About TTO

Tuesday, 29 January 2019 12:36
3936 Hit
(1 Vote)

MSA University - TICO

About TTO:

TTO is the technology transfer office established in MSA university in October 2018 and funded by the ASRT to support the applied researches to be ready for the market and technology commercialization by connecting the researchers to the industrial Beneficiaries and facilitate to researchers the process of implementations their innovative ideas by providing different types of support as financial, Technical, Marketing, relations and others.

TTO Rules:
  • Establish research groups/teams from different departments and/or different faculties.
  • Build partnership with applied domains such as industry, agriculture, medical, etc.
  • Address integrated multi-disciplinary projects that support community and national needs.
  • Technology Marketing and IP licensing to companies, factories, etc.
  • Collecting the industrial challenges in the faculties’ research domains and directing the applied researches to serve the community needs .
  • Improve the quality of the graduation projects to be ready for commertlization .
  • Facilitate the Participation in innovation fairs and competitions to researchers
  • Organize technical and scientific seminars, workshops and conferences.
  • Publish distinguished research papers in reputable Journals and Conferences.

About TISC

Tuesday, 29 January 2019 13:21
3902 Hit
(2 votes)

MSA University - TICO


Creativity and innovation are the hallmarks of university research's rapid growth and the subsequent transfer of technology components to society. No doubt promoting innovative research, working to protect it, and translating it into patents push the wheel of economic growth and provides job opportunities and new industries, thus indicating the university's high status and its researchers. Hence, the university makes much effort to help its children obtain patents and support them in everything related to this noble destination.

TISC Message:

The office aims to encourage innovators to transform their ideas and creativity into products of economic value, link them with manufacturers, and preserve their intellectual rights, which will lead to the promotion of the university locally and internationally.

IP Q & A:

1. What is a patent?

It is a title providing the inventor and/or the applicant with the exclusive right to prevent others from possessing, using, selling, manufacturing, and importing the patented invention or offering to do any of these things within a definite geographical area.

2. What can be patented?

An invention must fulfill the following three criteria in order to be considered patentable:

  • Novelty: The invention must be new and original. An invention is not considered a novel one if it has been known, practiced, published, or disclosed by others anywhere in the world before the date the invention was submitted by the applicant.
  • Non-Obviousness: The invention must not, at the time it was submitted, be considered obvious to a person of “ordinary skill” in the field of the invention.
  • Industrial Applicability: Any invention which is capable for industrial use and is useful; so that it has a practical application.

3. What does patent protection grant the inventor?

Having a patent protection for your invention does not give you the right to exclude others from practicing the invention. During the time a patent is in place, a patent holder or licensee can exclude competitors from making and selling products similar to the patented idea of invention.

4. How long is a patent good for?

The lifetime of a patent is 20 years from the date of submission.

5. What is a utility Model?

It is a type of rights under which the law protects a technical means that does not reach the limit of the invention and is easier and faster to obtain and for a period of less patent protection (7 years).


The requirements for obtaining protection for a utility model are less complex than a patent, as steps such as the novelty step, for example, are not as important in the utility model as in a patent, and utility models are not subjected to the same lengthy and complex tests as patents.

6. Can early disclosure of an invention compromise the right to protect my invention?

In most countries, the right of patent protection is lost or void if a public disclosure is made prior to the filing of a patent application.


A public disclosure is information about the invention that is freely available to the public and that is “enabling” – which means it describes the technology in enough detail that someone else in the field would be able to make and use the invention.


Common forms of public disclosure include: publications, lectures, published abstracts and posters, conferences and symposia, theses and dissertations.


Therefore, we strongly recommend you to contact our IP office once you become aware of an impending public disclosure. We will work with you to evaluate and protect your invention without affecting the timeline of your publication or conference proceedings.

