A field trip to Heliopolis Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

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A field trip to Heliopolis Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

The Faculty of Pharmacy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) would like to express its deep gratitude and appreciation to the Heliopolis Hospital for its invaluable services to the community, commitment and dedication to mental health and addiction treatment and we are privileged to have the opportunity to learn from their expertise.


A field trip to Heliopolis Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment, Tuesday 23 April 2024, was organized for 40 students of Drug Abuse course (PHO402- fourth year) at Faculty of Pharmacy, MSA University under the supervision of Prof. Noha Nassar; head of Pharmacology department and Dr. Maha Shouman; lecturer of pharmacology.


This trip aimed to provide students with a practical understanding of the concepts and knowledge they have acquired in the theoretical aspects of drug abuse. During this field trip, students had the opportunity to explore various departments of the hospital and gain insights into the treatment protocols employed for patients. The visit encompassed both external and internal pharmacy units, enabling students to observe the pharmaceutical practices in a real-world setting. Additionally, students were introduced to the patient treatment plans and had the chance to interact with a recovered patient.


This unique experience provided them with a firsthand understanding of the challenges faced by individuals struggling with addiction and the transformative power of treatment. By being exposed to the patient's journey, they gained valuable insights into the complexities of addiction and witnessed the impact of effective treatment protocols.


Finally, the trip reinforced the importance the course and the role the student can play as future pharmacists in supporting individuals on their path to recovery.


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