Summer 2020 - Registration & Payment

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summer 2020

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and as your health and wellbeing are of our top priority, we have made a number of changes to Summer 2020 in order to ensure an easy and smooth academic semester. The summer’s registration process starts on the 19th & 20th of July 2020 for the students who have passed their online exams, practical & Papers.

For this Summer you are required to:


1- Register your schedule online first via the following link:


2- Wait for a confirmation email where the approval of your schedule is provided and the Summer’s tuition fee is displayed.


3- After approving the schedule, you should pay the summer fee via Fawry Plus Stores only on the account named (جامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والآداب – المصروفات الدراسية).


**For Fawry plus's addresses & working hours, kindly review the attached file.


4- Payment will NOT be received via bank transfer or payments & NO registration in the Accounting Department is required, so you do NOT have to be on campus.


Kindly note that:


• If, after paying the summer fees, one of the courses that you have registered in was canceled due to the insufficient number of students registering for it, the fees you have paid can be transferred to another summer course or waivered to the upcoming semester.


• Until your schedule is approved and\or the summer fee is paid, you will not be able to start the summer course.


• This summer, courses will be held online via Zoom except for the practical where on campus sessions will be convened.


• Because we understand the inconvenience of foreign currency transactions, students holding Certificates of Arab countries, IG, SAT, and Foreign students can pay their fees in Egyptian pound for this summer only.


• The summer semester starts on August the 4th 2020 and ends on September the 17th of 2020 and this includes the exams.

Main Office - 6th Oct. Campus

26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.

Tel. : 3837-1113
Tel. : 3837-1115
Tel. : 3837-1516
Tel. : 3837-1519
Postal code: 12451

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Hotline: 16672

International Hotline:  002-0216672