Scholarships Programs

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Wednesday, 20 May 2015 23:00
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MSA University - Similar Education Parents scholarship


Similar Education Parents scholarship

If your son/daughter is applying for the Faculty that you have graduated from, you will be provided with a discount of 15% till graduation.


Note: This is applicable to all parents from all Egyptian or International Universities and this is valid for all years of study and is not conditional on the student's cumulative grade point average (GPA)..


Official documents required:

  • Parent’s graduation certificate stating that you are a graduate of the same faculty
  • OR
  • Membership of your syndicate.

Faculties that could benefit from Similar Education Parents Scholarship

(الكليات والتخصصات المماثلة التى تنطبق عليها المنحة)


Faculty of Arts & Design

  • "فنون تطبيقيه "جميع التخصصات
  • "فنون جميله "جميع التخصصات
  • "هندسه "جميع التخصصات
  • "تربية فنية "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للسينما "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للفنون المسرحية "جميع التخصصات
  • "التربية النوعية "جميع التخصصات
  • "إعلام "جميع التخصصات

Faculty of Biotechnology

  • طب بشري
  • طب الاسنان
  • علاج طبيعي
  • صيدلة
  • طب بيطري
  • "هندسه "جميع التخصصات
  • "زراعه "جميع التخصصات
  • "علوم "جميع التخصصات
  • " كلية تربية "قسم علوم او رياضة
  • ضباط الجيش والشرطة
  • خريجي الهيئات القضائية

Faculty of Computer Sciences

  • "هندسه "جميع التخصصات
  • "علوم الحاسب "جميع التخصصات
  • "كلية علوم "قسم رياضة و علوم الحاسب
  • "الحاسبات و الذكاء الاصطناعي "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للكمبيوتر "جميع التخصصات

Faculty of Dentistry

  • طب بشري
  • طب الاسنان

Faculty of Engineering

  • "هندسه "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للهندسه ( 5 سنين) "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للكمبيوتر "جميع التخصصات
  • "علوم الحاسب "جميع التخصصات
  • "الحاسبات و الذكاء الاصطناعي "جميع التخصصات
  • "فنون تطبيقيه "جميع التخصصات
  • "فنون جميله "جميع التخصصات

Faculty of Languages

  • "تجارة "جميع التخصصات
  • "ماجيستير إدارة أعمال "جميع التخصصات (MBA)
  • "المعهد العالى لإدارة الأعمال "جميع التخصصات
  • "معهد التعاون "قسم إدارة أعمال
  • "ألسن "جميع التخصصات
  • "الاداب "جميع التخصصات
  • "الاثار و اللغات "جميع التخصصات
  • "التربية "جميع التخصصات
  • "التربية النوعية "جميع التخصصات
  • "التربية الفنية "جميع التخصصات
  • "دار العلوم "جميع التخصصات
  • "أكاديمية الفنون "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للسينما "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للفنون المسرحية "جميع التخصصات
  • "سياحة و فنادق "جميع التخصصات

Faculty of Mass Communication

  • "تجارة "جميع التخصصات
  • "ماجيستير إدارة أعمال "جميع التخصصات (MBA)
  • "المعهد العالى لإدارة الأعمال "جميع التخصصات
  • "معهد التعاون "قسم إدارة أعمال
  • "الاداب "جميع التخصصات
  • "فنون جميله "جميع التخصصات
  • "فنون تطبيقيه "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للسينما "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للفنون المسرحية "جميع التخصصات
  • "إعلام "جميع التخصصات
  • "السن "جميع التخصصات

Faculty of Management Sciences

  • "تجارة "جميع التخصصات
  • "علوم الحاسب "جميع التخصصات
  • "ماجيستير إدارة أعمال "جميع التخصصات (MBA)
  • "المعهد العالى لإدارة الأعمال "جميع التخصصات
  • "معهد التعاون "قسم إدارة أعمال
  • "ألسن "جميع التخصصات
  • "إقتصاد و علوم سياسية "جميع التخصصات
  • "الاداب "جميع التخصصات
  • "كلية تكنولوجيا الإدارة و نظم المعلومات "جميع التخصصات
  • "إعلام "جميع التخصصات

Faculty of Pharmacy

  • طب بشري
  • طب الاسنان
  • علاج طبيعي
  • صيدلة
  • طب بيطري

Faculty of Physical Therapy

  • طب بشري
  • طب الاسنان
  • علاج طبيعي
  • صيدلة
  • طب بيطري

Dear Parent,
If your faculty is not included in the list but is quite similar to those MSA Awarded Faculties in the Similar Education Parents Scholarship (SEPS),
kindly send your concern to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be considered.