7. How do I submit an invention to Intellectual Property Office IPO at MSA University?

  • If you have an invention to disclose, please fill the MSA IP Disclosure form on-line via the “Patent System”.
  • Once your form is submitted to the system, it will be reviewed, and the status of the application will be updated, and you will receive an email with that.
  • After conducting a review of the technology to determine the patentability and opportunity to commercialize your invention, we will recommend the appropriate type of protection for your invention and delegate it to one of our outsourced patent attorneys who are specialized in the subject matter of your invention.
  • The technical background of the expert will help you to prepare state-of-the-art claims of the invention and file a strong patent application. Our team will also engage with you at a later stage to explore the potential market of your invention and the best strategy to commercialize it to industry.

About GICO

Tuesday, 29 January 2019 13:37
3877 Hit
(1 Vote)

MSA University - GICO


GICO office is concerned with defining the potential funding local and international opportunities for research projects. It also improves the opportunities of getting international technical / financial support for the research projects. GICO Supports the researchers in the field of managing and following –up of the research projects.

The Objectives of GICO are:
  • Define potential funding local and international opportunities for international research projects.
  • Improve opportunities of getting international technical / financial support for the research projects.
  • Support the researchers in the field of managing and following –up of the research projects.
You can now execute your idea by MSA-GICO office
Dear academic staff


Welcome from the MSA-GICO office (Grants and International Cooperation Office). The main objectives of the GICO office are:


  • Define potential funding local and international opportunities for international research projects.
  • Support the researchers in the field of managing and following –up on the research projects.
In this context, we invite you to fill your area of expertise in the link below to have a database of your specialization so we can easily reach you out when an opportunity funding opportunity arises.




if you any inquires, please do not hesitate to contact us on the email below


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TEDx MSA University

Published in contents
Thursday, 07 February 2019 11:38
16422 Hit
(2 votes)

MSA University - ENACTUS

1. About What is TED & TEDx?:

TED is a Non-Profit Organization that held an annual event to bring together the world's leading thinkers and doers to share ideas that matter in any discipline, for example in technology, entertainment, design, science, humanities, business and development … etc. The talks that are held at the conference in California are called: "TEDTalks" and latter these are made available to be watched on YOUTUBE for free on TED.com official channel. TEDx Team Applications granted us the TEDx licenses and listed the management student Menna Hany on their website as one of the official organizers in Egypt (http://www.ted.com/profiles/5641541 ). In the spirit of "ideas worth spreading", TED has created TEDx, a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. These local, self-organized events are branded: TEDx, where x= independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. Speakers must tell a story and argue for an idea using credible proof. They may not use the TEDx stage to sell products, promote themselves, or advance notions that cannot be defended with well-founded evidence.

2. Vision:

TEDxMSAUniversity aims at shining the light on those ideas out there that are worthy of being heard those ideas will be shared with people in the hopes of inspiring them to do the same, as well as better themselves, their community, country and, yes you guessed it, ultimately the world.

3. Mission:

Spreading knowledge and new ideas through organizing a series of TEDxMSAUniversity events while our speakers cover a spectrum of disciplines introducing ideas, positing solutions and applying them to our community for people to relate to we will create a community of bright minds to develop our country.

4. Founders:

• Menna Hany-Founder
• Mohamed Samir Co-Founder

5. Club History:

TEDxMSAUniversity in 2017. TEDxMSAUniversity did their first event in 2017 with the theme “Transcedence” bringing 10 speakers to MSA: 1. Dr. Nader El-Bokle
2. Mr. George Atef
3. Amr Fahmy
4. Mr.Ahmed Reda
5. Dr.Khaled Zidan
6. Ms. Mariam Tagoury
7. Eng. Alaa EL-Nady
8. Dr. Abeer Fahim
9. Eng. Ahmed Samir
10. Ms. Yasmine Youssef


Facebook: TEDxMSAUniversity page

.إختبار تحديد مستوى اللغة الإنجليزية لجميع الكليات وعدد المواد الدراسية لكل مستوى

Published in contents
Tuesday, 02 April 2019 09:27
136433 Hit
(95 votes)

إختبار تحديد مستوى اللغة الإنجليزية لجميع الكليات:
If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

Download: MSA University ELPT 2023-2024 - Arabic Version.

