Accession No.: LC202941
Submitted (17-DEC-2016) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases.
Variation of SSRs is mainly caused by slipped-strand mispairing and subsequent resulting errors during DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Regular expressions applied to match the repeats of DNA sequences. In this study a programmed tool was designed by Visual basic language to detect the different lengths of SSR sequences in the chloroplast completed genome of Phoenix dactylifera (Accession number, GU811709.2).
Detecting The Unique Region In Chloroplast Genome:
1-Primers Design Specific to detect the marker (EPDCO).
2-DNA Isolation.
4-Gel Purification Method.
5-DNA Sequencing EPDCO.
6-Bioinformatics Analysis.
7-Genbank Submission