Dar El Tarbiah Schools Graduates Scholarship

MSA University - Dar Al Tarbia Scholarship


For more details about the Tuition Fees Categories (للإطلاع على فئات المصروفات ) Click here



Apply Now for Admission

Admission Policies

Published in contents
Thursday, 21 May 2015 23:00
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Note: MSA University has the right to change the admission rules and regulations according to the internal policies of the university with the coordination and approval of the Ministry of Higher Education.

MSA University - Admission Policies


1. Abbreviations and Acronyms:
MSA October University for Modern Sciences and Arts
UoB University of Bedfordshire
UoG University of Greenwich
HR Human Resourses Department
PR Public Relations Department
CPC Career Placement Centre
CH Credit Hours
CPS Credit Points
CS Computer Science
MGT Management Sciences
GP Grade Point
GPA Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
BSc Bachelor of Science
BA Bachelor of Arts
SU Student Union
BOS Board of Study
ENG90 The Student achieves more than 40% and less than 55% in MSA English Placement Exam.
ENG101 The student passes MSA English Placement exam (more than 55%).
2. Rules and Regulations:
MSA University accepts students who have passed Thanaweya Amma Examination or any other equivalent High School Examination (IGCSE, GCSE, American Diploma, German Certificate, IB, or any other Arab Certificates and others). The Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities specifies the subjects required for admission, the minimum percentage for admission and the maximum number of newcomers accepted in each faculty, which varies from one year to the other. These conditions are declared to all applicants during the summer, prior to their admission to the University.
3. Faculties' Requirements (Thanaweya & Arabs Thanaweya):
Students are required to present the original High School certificate along with the Original Birth Certificate and any other documents required by the admission office.

3.1: Egyptian Thanawaya is divided to three main sections:

- Art Section.
- Scientific Science Section.
- Scientific Math Section.

3.2: Faculty of Engineering/Computer Science:

- The student must obtain his certificate from the Scientific Math Section. 3.3: Faculty of Pharmacy/Biotechnology/Dental Surgery
- The student must obtain his certificate from the Scientific Science Section. 3.4: Faculty of Management Sciences /Mass Communication /Languages
- The student must obtain his certificate from the Art Section or Scientific Section (Science Section or Math Section). 3.5: Faculty of Arts & Design.

3.2: Faculty of Engineering/Computer Science:

- The student must obtain his certificate from the Scientific Math Section. 3.3: Faculty of Pharmacy/Biotechnology/Dental Surgery
- The student must obtain his certificate from the Scientific Science Section. 3.4: Faculty of Management Sciences /Mass Communication /Languages
- The student must obtain his certificate from the Art Section or Scientific Section (Science Section or Math Section). 3.5: Faculty of Arts & Design. 3.5.1: The students who obtained his certificate from Scientific Section can join any of the following departments:
- Fashion Design.
- Graphics and Media Arts.
- Cinema & Theatre Set Design.
- Product Design.
- Landscape Design.
- Interior Design. 3.5.2: While students from the Art section can join the following departments:
- Fashion Design.
- Graphics and Media Arts.
- Cinema & Theatre Set Design.
4.Faculties' Requirements (other than Egyptian and Arab Thanawya):

4.1: Faculties of Engineering and Computer Science:

  • IGCSE, Canadian Diploma and American Diploma Students: a minimum of eight subjects In addition to Math on a higher level are required to qualify for admission; five of them must be English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Advanced Mathematics.
  • International Baccalaureate Certificate: a total of six subjects + Extended Essay & Theory of Knowledge are required for admission. Three of them must be English, Higher Physics and Higher Mathematics.
  • Bacc. Francais, Abitur: a total of seven subjects are required for admittance; four of them must be English, Mathematics on any level, Chemistry and Physics.