English Levels Required for each Faculty:



  • Dear applicants,

    Visit our MSA October Campus and set for your exam anytime, Saturday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Kindly note that all exam sessions are to be reserved earlier to the chosen day.

    To reserve your English Language Placement Test, kindly contact us either by:
    1) Hotline: 16672
    2) Text us on Facebook Messenger @MSAUniversityOfficial

    New applicants need to pass a certain level in the English Language Placement Test to be able to complete the other admission procedures set by MSA University.


    Each of the Faculties require a certain English level in order to be able to enroll into it.


    Below you will find the needed and required English level:


    All Faculties Accept: Level (1) or Level (2) or Level (3) or Level (4)



    NOTE: The following certificate holders are exempted from taking the English language placement test (ELPT):


    • IELTS & TOEFL certificate holders
    • IGCSE certificate holders whose English subject grade with minimum B or 6
    • American Diploma certificate holders, whose SAT/EST English test score 500 or above, ACT score 36 or above
    • IB/CANADIAN certificate holders
    • After completing the registration, a copy of the certificate will be sent to the admission email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)to be reviewed

English Language Placement Test Guidelines (On campus):
If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

Download: Guidelines for English Language Placement Test.


Apply Now for Admission


Note: MSA University has the right to change the admission rules and regulations according to the internal policies of the university with the coordination and approval of the Ministry of Higher Education.

One Day Free Training Courses

Monday, 10 June 2019 13:58
3059 Hit
(1 Vote)
Training course name Intended audience
Training Course on Biotechnology Techniques Undergraduate Students of Biotechnology
Basics of Bioinformatics Students, postgraduates and researchers faculties of biotech, pharmacy and dent.
Molecular Docking and Modeling Students, postgraduates and researchers faculties of biotech and pharmacy
Application of Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) Students, postgraduates and researchers faculties of biotech, pharmacy and dent
Primer design Students, postgraduates and researchers faculties of biotech, pharmacy and dent
Basic molecular techniques Students ( high school)
Application of Molecular markers in the biomedical sciences Students, postgraduates and researchers faculties of biotech, pharmacy and dent
Hands on training on hisotopathological techniques and its application Students, postgraduates and researchers faculties of biotech, pharmacy and dent
Histopathology techniques & dental materials Students, postgraduates and researchers faculty of dentistry
Hazardous Waste Management Students, postgraduates and researchers faculties of biotech, pharmacy and dent
Gel documentation system Students, postgraduates and researchers faculties of biotech, pharmacy and dent
Advanced pcr techniques Students, postgraduates and researchers faculties of biotech, pharmacy and dent
Application for Cytogenetic techniques Students, postgraduates and researchers faculties of biotech, pharmacy and dent

The schedule will be announced soon.  

Entrepreneur club

Published in Entrepreneur Club
Thursday, 13 June 2019 12:09
10801 Hit
(4 votes)

MSA University - TICO


The MSAEHUB aims to promote creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in the various sectors that fall within the interests and disciplines of the University of October for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) to support and encourage students to set up small business models that will be the starting point for successful entrepreneurship.


Turning to a regional center in the field of technological innovation and entrepreneurship.


The Center works to promote the knowledge-based entrepreneurship economy by supporting creativity and innovation to establish and manage business and provide their owners with the expertise, skills and information to improve and develop their ideas, enhance their competitiveness and build an effective communication network.


