Genetic Characterization for Cymothoidae species from Qarun Lake By Using DNA Barcode Genes

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Accession No.: LC138010
Submitted (24-MAR-2016) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases.
The Cymothoidae are a family of isopods in the suborder Cymothoidae and are found in marine and freshwater. Cymoithoids are ectoparasites, fish. There are around 40 genera and more than 380 species of Cymothoidae which were identified.


1-They produce anticoagulants and suck the fish's blood.
2-Different species of parasite included in the skin, fins, the gills and the mouth, and some species located in muscles.


1- Cymothoids are protandrous hermaphrodites.
2- Each juvenile develops first into a male, but if there are no any females nearby.
3- The male will later become a female and attach permanently to the host.
4- Female is able to secretes pheromones which prevent male cymothoids in the vicinity from becoming female.

DNA Barcodes to Identify and Classify Living Organisms (Main Steps):

1-Primers Design Specific to Barcoding Gene.
2-DNA Isolation
3-PCR for Barcoding Gene.
4-Gel Purification Method.
5-DNA Sequencing for Barcoding Gene.
6-Bioinformatics Analysis
7-Genbank Submission