Congratulation Alaa Mohsen

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Congratulation Alaa Mohsen

MSA UK Quality Assurance and International Partnership Unit is proud to share the continuous success of MSA Postgraduate Scholarships Programme.


Ms. Alaa Mohsen, Faculty of Management Sciences, has been granted a MSc. scholarship at the University of Bedfordshire and is currently studying there, she is glad to share her feedback:


"I guarantee you a bright future.", was the first sentence that Dad said to me on day one I set my foot at MSA University. Undoubtedly, my Dad was right! The unique method of learning, the familial atmosphere of communicating, as well as the exceptional experience of studying abroad at the University of Greenwich/the University of Bedfordshire which are offered by MSA Quality Assurance and International Partnership Unit have not only built my capabilities to enter the labor market but also they have created an eternal bond between MSA University and I which led me to join my MSA Family as a Teaching Assistant in the year 2020. After two years, I was granted a MSc Scholarship by MSA to the University of Bedfordshire, and here I am, working on my assignment at the University of Bedfordshire Library with full enthusiasm to get my MSc in Accounting and Business Finance and return back to my lovely MSA Family. - Alaa Mohsen, Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Management Sciences.


Congratulations Alaa Mohsen, with our heartfelt wishes for continued success and excellence to all MSA University students and graduates.