New Applicant (Tuition Fees & Scholarships) - Egyptians with Arab Certificates

Published in contents
Monday, 05 July 2021 10:51
222472 Hit
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New Applicant Tuition Fees Categories & Special Scholarships for Egyptians With Arab Certificates & Azharia Students
فئات المصروفات الدراسية والمنح الخاصة والحد الادني للقبول للطلاب المصريين الحاصلين على الشهادات الثانوية بالدول العربية والثانوية الأزهرية:



New Applicants Tuition Fees & Scholarships 2022-2023 for Arab Certifictes


Tuition Fees, Categories & Special Scholarships 2023-2024 Important Notes:
  • The second instalment for the first semester should be paid between November 20th to December 19th, 2024.
  • For the second semester, the instalment should be paid from December 20th, 2024, until the last day of the first semester's final exams on January 22nd, 2025.
  • The Student’s Category is applicable till graduation for all applicant either new or external transfer student.
  • The Special scholarships can be combined and calculated from the student’s category fees.
  • Full Tuition fees are subject to an annual increase from 10% to 15% prior to the applied categories.
  • The British validation fees are to be paid in the first semester of each academic year by either Pound sterling (£) or it's equivalent value in US dollar ($),which is rated by The Financial Department.
  • New Applicants (Egyptians & Foreigners) must pay tuition fees on campus ONLY.
  • Non-Egyptians must pay their fees in Dollars, through our NBE (National Bank of Egypt - البنك الأهلى المصرى) account ONLY "On Campus".( Account Number: 1823060351711000017 American Dollar).
  • Fourth and fifth year Dentistry students will be charged EGP 500 per semester (Outpatient clinics).

To view the tuition fees for the upcoming Semester (February 2024) please click here

Apply Now for Admission


Required Subjects for all Certificates & Official Documents for Admission

الأوراق والمستندات والشهادات والمواد الدراسية المطلوبة للتقديم
Check Now >>



About SDGs

Monday, 28 June 2021 12:45
8350 Hit
(2 votes)

MSA University -  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Integration of the UN SDGs in MSA Activities:
Our world faces many challenges that endanger our existence; the most pressing include achieving economic prosperity and ending poverty, and environmental sustainability.


The United Nations’ “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” is one of the most ambitious and important global agreements in recent history.


There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the UN in 2015 to provide a framework to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.


The SDGs comprise a wide range of complex social, economic, and environmental challenges through adequate transformations in how societies and economies act and how we interact with our planet Earth. Given their unique influential position in society, universities have a critical role to play in the achievement of the SDGs through education, research, operation, innovation and community leadership. These can be achieved on global, national and local community levels.


MSA University wishes to help all its students and all its affiliates to develop a well-rounded understanding of how global challenges need to be addressed.


This will be achieved through inspiring its students and other affiliates to define their aims in life, mission and legacy through the integration of the 17 UNESCO 2030 goals in all their future plans.


To familiarize yourself with the SDGs, please check the following Videos on Sustainable Development Goals:


New Applicant Dashboard - منصة الخدمات

Published in contents
Monday, 24 May 2021 11:33
30435 Hit
(2 votes)

MSA University - New Applicant Dashboard

As MSA promises and is keen to always facilitate the admission process and procedures for the new applicants and those who are interested in joining MSA University


MSA University has now created a dashboard where you can follow up with everything you need to know about your application and will give you the ability to:

  • See all the faculties you applied for
  • See the status of all applications in terms of payment and discounts
  • Print the application
  • Cancel the application
  • Upload or modify the image
  • Log in to the see the sent e-mails
  • Enter directly to the survey without the need for a new entry
  • Add a new application successively


Log in with the ID number and the password which sent to you via email

Q&A Admission Online Session

Published in contents
Sunday, 18 April 2021 09:19
31476 Hit
(5 votes)

MSA University - Questions & answers Zoom Sessions

Dear new applicants and parents,


To make things easier and clear for you to understand the whole admission cycle starting from filling out an application all the way to getting enrolled, MSA University is welcoming you to join the “Questions and answers Zoom Sessions” if you have any inquires.
You can join us through the following Zoom link Every (Saturday - Monday - Wednesday) from 12 PM to 1 PM Cairo time except on public holidays.

Join us

Graduation Projects 2019-2020

Published in contents
Sunday, 04 April 2021 08:12
12825 Hit
(5 votes)
If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

Download: MSA university - Graduation Projects 2019/2020.

Elite Residence Aroma in Ain El- Sokhna

Tuesday, 30 March 2021 13:31
6386 Hit
(0 votes)

on 29th of October, 2021;

As you are our number one priority, and we seek your ultimate comfort and happiness. We would like to announce a new update to Ain El- Sokhna Trip to a better offer that includes more activities.

Reserve your seat now, and don't miss out the trip to “Elite Residence Aroma” on 29th of October, 2021.


Price: 600 LE. (including transportation, lunch (Open Buffet), Chalets (Up to 7 people) and entertainment program).

