acids or proteins extracted and image analysis devices. DNA or protein separated and isolated, as well as the latest incubation devices for microbiological environments or plant tissue culture, in addition to modern laboratory methods to isolate and characterize genes.
  • Bioinformatics Services: The field of bioinformatics is the second arm of the field of biology in general. Changes in genetic sequences by bioinformatics and their association with genebanks and different search methods in databases, whether genebanks or biobanks.
  • Dental Research Laboratory: The dental research laboratory contains the latest devices that serve and support dental research, where there are devices to pass samples and casting station and the work of wax blocks and dyeing devices for modern samples and there are the latest devices microtom for bone samples and also includes a microscopic image analysis device in addition to this To the latest hardness, tension and shear strength measuring devices for different composition materials, including materials that are included in the composition of biological materials (Biomaterial) or that enter into industries in general, whether plastic, glass, paper, rubber, foam .
  • Chemistry Research Laboratory: The Chemistry Laboratory provides various chemical analysis services that serve all fields (science, pharmacy, agriculture). It contains the most accurate devices (Anderson Cascade Impactor, HPLC, UPLC / MS-MS and Ultrasonicator) in addition to the availability of modern devices such as fluorometers, infrared and other basic research devices needed by researchers.


List of Services

Wednesday, 26 October 2016 01:31
5201 Hit
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If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

Download: Central Laboratory for Research - List of Services

Main Office - 6th Oct. Campus

26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.

Tel. : 3837-1113
Tel. : 3837-1115
Tel. : 3837-1516
Tel. : 3837-1519
Postal code: 12451

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Hotline: 16672

International Hotline:  002-0216672