4.2: Faculties of Mass Communication and Management Sciences:

  • IGCSE, Canadian Diploma & American Diploma Students: a minimum of eight subjects are required to qualify for admission; English is a must.
  • International Baccalaureate Certificate: a total of six subjects + Extended Essay & Theory of Knowledge are required for admittance. English must be one of the subjects.
  • Bacc. Francais, German Certificates: a total of seven subjects are required for admission. English is a must.

4.3: Faculties of Dental Sciences , Pharmacy and Biotechnology:

  • IGCSE, Canadian Diploma & American Diploma Students: a minimum of eight subjects are required to qualify for admission; English is a must.
  • International Baccalaureate Certificate: a total of six subjects + Extended Essay & Theory of Knowledge are required for admittance. English must be one of the subjects.
  • Bacc. Francais, German Certificates: a total of seven subjects are required for admission. English is a must.

4.4: Faculty of Languages:

  • GCSE, Canadian Diploma & American Diploma Students: a minimum of eight subjects are required to qualify for admission; English and a second foreign language must be included in the qualifying subjects.
  • International Baccalaureate Certificate: a total of 6 subjects are required for admission. English and a second foreign language must be included in the qualifying subjects
  • Bacc. Francais, German Certificates: a total of seven subjects are required for admittance; English and a second foreign language must be included in the qualifying subjects.
5. Admission Procedures:
Final acceptance is based on the highest percentages achieved in high school certificates and the grades achieved in MSA English Placement exam.
  • Fill the application online, print it and submit it to the admission office [Online Application]
  • Join the Parents Involvemts Program
  • Copy of the student documents is submitted to the admission office.
  • The percentage is calculated for applicants by the admission office according to Egyptian Ministry for Higher Education instructions and according to the requirements of each different certificate and faculty.
  • For foreign Certificates (other than Egyptian & Arab Thanawya):
    - Each student must provide documentation to prove that they have spent at least 12 successive years in education. At least eight subjects are required for admission. Passing grades are determined by the Ministry of Higher Education.
  • Each new applicant is required to undergo an English Proficiency exam; New MSA English Placement exam. According to the exam result the student must achieve ENG90, except for faculties of Dentistry, pharmacy, Mass communication and Languages achieving ENG101 is a must
  • Internal transfer is permitted as long as the student meets all the new faculty's requirements, as decided by the Ministry of Higher Education for each year and if there are vacancies in the sought faculty.
  • External transfer students must meet the Ministry's requirements (Original Official transcript and Original official courses content). The respective Faculty Dean/programme leader interviews transferred students; and reviews their transcripts before admitting them to the faculty and notifies the student with the possible equivalent transferable courses. The final transferable courses have to be accepted and approved by the Ministry of Higher Education.
  • By the end of the admission period, a comprehensive report of all applicants is prepared. Approved applicants will be required to pay full fees and present all the required original authenticated documents within a specified time interval.

Assessment & Progression

Published in contents
Thursday, 21 May 2015 23:00
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Note: MSA University has the right to change the admission rules and regulations according to the internal policies of the university with the coordination and approval of the Ministry of Higher Education.

MSA University - Assessment & Progression

1. MSA Grading System:


  • The minimum grade for passing any module is D in faculties of Management, Computer Science, and Engineering
  • The minimum grade for passing any module in faculties of Biotechnology and Pharmacy is C except Computer and English modules where minimum grade for passing is D.

MSA Modules Grading Scheme for faculties of Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Computer Science, Management Sciences, Languages, Arts and Design, and Mass communication. 


Letter Grade Indicative % mark
A ≥90
A- ≥  85 & <90
B+ ≥  80 & <85
B ≥75 & <80
B- ≥  70 & <75
C+ ≥  65 & <70
C ≥  60 & <65
C- ≥  56 & <60
D+ ≥  53 & <56
D ≥  50 & <53
Fail <50


MSA Modules Grading Scheme for faculty of Engineering:


Letter Grade Mark
A ≥ 93
A- ≥ 89 & <93
B+ ≥ 84 & <89
B ≥ 80 & <84
B- ≥ 76 & <80
C+ ≥ 73 & <76
C ≥ 70 & <73
C- ≥ 67 & <70
D+ ≥ 64 & <67
D ≥ 60 & <64
(F) Fail <60


MSA Modules Grading Scheme for faculty of Physical Therapy:


Letter Grade Indicative % mark
A > 90
A- ≥ 88 & < 90
B+ ≥ 85 & < 88
B ≥ 80 & < 85
B- ≥ 75 & < 80
C+ ≥ 70 & < 75
C ≥ 65 & < 70
C- ≥ 60 & < 65
(F) Fail <60


MSA Modules Grading Scheme for faculty of Dentistry:


Letter Grade Indicative % mark
A > 90
A- ≥ 85 & < 90
B+ ≥ 80 & < 85
B ≥ 75 & < 80
B- ≥72.5 & < 75
C+ ≥ 70 & < 72.5
C ≥ 67.5 & < 70
C- ≥ 65 & < 67.5
D ≥ 60 & < 65
(F) Fail < 60
2. Schedule Assessment:


There are five main periods of assessment during the academic year:


  • In the middle of the Fall Semester.
  • At the end of the Fall Semester.
  • In the middle of the Spring Semester.
  • At the end of the Spring Semester.
  • At the end of the Summer Semester (Optional).

2.1 The Structure of the Assessment Boards:

University Assessment Board (where awards are ratified):

  • Chair: appointed by Collaborative University.
  • Members: MSA President, Vice President, External Examiners, Link Tutors, Director of Quality Assurance, Faculty Deans, Programme leaders.
  • Secretary: Appointed by Chair.

Faculty Assessment Board (where module results are agreed):

  • Chair: Dean of Faculty.
  • Members: Link tutors, External Examiners, Programme Leaders and Module Coordinator/Leaders.
  • Secretary: Appointed by Chair.

2.2 Academic Load:

The academic load is the number of registered credits per student each semester.

3. Grade Point:


The corresponding Grade Point (GP) for each letter grade for faculties of Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Computer Science, Management Sciences, Languages, Arts and Design, and Mass communication


Letter Grade GPA
A 4
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1
Fail 0


The corresponding Grade Point (GP) for each letter grade for faculty of Engineering:


Letter Grade GPA
A 4
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1
Fail 0



The corresponding Grade Point (GP) for each letter grade for faculty of Physical Therapy:


Letter Grade GPA
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2
C- 1.67
Fail 0



The corresponding Grade Point (GP) for each letter grade for faculty of Dentistry:


Letter Grade GPA
A 4.00
A- 3.7
B+ 3.4
B 3
B- 2.9
C+ 2.7
C 2.5
C- 2.3
D 2
Fail 0.00


3.1 Grade Point Average:

Credits acquired by the student are based on the credits of the passed modules from the academic load registered. Repeated modules will be counted once toward the calculation of accumulated credit hours. The best achieved GP will be used for calculating the cumulative GPA. The cumulative GPA calculation starts from the first semester for each student and is updated each semester till his/her graduation. The semester GPA of the student is the weighted average of the grade points acquired in the modules passed in that specific semester. It is calculated as follows: Semester GPA =
Sum of the product of the number of credit hours of each Module in the current semester load X the corresponding GP.
= Σ (Number of credit hours of each module in the current semester load X corresponding GP).
The number of credits used to calculate the Cumulative GPA is the number of credits registered by the student up to this date. Cumulative GPA =
Sum of the product of the number of credit hours of each Module registered up to this date X the corresponding GP.
= Σ (Number of credit hours of each Module registered up to this date X corresponding GP).
Total Credits registered up to this date

*Excluding pass-fail Modules credit and transferred Modules from Universities other than MSA. Grades that are not included in the grade point average are as follows: (P) Pass, (I )Incomplete, (W) Withdrawal.
3.2 BA/BSc Students:

National Grading for All Faculties except Faculty of Dentistry:


National Grading Classes MSA CGPA
Excellent ≥ 3.67 & ≤ 4
Very Good ≥ 3 & < 3.67
Good ≥ 2.33 & < 3
Satisfactory ≥ 2 & < 2.33

National Grading for Faculty of Dentistry:


National Grading Classes MSA CGPA
Excellent ≥ 3.7 & ≤ 4
Very Good ≥ 3 & < 3.7
Good ≥ 2.3 & < 3
Satisfactory ≥ 2 & < 2.3

UoG Grading for faculties of Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Computer Sciences, and Management

Grade Letters UK CGPA UoG Classes
A, A- ≥ 3.67 & ≤ 4 1st Class Honor
B, B+ ≥ 3 & < 3.67 Upper Second Class Honor (2:1)
B- , C+ ≥ 2.33 & < 3 Lower Second Class Honor (2:2)
C ≥ 2 & < 2.33 3rd Class Honor
MSA CGPA is calculated as per the students entire profile while UoB/UoG CGPA is calculated as per the last two academic years.
4. Progression of Students:


Progression is determined by the number of credit hours completed by students as specified by each faculty.