Activities & Events 2020/2021

Sunday, 21 March 2021 11:27
1666 Hit
(0 votes)

MSA University - QAAC Activities 2020/2021

The MSA Quality Assurance & Accreditation Centre conducted and arranged the following workshops and awareness sessions related to the quality of education field and its continuous improvement process during the academic year 2020/2021:

1- On 19th November, 2020; “Using KPIs and Benchmarks in Higher Education Institutions” Webinar.

2- On 22nd December, 2020; “SWOT Analysis and Measuring the Achievement of the Strategic Goals” Webinar.

3- On 12th January, 2021; “Strategic Planning” Webinar

4- On 26th January, 2021; “How to Write Intended Learning Outcomes for a Unit or a Course” Webinar.

5- On 30th January, 2021; “Strategic Planning Awareness Session” at the Faculty of Engineering.

6- On 8th February, 2021; “Assessment and Testing” Webinar.

7- On 10th February, 2021; “How to Write Intended Learning Outcomes for a Course or a Programme” Webinar.

8- On 15th February, 2021; “Rubrics Uses, Design and Types” Webinar.

9- On 16th February, 2021; “How to use the Internal Assessment Review Report” Webinar.

10- On 17th February, 2021; “Designing a Blueprint” Webinar.

11- On 10th March, 2021; “How to Measure the Achievement of Courses ILOs” Webinar.

12- On 16th June, 2021; “Using KPIs and Benchmarks in Higher Education Institutions” Webinar.

13- On 6th July, 2021; “Self-Study for Higher Education Institutions According to NAQAAE’s New Requirements” Webinar.

14- On 7th July, 2021; “Quality Cycle in Higher Education Institutions” Webinar.

15- On 18th August, 2021; “Egyptian Universities Regulation Law” webinar.

16- On 24th August, 2021; “Measuring the Achievement of Courses ILOs" webinar

17- On 19th September, 2021; “Self-Study Awareness Session” for the Faculty of Arts & Design members.


Faculties' promo videos - افلام الكليات الدعائية

Published in contents
Saturday, 06 February 2021 13:04
33631 Hit
(8 votes)

Similar Education Parents Scholarship

Published in contents
Wednesday, 03 February 2021 10:30
49282 Hit
(24 votes)

MSA University - Similar Education Parents scholarship

Dear Parents of Thanaweya Amma (ثانوية عامة) students and Equivalent Certificates,


If your son/daughter is applying for the Faculty that you have graduated from, you will be provided with a discount of 15% till graduation.


Note: This is applicable to all parents from all Egyptian or International Universities and this is valid for all years of study and is not conditional on the student's cumulative grade point average (GPA)..


Official documents required:

  • Parent’s graduation certificate stating that you are a graduate of the same faculty
  • OR
  • Membership of your syndicate.

For more details about the Tuition Fees & the Scholarships (للإطلاع على المصروفات والمنح الدراسية) Click here

Faculties that could benefit from Similar Education Parents Scholarship

(الكليات والتخصصات المماثلة التى تنطبق عليها المنحة)


Faculty of Arts & Design

  • "فنون تطبيقيه "جميع التخصصات
  • "فنون جميله "جميع التخصصات
  • "هندسه "جميع التخصصات
  • "تربية فنية "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للسينما "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للفنون المسرحية "جميع التخصصات
  • "التربية النوعية "جميع التخصصات
  • "إعلام "جميع التخصصات
  • اكاديمية الفنون

Faculty of Biotechnology

  • طب بشري
  • طب الاسنان
  • علاج طبيعي
  • صيدلة
  • طب بيطري
  • "هندسه "جميع التخصصات
  • "زراعه "جميع التخصصات
  • "علوم "جميع التخصصات
  • "كلية تربية "قسم علوم
  • كلية علوم الملاحة و التكنولوجيا الفضاء
  • كلية الدراسات العليا للنانو تكنولوجي

Faculty of Computer Sciences

  • "هندسه "جميع التخصصات
  • "علوم الحاسب "جميع التخصصات
  • "كلية علوم "قسم رياضة و علوم الحاسب
  • "الحاسبات و الذكاء الاصطناعي "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للكمبيوتر "جميع التخصصات

Faculty of Dentistry

  • طب بشري
  • طب الاسنان

Faculty of Engineering

  • "هندسه "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للهندسه ( 5 سنين) "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للكمبيوتر "جميع التخصصات
  • "علوم الحاسب "جميع التخصصات
  • "الحاسبات و الذكاء الاصطناعي "جميع التخصصات
  • "فنون تطبيقيه "جميع التخصصات
  • "فنون جميله "جميع التخصصات

