Advertising and Media Campaign Projects' Competition - Spring 2024

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Advertising and Media Campaign Projects' Competition - Spring 2024

The Faculty of Management Sciences at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) held an Advertising Projects' competition for the students enrolled in the Advertising and Media Campaign Module; Marketing and International Business programme.


The competition aims to provide marketing major students with an opportunity to present their proposed advertising and media campaigns designed to promote Egyptian Brands which are evaluated by a panel of marketing practitioners and decide on the best 4 campaigns and the winners are offered certificates of achievements.


The event provided an opportunity for students to gain practical insights in the advertising field from the recommendations and comments received from the panel in addition to providing internships and career opportunities in Egyptian advertising agencies.


The projects' Supervisor was Dr. Ranya Ibrahim and AL Nancy Mubarak. Moreover, the panel members were Mr. Amr Nada, Managing Partner Leap Communication and Mr. Ahmed Zein, Marketing Consultant


The Winners are:

  • Mohamed Hesham Shabaka
  • Farah Ali Basha
  • Aliaa Alaa
  • Sandra Ibrahim
  • Amr Hamada
  • Raffi Avakoff
  • Ranwa Ezzat
  • Yasseen Khaled
  • Haidy Ali Hassan
  • Nancy Ashraf
  • Malak Ahmed
  • Abdelrahman Mohamed Khaled
  • Abdelrahman Khaled Fathy
  • Mariam Mohamed Dawoud
  • Ali Elaagib
  • Nadia Ramy
  • Mohamed Hisham
  • Youssef Adel
  • Yassin Mohamed Mohsen


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