4.1 Graduation:
Students shall automatically receive the award of the university and be qualified upon completion of the required number of credits with a CGPA equivalent to (2) or above at the end of the semester.

4.2 Failing a Module:
Students must meet the deadline for submission of all coursework in accordance with the requirements of the university. A student is deemed to have failed in the following cases:

  • (F1): Applies to students who fail to attend at least 75% of all lectures and tutorials.
  • (F2): Applies to students who fail to attend the final exam.
  • (F3): Applies to students who fail to achieve the approved minimum percentage in the exam paper. 25% for the faculties of (CS, MGT, MCOM, LANG, ARTS), while 30% for the faculties of (ENG, PHARMA, DENT, PT, BIO).
  • (Exemption): Applies to students who fail to attend the midterm exam, but will be allowed to complete the module and will lose all the marks of the midterm exams. Unless, those who present extenuating circumstances that are accepted by the university president and which will warrant the midterm grades to be added to the grades of the final exams.

4.3 Incomplete:
If a student fails to attend the final exam due to any emergency or extenuating circumstances, and the University President approves the non attendance, then an incomplete grade will be granted. Mid-term grade as well as course grades will be transferred to students with grade (I). Subsequently, the student will be allowed to sit for the final exam of this module at the next opportunity.

4.4 Progression and Repeat Policy:
Students may not repeat any course they have passed unless it is a requirement of an accreditation board or is crucial to the student's academic progression. Students who fail to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2 will be put under probation and will be allowed to repeat Modules with a grade of D+, D and F. The grade used in the final GPA is the final grade achieved by the student.

Cultural Department

Published in contents
Friday, 22 May 2015 23:00
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The Cultural Department is mainly and basically concerned with developing the students’ abilities as it digs for talents and hobbies of students regardless of their majors. It’s a way to create a fully rounded personality, with a positive attitude to their society, family and themselves. Hobbies satisfy the needs of the soul, thus students will have a bright side to look forward to achieve through culture. Visiting places or recreational centers, historic sites with ancient monuments all that add to our dear students to be well cultured and know their country very well as to be good ambassadors who will proudly represent their country.

  • That department provides world class graduates with the ability to compete and excel in an ever-changing dynamic world and to stand on equal footing with their peers from other international universities through its dedication to the pursuit of excellence in curricula, facilities, staff and students
  • It places significant emphasis on staff development and on creating opportunities for staff to expand their knowledge and satisfy their needs as we believe that our staff is the most valuable asset
  • It contributes in the overall advancement and growth of the community in which it operates.
  • Rules and Regulations

    Published in contents
    Friday, 22 May 2015 23:00
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    Published in contents
    Saturday, 23 May 2015 00:00
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    MSA University - Students Services

    1.Support Service:

    One of the main goals of MSA University is to provide a unique, friendly and enjoyable atmosphere for the student body.Staff members and students interact constantly as members of one large family. This is helped by the wide student to teacher ratio which allows students to enjoy a personal relationship with teachers if required. Support and guidance are provided to students mainly by the Faculty Registrar and Students Affairs Department. These services include:

  • Enrollment.
  • Registration Procedures.
  • Academic Guidance.
  • Advice on career placement and training opportunities.
  • Disabilities support and guidance.
  • Appeals and complaints.
  • Counseling.
  • Advice on any issue that concerns students' welfare like finding a suitable accommodation close to campus.
  • In addition to all that, MSA runs through each faculty many workshops, training sessions, exhibitions for students to show case their efforts and innovations all year round. MSA also hosts international expertise plus Egyptian Universities’ professors to assess and deliver lectures or present their judgments on graduation projects.