Faculty of Languages

  • "تجارة "جميع التخصصات
  • "ماجيستير إدارة أعمال "جميع التخصصات (MBA)
  • "المعهد العالى لإدارة الأعمال "جميع التخصصات
  • "معهد التعاون "قسم إدارة أعمال
  • "ألسن "جميع التخصصات
  • "الاداب "جميع التخصصات
  • "الاثار و اللغات "جميع التخصصات
  • "التربية "جميع التخصصات
  • "التربية النوعية "جميع التخصصات
  • "التربية الفنية "جميع التخصصات
  • "دار العلوم "جميع التخصصات
  • "أكاديمية الفنون "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للسينما "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للفنون المسرحية "جميع التخصصات
  • "سياحة و فنادق "جميع التخصصات

Faculty of Mass Communication

  • "تجارة "جميع التخصصات
  • "ماجيستير إدارة أعمال "جميع التخصصات (MBA)
  • "المعهد العالى لإدارة الأعمال "جميع التخصصات
  • "معهد التعاون "قسم إدارة أعمال
  • "الاداب "جميع التخصصات
  • "فنون جميله "جميع التخصصات
  • "فنون تطبيقيه "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للسينما "جميع التخصصات
  • "المعهد العالى للفنون المسرحية "جميع التخصصات
  • "إعلام "جميع التخصصات
  • "السن "جميع التخصصات

Faculty of Management Sciences

  • "تجارة "جميع التخصصات
  • "علوم الحاسب "جميع التخصصات
  • "ماجيستير إدارة أعمال "جميع التخصصات (MBA)
  • "المعهد العالى لإدارة الأعمال "جميع التخصصات
  • "معهد التعاون "قسم إدارة أعمال
  • "ألسن "جميع التخصصات
  • "إقتصاد و علوم سياسية "جميع التخصصات
  • "الاداب "جميع التخصصات
  • "كلية تكنولوجيا الإدارة و نظم المعلومات "جميع التخصصات
  • "إعلام "جميع التخصصات
  • كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الاصطناعي
  • كلية الإعلام وتكنولوجيا الاتصال
  • المعهد العالي لعلوم الكمبيوتر

Faculty of Pharmacy

  • طب بشري
  • طب الاسنان
  • علاج طبيعي
  • صيدلة
  • طب بيطري

Faculty of Physical Therapy

  • طب بشري
  • طب الاسنان
  • علاج طبيعي
  • صيدلة
  • طب بيطري

Dear Parent,
If your faculty is not included in the list but is quite similar to those MSA Awarded Faculties in the Similar Education Parents Scholarship (SEPS),
kindly send your concern to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be considered.


Apply Now for Admission

MSA Admission Guide

Published in contents
Tuesday, 02 February 2021 14:47
521021 Hit
(97 votes)
Tuition Fees <strong>Categories</strong><br />
	فئات الرسوم الدراسية

Tuition Fees Categories
فئات الرسوم الدراسية

Faculties <strong>Requirements</strong></p>
	الشهادات والمواد الدراسية المطلوبة

Faculties Requirements

الشهادات والمواد الدراسية المطلوبة

How to <strong>Apply</strong><br />
	التسجيل والتقديم فى خطوات

How to Apply
التسجيل والتقديم فى خطوات

English Language <strong>Placement Test</strong><br />
	اختبار تحديد مستوى اللغة الانجليزية

English Language Placement Test
اختبار تحديد مستوى اللغة الانجليزية

Applicants’ parent <strong>session & interview</strong></p>
	إجتماع أولياء الأمور ومقابلة الطلاب المتقدمين

Applicants’ parent session & interview

إجتماع أولياء الأمور ومقابلة الطلاب المتقدمين

Admission Documents <strong>for all certificates</strong></p>
	المستندات المطلوبة للتقديم لجميع الشهادات

Admission Documents for all certificates

المستندات المطلوبة للتقديم لجميع الشهادات

Faculties' <strong>Website</strong></p>
	الكليات المتاحة

Faculties' Website

الكليات المتاحة

Faculties <strong>Guideline Booklet</strong><br />
	كتيب دليل الكليات

Faculties Guideline Booklet
كتيب دليل الكليات

New Applicant <strong>Dashboard</strong><br />
	منصة الخدمات

New Applicant Dashboard
منصة الخدمات

Scholarships <strong>Programs</strong></p>
	برامج المنح الدراسية

Scholarships Programs

برامج المنح الدراسية

Protocols for <strong>Training & Employment</strong></p>
	إتفاقيات التعاون للتدريب والتشغيل

Protocols for Training & Employment


إتفاقيات التعاون للتدريب والتشغيل

Admission for<br />
	<strong>International Students</strong><br />
	التقديم للطلبة الأجانب

Admission for
International Students
التقديم للطلبة الأجانب

Admission for <strong>Transfer Students</strong><br />
	التقديم للطلبة المحولين

Admission for Transfer Students
التقديم للطلبة المحولين

Faculties' <strong>promo videos</strong><br />
	افلام الكليات الدعائية

Faculties' promo videos
افلام الكليات الدعائية

Arts & Design placement<strong> Test Booklet</strong><br />
	دليل إختبار القدرات لكلية فنون وتصميم

Arts & Design placement Test Booklet
دليل إختبار القدرات لكلية فنون وتصميم




Apply Now for Admission