1. Enhancing the applied method of university education and supporting the shift towards productive programs. (Curriculum and extra curriculum components)
2. Encourage innovation and creativity in business that is compatible with the requirements of development plans (Innovation Center-Prototype Unit)
3. To contribute to the preparation of a distinguished generation of future businessmen who contribute positively to support the national economy.
4. Preparing professional competencies in the fields of knowledge economics. (Training)
5. Promote the principle of partnership with the private sector to contribute to the transformation of ideas into projects. (Partnership)
6. Encouraging students to practice entrepreneurship and adopt pioneering thinking (Encourage, Brain Storming, Group work)
7. Preparation of studies and research that contribute to support the university's strategy towards global leadership. (R & D)
8. Continuous communication with scientific and governmental bodies and business sectors in the field of entrepreneurship (Business Relations)

MSA University Hult prize

Published in contents
Wednesday, 28 August 2019 13:07
24747 Hit
(9 votes)

MSA University - Hult Prize

1. About:
The Hult Prize is the world’s biggest engine for the launch of for good and for-profit startups, we exist to promote entrepreneurship and enable students to use it in solving global challenges. In competitions the teams compete with there ideas and the winning team gets a final prize of 1 million $. Hult prize MSA is a part of Hult Prize OnCampus program, where local university competition winners automatically advance into one of the +25 regional final events then to the UN finals.
2. What is Hult prize?
The Hult Prize was established by Bertil Hult, and is an annual, year-long competition that crowd-sources ideas from MBA and college students after challenging them to solve a pressing social issue around topics such as food security, water access, energy, and education. Reward: $1 million USD prize. Participants compete in local events organized in cities, countries and on campuses around the world. Regional programs are hosted world-wide and winners of these events get to spend 8-weeks living, working, learning and playing in a castle in the UK. Everything happens in person, because that’s how you create entrepreneurs. The Hult Prize is the official kick-off to UN GLOBAL GOALS WEEK, so it’s the perfect place to pitch for a million dollars. Collectively, more than one-million students around the world, representing more than 150 countries participate in the Hult Prize and spend over 50 million man-hours on solving the world’s most pressing issues. Tens of thousands more students organize various trainings and programming throughout the years. Through crowdsourcing, training, mentorship and funding, the Hult Prize seeks to build and launch the next wave of social entrepreneurs, all of whom are poised to change the world.
3. Vision:
To provide life changing education about entrepreneurship and transformative experiences for the on-campus students.
4. Mission:
To provide trainings and workshops for the students about the entrepreneurship and to help them adapt it in their lives so everyone can be able to pitch their for-good and for-profit startup ideas in a final competition by the end of the program fueled with social responsibility; ideas that might be launched in the future to create a great impact.
5. Boards:
  • Board of directors
  • Board of mentors


6. Committees:

Logistics and coordination

  • Provide the venue required for the trainings and the competition day.
  • Prepare all required stationery and facilities for the competition day.
  • Responsible for all the logistical support needed either for the trainings or for the competition day.
  • Responsible for organizing the final competition
  • Responsible for the coordination between hult prize MSA University from one side and the university, judges and partners from the other side.

Public relations

  • Represent hult prize MSA university to our partners
  • Approach and seal deals with our trainers and judges
  • Maintain a positive brand image through modern PR methods
  • Inform our judges and trainers about hult prize and our criteria and methods
  • Attract and help in the recruitment of our participants


  • Plan, design, and implement online and offline marketing strategies that suits our brand image
  • Responsible for the attraction form of our recruitment phase
  • Responsible for the documentation of our activities
  • Design and edit our multimedia files
  • Runs our social media platforms
  • Maintain a positive brand image through modern marketing techniques

Fundraising and partnership development

  • Conduct market research for potential sponsors and partners
  • Ensure the flow of funds through creative ways to cover our expenses
  • Manage our budget and financial state
  • Design fundraising proposals for the potential sponsors and partners
  • Conduct meetings with our sponsors and partners to maintain apositive relationship
  • Write reports and communicate with the university about our financial state

Talent management

  • Implement the HR functions in the activity
  • File reports about the wellbeing and productivity of the teams
  • Design moral building days and activities
  • Ensure the implementation of hult prize vision
  • Maintain good communication between the members
  • Develop the talents and skills of our members and participants
  • Through different trainings that cover all the needed topics to compete in our final competition and what follows.
  • Assemble a mentorship group for the participants

Academic Advisor

  • We are blessed to have Dr. Zainab Abass as our academic advisor and mentor.