    2.Student Service:

  • To provide world class graduates with the ability to compete and excel in an ever-changing dynamic world and to stand on equal footing with their peers from other international universities through its dedication to the pursuit of excellence in curricula, facilities, staff and students.
  • To place significant emphasis on staff development and on creating opportunities for staff to expand their knowledge and satisfy their needs as we believe that our staff are the most valuable asset.
  • To contribute to the overall advancement and growth of the community in which it operates.

    The bi–annual Employment and Internship Fair is considered a sheer important service for our students which is also run by students assisted by the “Human Resources Department”, efficiently as it invites a lot of renowned National and International Firms and companies which are seeking the cutting edge, bi-lingual, agile and digital experts graduates to recruit or at least to intern. Another useful service offered to our students is the Training Center, which is a” Career Gates Center” that qualifies graduates or students to real life expectancy, for a reasonable charge, by offering the most demanding majors and diplomas that would be an active tool towards fast and rapid employment, as these diplomas are acknowledged by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce besides MSA Career Gates Certificate. (Dokki Center). Here comes the best service of all which is the “Students Exchange Programme” which helps students to be exposed to foreign culture, rich environment of knowledge, labs, and libraries in addition to the new experience of new culture and background that makes them accept the others, be understanding, a giving personality that runs to help whoever is seeking assistance in his just cause.

    Exam Rules

    Published in contents
    Saturday, 23 May 2015 00:00
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    If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

    Student Union Bylaw

    Published in contents
    Saturday, 23 May 2015 00:00
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    About October University for Modern Sciences & Arts (MSA University)

    Published in contents
    Sunday, 24 May 2015 23:00
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    1. Welcome to October University for Modern Sciences & Arts (MSA University):

    MSA University provides its students with the first British education in Egypt and the Middle East, which helps them gain creative skills and the ability to learn for life. We believe that our students graduate with many necessary and sophisticated writing, analytical and communicative skills, which is why MSA graduates succeed not only in their first job but throughout their entire careers.


    MSA emphasizes three vital attributes to help develop the student's mindset about gaining competitive capabilities. The rapid development of digital media and tools has led to an increase in the complexities of today's business environment.


    At MSA University, you will learn how to benefit from the three advantages, which are the speed of response, adaptation, and harmonization; to give the educational path a competitive advantage in the digital age which is embraced by faculty members and all administrative staff at MSA University. We hope you find the opportunity to study at MSA University exciting as we find it, feel free to explore this website,, to know more about us.


    The English language is the medium of instruction at MSA.


    MSA encourages students to improve their skills and build on their unique areas of strength.

    2. Vision of MSA University:

    We look forward to being among the top 500 universities in the world To lead the way in education, scientific research and community service.

    3. Mission of MSA University:

    October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) is a leading Egyptian educational institution in higher education in cooperation with British Universities, MSA introduces well-developed academic programs using the latest technology and the most efficient staff.


    It goes with the local and international quality standards; which allows its graduates to compete in the job market locally and globally. MSA is also focused on scientific research.

    4. The Core Values of MSA University:

    We are student-centred:


    • ِAccountability
    • Credibility
    • Institutional Loyalty
    • Inclusiveness
    • Entrepreneurial Spirit
    • Commitment to Quality


    Dr. Nawal's Welcome Note

    Published in contents
    Monday, 25 May 2015 23:00
    40435 Hit
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    Dr. Nawal El Degwi Congratulations on a path well-chosen. You have already set the highest of goals and are getting ready for a life of achievements. May all your tomorrows be filled with the brightest blessings. You are now undertaking your molding years and will use the knowledge and experience you gain to further your careers, prove yourselves and effectively lead the professional lives you have always aspired to. You have the opportunity to transform your lives, therefore you just need to reach out and grasp it to realize your potential.
    Since you will all be receiving a British degree alongside your Egyptian one, you have obviously taken a quantum leap and will have an edge over your counterparts. Your success makes MSA's worldwide recognition a reality. I wholeheartedly look forward to witness your success.
    All the best, my dear students. MSA University is proud of you!
    Professor/Dr. Nawal El Degwi.
    Head of Board of Trustees.


    Main Office - 6th Oct. Campus

    26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.

    Tel. : 3837-1113
    Tel. : 3837-1115
    Tel. : 3837-1516
    Tel. : 3837-1519
    Postal code: 12451

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Hotline: 16672

    International Hotline:  002-0216672