Industrial project sessions

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Industrial project sessions

The faculty of biotechnology organized the first industrial project event with a series of beneficial sessions in the multiple aspects including artificial intelligence and prototyping, in addition to separate sessions on the research process and experimental design, from the development of a research question to presenting your research. To ensure safety precautions, students were divided by schedule and sessions were given concurrently. Students were divided by week 1 and week 2.


The first group of 130 students attended a morning session with Dr. Ashraf Bakkar at 8:00am covering the aim and research question.


Followed by an afternoon session with Dr. Ahmed Gomaa covering the different aspects of artifical intellegence focusing on DIY- BIO and open source communities, for the development of prototypes. Week 2 students, were roughly 120 student and attended a session with Dr. Hossam Taha at 10:00 am on experimental design and the research process, followed by a second session with Dr. Ahmed Gomaa’s afternoon session at 1:00 pm. The sessions for DIY-BIO were to provide new perspectives into the establishment of industrial projects’ proposals which are in alignment with the new digital direction of the faculty!


Stay tuned for more!

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