8. Academic Strategy:

We are going to work hand in hand with the center of excellence (entrepreneurship hub) as well as other student activities to promote the social entrepreneurship and Egypt’s 2030 vision as well as the UN 2030 agenda among students. Hult prize on-campus program main goal is to prepare and allow students to compete with their startups internationally throughout a journey that allows them to gain funds along the way so they can maximize the impact of their startups Having teams from MSA joining Hult prize will indeed help MSA maintaining their position as a beacon of change not only nationally but also internationally. Hosting an on-campus program automatically makes us in MSA recognized internationally as change makers so just imagine the publicity and reputation that we will gain just if we introduced the next generation of social entrepreneurs! We will start our recruitment for the participants as soon as the fall semester starts and during the 2 weeks for recruitment we will make some introductory sessions about the entrepreneurship. After the recruitment we will start our sessions weekly except for the mid-term weeks till our final competition which will be held before 15th of December when it suits the university timeline and the readiness of our participants Throughout the sessions we will tackle different topics all related to entrepreneurship to make our participants well equipped to compete and pitch their ideas

The first on campus competition for hult prize MSA:

For 10 years now, hult prize has been the largest movement for social entrepreneurship around the globe. Every year Bill Clinton challenges the students worldwide to compete on different stages for the 1 million dollar final prize.


December 14th 2019 marked the first on campus competition for hult prize MSA, after pitching for an outstanding jury and among many innovative projects and startups the top winning three teams were as follows:


On the third place: “CB airless tires” that 3D printed airless tires by recycling convectional ones.


On the second place: “SemiCO2nductor” that utilized CO2 from factories into making high gap electronic ships.


On the first place: “PowerBusters” that found a way to make every plug and switch in your home go smart with the lowest costs.


Those three teams will get the chance to join the national accelerator and competition while only the first one will get a wildcard to join the regional directly .



Published in contents
Tuesday, 17 September 2019 14:46
23766 Hit
(2 votes)

1. About:

Backed by the MSA Entrepreneurship Hub, MSAYE was established in 2018 and its purpose to spread awareness to support young Entrepreneurs, by providing professional and educational trainings to encourage MSA students into a proficient future career.

2. Vision:

MSAYE aspires to make Entrepreneurship the most appealing field to the MSA students through developing the learning process on the professional and the educational levels by spreading the proper awareness and empowerment to the students in order to be the platform that boosts the MSA students and the Egyptian youth to excel.

3. Mission:

MSAYE responsible to spread the entrepreneurship awareness and spirit among the MSA students and the Egyptian youth. Moreover, MSAYE aims to provide professional and educational trainings to build the personal and the professional skills of the MSA students.

4. Objectives:

MSAYE has the following objectives:

  • To implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG’s).
  • To develop the learning process of Entreprenuership on the professional and the educational levels of through participating, conducting, or organizing the suitable events, sessions, conferences, and competitions.
  • To spread the proper awareness regarding the importance of the field of Entreprenuership and its relation to other fields.
  • To prepare the students for the job market through added value experiences.
  • To develop the students on the personal and the professional levels.

5. Founders:

MSAYE was founded by the following members:

  • Dr. Yasmine Abdin.
  • Mohamed Emad.
  • Mohamed Mokhtar.
  • Adham Salem.
  • Omar Ali.
  • Salmma Yasser.

6. Social media:

MSAYE has the following social media channels: A. Facebook: • Page Name: MSAYE. • Page Link: www.facebook.com/msaye2018/ B. Instagram: • Page Name: @msaye2018 • Page Link: www.instagram.com/msaye2018/ C. YouTube: Channel Name: MSA Young Entrepreneurs.

Main Office - 6th Oct. Campus

26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.

Tel. : 3837-1113
Tel. : 3837-1115
Tel. : 3837-1516
Tel. : 3837-1519
Postal code: 12451

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Hotline: 16672

International Hotline:  002-0216672