International Nursing Day

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International Nursing Day

When people are in their most delicate conditions, nurses provide them with comfort, care, and attention. A very Happy Day to MSA's Nurses.


The Faculty of Dentistry celebrated the International Nursing Day as the Community Service Committee organized an honorary celebration for all the nurses of the faculty in the presence of Prof. Dr. Nader Elbokle, Dean of the faculty , Prof. Dr. Ingy Shehata, The head of Clinics Management Cimmittee, and Prof. Dr. Rehab Fawzy Vice Dean of the Environment development affairs and Community Services.


Certificates of appreciation were handed to all the nurses along with a thanks speech in recognition of their moral, social, and professional commitment.


The event has ended by an engaging lecture presented by Prof. Dr. Shadia Abdel Kader Hassan, Professor of women's health and neonates nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University, and the Head of Nursing Sector Committee in the Supreme Council of Universities titled "Ethics of Nursing".

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