board of study

The purpose of the Board of Study is to provide a forum for discussion between students and staff involved in all aspects of the programme.

The membership includes:

 Chair (Dean)

 Representative from UoG

 Director of Quality Assurance & Audit Unit

 Programme Leaders, Faculty Link Tutor, all Module Leaders (or their representatives) wherever feasible.

 Faculty vice dean

 Student representatives (almost two for each year/major).

 Support services representatives (IT, Admission, HR, PR, Examination Unit, Library etc).

 Secretary to take the minutes

Student Representatives are responsible for notifying the Board with the students’ concerns, suggestions and complaints.

A meeting is held each semester normally in week six to eight as specified in the Quality Assurance Calendar. Dates of the Boards of Studies are published in all student handbooks, on MSA Website and on MSA Academic Calendar and Quality Assurance Calendar.

The agenda must include all major items but further items suggested by the student representatives and members of the committee may be added where appropriate.

The minutes should cover all agenda items and include a summary of the main points of discussion and an action/outcomes list. Any actions required include the timescale, the name of the person responsible and when a report back to the Board is expected. They should also include progress on actions from the previous minutes.

Within five working days of the meeting a Chairs’ Action List will be published and circulated to all those with action points to deal with and to the Quality Assurance and Audit Unit Head.