Magic Lake, Wadi El Rayan, El Fayoum
On Friday 16th of December, 2022;
As the midterms are over, now is the right time to have some fun! The Sports and Social activities Department at MSA University is organizing a trip to Magic Lake, Wadi El Rayan, El Fayoum on Friday 16th of December, 2022 that you shouldn’t miss.
Price: 500 LE.
Program includes:
- Lunch @ Tunis Village(Chicken, Rice, Kofta, Vegetables, and Salad)
- El Modawara Moutain Hiking
- Jeeps inside the desert
- Color Fight, Sand boarding, sand football, and sand volleyball
- Boat trip, sunset photo section, and tents for relaxing
- Beverages & Beduin tea
- Camp fire activities
- Plastic Sheet Sliding
- Eating Marshmallows around camp
And other activities organized by team-building activities
Bus pickup location: MSA University Campus at 7:00 AM – Return back to MSA Campus will be by 9:00 PM
*For Students of MSA University ONLY
*Limited seats!
Hurry up and reserve your seat before Monday 12th of December.
To sign the trip form, head to building L besides true Gym and then pay Fawry through the following link “El Fayoum Trip Service” :