Funded Projects

Published in Center of Excellence
Sunday, 23 December 2018 12:06
11349 Hit
(2 votes)

MSA University - TICO

Funded Projects:

Radiosonde Balloone Borne:

Radio sonde is one time used device used by the air metrological Authority to measure different parameter in the different upper layers up to 30 Km upwards , Egypt imports about 5000 device annually , group of MSA students in the faculty of Engineering has implemented this device as graduation project with great success under supervision of Dr said mabrouk as the project is funded from STDF to be implemented as product on two years.

Applied Projects:

Agriculture weather station:

First Egyptian agriculture weather station made in Egypt by MSA graduates from faculty of Engineering through their start up company “short circuit design co “ ,under supervision of Dr Said Mabrouk in by effective and competitive cost lower from the foreign stations by 60 % , this stations is used for measuring different parameters for weather and soil as temp , humidity , wind speed , wind direction , soil temp , soil moisture , EC , soil salenty and other parameter as needed , these parameters are sent on local server , web server ,or cloud as the clients need , many applications done on the data sent for diseases forecasting, calculating the Eto which indicates the water quantity required for irrigation , Fertilization status , affect and many different applications can be done for smart agriculture.

Red Palm Weevils Eradicate Device:

As red palm weevils is huge problem in agriculture that affect the palm tree in Egypt and most of countries, Team from MSA graduate under supervision of Dr said Mabrouk has developed a device using safe electromagnetic waves to get rid of the weevils instead of using chemicals that is very harmful to the tree and the device has proved its success by testing it in many farms and analysis for the results in red palm weevils research center.

Data Logger:

First Egyptian Data logger made by MSA graduate under supervision of DR said mabrouk , Data logger is universal Data acquisition unit that can be interface with any type of sensor analogue or digital to record data internally in its storage and sending these data to a server or cloud , it used in monitoring and control in different fields as agriculture , Irrigation , Aviation , Industry , Petroleum companies , Environment . Also it has user friendly user interface “GUI” to be configured easily to fit the client’s needs.

Recent Projects:

Underground Water Management Network:

As the million and half Fadden’s National project’s needs, Egypt plans to have monitoring network for the water level and quality for all water wells to save the wasted water and control the overdraft usage. Therefore faculty of Engineering under the supervision of Dr said mabrouk has developed prototype for water well monitoring and control system that monitor the water level and send these real time data to the central station and send warning in case of excessive usage of water ,also it can be remotely controlled. The system has been tested in the ministry of irrigation by the MSA graduates team and the technical Engineers from the ministry, the results were incredible that the system accuracy was better than the foreign systems.

Smart Irrigation Water Management System:

Smart irrigation network system to serve the 1.5 million Fadden’s that measure the water requirements according to the crop type using the embedded system and getting feedback from the soil to control the irrigation process , this will optimize about 40% of the irrigation water consumption.

Factories Remnants Monitoring System on River Nile:

By the cooperation with the ministry of military production and ministry of Environments ,Monitoring system network to the factories remnants through data logger installed in each factory that measure different parameter indicates the water pollution and send these data to the central station database in the ministry of Environment through GSM network .

Technology Innovation commercialization office

Sunday, 23 December 2018 12:42
12425 Hit
(3 votes)

MSA University - TICO

Technology Transfer Office

Technology Innovation Support Center

Grant & International Cooperation Office

TICO Vision:
Activate the role of scientific research, and connect it with industry, agricultural and services in a relationship based on trust for the purpose of finding solutions for problems and issues related to the demands.

TICO Mission:
Activate and support the role of universities, research centers, research and developing centers at the ( industry ,agricultural and services ) communities affiliated to the government and private sector, and centers of excellence for the purpose of solving the problems facing such communities and developing technology

TICO Structure:
Technology Transfer Office, TTO: Make the necessary arrangements to support the innovation and marketing of technology available among researchers and industry and provide incubators enabling them to develop their innovations.
Grant and International Cooperation Office , GICO: Update the researchers by the new calls and funding chances to apply their innovations and research projects and to know how to apply in professional way to take the fund.
Technology Innovation Support Center, TISC: Helping the researchers to register their patent in a right way to protect the property rights.

TICO Goals:

- Support innovation and technology in the areas that, according to the national vision, down to entrepreneurship by developing the business of existing firms (spin off), and establish small and medium projects.


- All of that were the main motives behind the initiative of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) to create a network consists of specialized offices aiming to support innovation, technology transfer and commercialization (TICO) in industry, agricultural and services communities.


- Achieve the scientific management of these offices. This management should work on adapting and transferring the results of researches , studies , innovations , and inventions to the execution bodies, nearby at first , then across the country through the network that connecting different offices via the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.


- Support the (industry, agricultural and services) effectively in order to build trust and reach to the active partnerships with the scientific research through mutual interaction, which can happen by adopting and publishing success stories.

TICO Services:

Through its GICO, TISC, and TTO offices provide many types of services as follows:

- Enable partnership between academia and the industry.


- Support the scientific publishing, patents registration, and developing of new technologies.


- Promote successful examples in the field of scientific research to take advantage from them.


- Enable our MSA staff to innovate and develop high standard research, artifacts that are eligible to resolve real industrial problems.


- Avail and share open calls and grants for our MSA staff to be able to utilize for their scientific research and development.


- Assist in developing the prototypes and half manufactured models.


- Support and promote innovation, and technology transfer  and commercialization inside the execution bodies , communities, and industrial associations , which  located nearby as a first precedence. 


- Improve capabilities, qualifications, and efficiency of human resources working in the field of technology transfer through training programs at home and abroad.

Contact us

MSA . TICO office
Assoc. Prof.. Dr. Samer I. Mohamed
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile: +201000039607

4th Cairo International Exhibition for Innovation

Wednesday, 26 December 2018 13:04
23659 Hit
(1 Vote)

Mobile Application Guides for Students

Published in contents
Wednesday, 09 January 2019 14:25
13936 Hit
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If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

Download: MSA university - Mobile Application Guides.

Mobile Application Guides for Staff

Published in contents
Sunday, 13 January 2019 08:52
12042 Hit
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If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

Download: MSA university - Mobile Application Guides for Staff.

Luxor & Aswan "Opera Nile Cruise"

Monday, 14 January 2019 13:23
15284 Hit
(3 votes)

On 25 January 2019;

MSA arranged Nile cruise in Luxor and Aswan for 4 Days and 3 Nights, Full board (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) and the transportation is via the 1st class express train.

EGP 3900

Don't miss the chance to see the real beauty of Luxor and Aswan either in the nile or on the land as the seats are limited reserve your spot now by heading to the sports and social department at true GYM in building L. For more information visit Social activities admission @ true gym
Dr. Salah A El hadi 01226833388

Main Office - 6th Oct. Campus

26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.

Tel. : 3837-1113
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Postal code: 12451

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