The Club founders with Dr. Khayri after the club lunching in April 2015
Our first online event mixing science art and photography conducted by our certified photographer Aya Tarke Khalaf. Part of the Egyptian Science week continuation
Doaa one fo the founders performing the Elephant tooth paste trick during our introductory event chemistry magin show in April 2015
57357 second visit welcoming by the vice CEO of 57 Feb 2018
57357 second visit welcoming by the vice CEO of 57 Feb 2018
Mystery of the circles Science communication event Joint event with Vitae and Cairo science club part of Egyptian Science week partnership
Omar Omara former Marketing head conducting oral hiegine open air session to public during the Mystery o f the circles event
Team members and dent students the dental team and staff members during Ain el Haya multipurpose caravan in September 2017
Cold fire trick by Adham Salem recruitment week September 2018
The secret of the seven event that mean to gather top experts in all disciplines to offer a career advice to students. Conducted in May 2017
Smile design multidisciplinary approach international event at Fermonte Hotel organized by MSA Science club with Ultra dental November 2017
Presentation Skills workshop by our certified trainer and Pharma Student Noran Ezz in March 2018 teaching students form different faculties how defend their ideas part of the Egyptian Science Week
1. About:
The science club and its branches are student development programs through its vision and mission that develop the society by developing the individuals that spreads knowledge and awareness in an easy, fun and applied way.
2. Vision:
We seek to provide an environment rich with knowledge exchange as well as spreading awareness in an easy and fun way.
3. Mission:
Creating leaders able to innovate and implement their ideas, form agreements, open channels for training, enter local or international events and acquire scholarships, through a multi-disciplinary and student-based activities serving the community.
4. Club brief history:
After 2 years of struggling efforts, It started in 2014 officially inside MSA by and AL, 4 dentistry students and a TA. The students are Nourhan Yasser Yousef, Doaa Mohamed, Fady Adel and Sherien Atef. It successfully become one of the leading activities at MSA with multiple partners and unique events. In January 2018 second branch was founded by 3 Science- biotech students from Cairo university who are Salma Hassan, Khaled Mohamed and Mostafa Ahmed. In parallel a student in Nile university during the club attempt to coordinate joint robotics event Called Mazen Taha a junior TA at Nile university took the initiative to start the Nile university branch to integrate informatics and engineering alongside other disciplines to provide unique and variable set of projects and events.
5. Structure:
High board
Selected members that carry the leadership burden of the club and governed by internal regulations set by the club members. The are 6 seats of the high board 4 active seats one AC representative and one seat of founders from the active seat a board representative Is selected by agreement among the high board.
Academic committee
Includes various consultants from inside the university and outside from our guests as well as expert members, trainers and Young academic staff members from various faculties. They are facilitators and trainers and they provide advice when needed.
Organizing committees
They are committees that act to organize events for delegates and community (including inside and outside campus). Composed of members, officers, deputies and lead by an elected head and his vice. They include, and not exclusive, to the following teams:
a. Human Resources
b. Public Relation
c. Fund Raising
d. Logistics
e. Marketing and Multi-Media
Delegate committees The Innova Initiative
They are committees formed by the students from all faculties recruited in an event to become delegates. Through sessions, it aims to allow knowledge exchange and acquisition in a multi-disciplinary approach, create ideas feasible as projects and make the delegate capable to defend and explain his idea in extraordinary events or projects.
Science club central
It a community composed of all willing members in the Science club branches It started in Feb 2018 virtually by the lunching of the second branch due to the necessity of supporting the growing branches through training and experience exchange. Now (July 2018) after the partnership with Zomrrah- coworking space. It facilitates joint events and workshops that fulfills the mission and vison of the clubs in more practical with through the branches and partners. This partnership was shifted to be with Villa 409 Co working space in October city providing privileges for members of the club and MSA students.
Partners and sponsors
They are partners who share with the club common points in the vision as well as the support the club either with knowledge or sponsoring its activity. Currently we have 3 Main partners 57357 CCHE, Ultra Dental club, Rotaract El Tahrir, TORQ, Cell for research central lab at MSA, Minders Helwan and Villa 409co working space and the others are collaborators according to projects.
The club founders
AL/Mohamed A. Moussa, Department of Zoology and Genetics and Department of Physiology, Faculty of Dentistry Student founders of MSA Science club:
• Nourhan Yasser Youssef, Dental Intern MSA University (Active)
• Doaa Mohamed, Dental Intern MSA University (Resigned)
• Fady Adel, Dental Student (resigned)
• Sherien Atef, Dentist and Head of DSSA Egypt and Scientific officer of IDS (resigned)
The club consultants
Those who support and don’t interfere in the club activity in cooperation with the club founder Al/Mohamed A. Moussa and through agreements as the founder and consultants in all branches are advisors and facilitators.
6- Club roles & benefits:
- 1. Development of members critical personal skills that will benefit them in their future and their positions in the club in cooperation with the certified trainers in two phases:
A- Phase one introductory directly after orientation. This included Sales, marketing, HR, presentation skills, problem solving, Leadership, time management, event planning and organizing at basic level in cooperation
B- Phase two in summer/midyear vacation: opening channels for certified trainings (technical and non- technical) and internships through the university, partners and corporations
- 2. Organizing science communication events, competitions, conferences, charity/Awareness based events with the fun/benefit brand with the university and partners.
- 3. Motivating events and career advising events with a multidisciplinary brand providing an insight in what the student will need to gain as a graduate.
- 4. Joint events with other universities through our branches and collaborate activity partners to increase the experience exchange.
- 5. Multi-disciplinary and fun is the club spirit. Members learn to plan projects and through team work that aim to provide value to themselves and the community.
- 6. Certificates according to tasks and encouragement events for members.
- 7. Deal acquisition in cooperation with the OD department to open channels for jobs, part time jobs, internships, discounts and offers exclusive to MSA students in all specialties
- 8. Dealing with VIPS and Icons in the society to benefit from their experience
7. Club Events & Description: