Dr. Dina Magdy Maurice

Sunday, 17 December 2023 12:57
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Dina Magdy Maurice (PhD), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

B.A., Mass Communication, Broadcasting Department, English Section, Cairo University, 2009

M.A., Mass Communication, in Media Psychology, Cairo University, 2015

Ph.D. Mass Communication, in Media Psychology, Cairo University, 2021


Dr. Dina Maurice is a highly accomplished Communications expert and television producer with a proven track record of success in the television industry. With over 15 years of experience in various channels and networks such as ON E, ON TV, Dream TV, and most recently MBC Masr in the 'El Hekaya with Air Adeeb' Program.

Throughout her career, Dr. Dina has held diverse roles, showcasing her versatility and comprehensive understanding of the media landscape. She has excelled as a TV researcher, adeptly uncovering relevant information and insights to support compelling storytelling. As a skilled script writer, she has crafted engaging narratives that resonate with audiences. Additionally, she has successfully served as a field producer, line producer, and segment producer.

Dr. Dina's expertise extends to a wide range of TV formats, including talk shows and investigative shows. Her in-depth knowledge of these formats enables her to design and execute captivating programs that captivate viewers and leave a lasting impact. Her ability to navigate the complexities of the media landscape, combined with Dr. Dina's sharp analytical skills, has consistently resulted in the creation of engaging content that resonates with diverse audiences.

Dr. Dina is a graduate of Cairo University’s Faculty of Mass Communication, where she currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Communication. This academic foundation has equipped her with a deep understanding of the underlying principles and theories that drive effective PR and Communications strategies.

Ms. Amira Ali Awais

Sunday, 17 December 2023 12:43
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Ms. Amira Ali Awais, Executive Assistant, Dean’s Office, Office A216, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

B.A. Tourism Guidance, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management.

Ms. Reem Mahmoud Hegazy

Sunday, 17 December 2023 12:27
253 Hit
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Reem Mahmoud Hegazy, Teaching assistant, Advertising Department, Office: B147, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

B.A., Mass Communication, Modern Science and Arts University, MSA


Ms. Reem Mahmoud was hired at MSA after she graduated with honors, in 2022. Prior to joining MSA, she interned at Maspero, Red square, and Clue apps. She also worked as a marketing assistant at heritage international school. Ms. Reem is currently undertaking master’s program in comparative media studies at MIU university


Ms. Reem assisted in the teaching of various subjects such as World History, Marketing, International Advertising, Introduction to Advertising, Photoshop and others.


She is also a member of the family leaders’ team, which helps the first-year students accustom to university life.


Dr. Nihal ElShimy

Sunday, 17 December 2023 11:52
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Nihal El-Shimy (Ph.D.), Supporting Sciences Department, Office: A123, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


B.A., Political Science, with a minor in Comparative Literature, The American University in Cairo

M.A., Political Science, The American University in Cairo

Ph.D., Political Science and International Relations, Cairo University


Dr. El-Shimy has joined the academic field in 2004 when she became a part time instructor at AUC. In 2006, she served as a full-time lecturer in the Management Sciences Department at MSA, and in 2023; she joined the Faculty of Mass Communication. All this gave her a profound experience in teaching various topics that include World History, Western Civilization, Introduction to Political Science, International Relations, Business Ethics, Sustainable Development, Social Psychology, Media Psychology and Cultural Diversity.


In the meantime, Dr. El-Shimy has been conducting professional work in the academic field and has published several articles that have addressed various issues. Some of these articles are:


• “The Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) Care or Greed? The United Nations Doctrine 2005.”

• “Russia: Prospects for a New Legacy for in the Global Power Game.”

• “The Path to Egypt’s Development: Prospects for Political Stability.”

• “The Impact of British Exit from the European Union (Brexit) on Egypt.”

• “The Role of Media in the United Nations in the Global Promotion of the Culture of Peace.”.

• “International Organizations and the promotion of Gender Equality in Egypt: The Role of UN Women and USAID.”


In addition, she is frequently hosted on Nile TV to discuss global issues such as: Egyptian Russian Relations under President El Sisi, The Role of Egypt in the Arab World and Africa, and The United States as a world power.

Prof. Dr. Dina Ahmed Orabi

Monday, 05 April 2021 14:00
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Dina Ahmed Orabi (PhD), Vice Dean for Post Graduate, Office: B227, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


B.A. Mass Communication (Public Relations & Advertising), Cairo University

M.A. Mass Communication (Public Relations & Advertising), Cairo University

Ph.D. Mass Communication (Public Relations & Advertising), Cairo University


Professor Dina has joined MSA in Fall 2023. She is one of the Board of Directors of (the Agency for the Marketing Research) in Cairo University. She has a solid experience in various areas in the higher education sector as she taught in several Arab Universities. In 2014, she was selected as a Jury in the National Awards for Saudi Media. Additionally, she worked as a Media Consultant for various institutions in KSA. Her main focus research areas are in International advertising, Consumer behavior, Globalization, Social media and Consumer empowerment and she has a lot of researches in these fields.


Academic Positions:


● Canadian International College (CIC): Vice Dean of Mass Communication School and Director of Quality Assurance Unit.

● Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University: Director of Alumni Unit -Academic Coordinator of the English Division -Member of the Board of Directors of the (Agency for the Marketing Research)- Member of the Council Board of Quality Unit Directors.

● Faculty of Communication and Media - King Abdul Aziz University (2009 – 2014): Academic Coordinator for the Public Relations Section - Coordinator of the Strategic Planning Committee-Supervisor of KAU Media Club.

Outstanding Students projects

Published in MCOM
Sunday, 05 November 2023 13:54
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JMIS Magazine - Volume 5

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Sunday, 05 November 2023 10:14
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Achievement Book 2022/2023

Published in MCOM
Monday, 30 October 2023 12:47
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JMIS Magazine - Volume 4

Published in MCOM
Monday, 30 October 2023 12:08
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