Dr Emberaz, earned his MSc scholarship degree in wireless mobile communications systems engineering from the University of Greenwich, United Kingdom. He also received a Dual BSc degree in electrical engineering from October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) University & University of Greenwich, Egypt. July 2008.
He published three research papers during his PhD journey; a conference paper: “A Wideband Circularly Polarised Cross-Slot Antenna with an L-Shaped Feed-Line” at the LAPC, in November 2017. A journal paper: “Bandwidth Enhancement of a Circularly Polarised Slot GNSS Antenna using an Integrated Filter-Antenna Approach” at the Institution of Engineering and Technology Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Journal, in May 2019. A letter: “A Ku-band Filtering Duplex Antenna for Satellite Communications” at the Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, in September 2019.
MSA is keen to encourage the research skills of its students and graduates and wishes them a successful and prosperous career.