The Faculty of Engineering Graduation Projects
Faculty of Engineering Graduation projects serve the goals of sustainable development and Egypt’s 2030 plan.
The Mechatronics and Industrial Engineering departments focused on artificial intelligence as a language in integration with industry through effective applications, in partnership with leading industrial companies. Various projects and multiple applications have been reviewed, such as renewable energies like wind and solar energy, and modern methods to increase efficiency in such systems through advanced techniques.
For example, the use of smart filters to separate the wavelengths of sunlight and utilize part of it to obtain electrical energy, while directing the other part, which was responsible for reducing the efficiency of solar cells, to another path to be used for water heating as thermal energy. Additionally, horizontal wind turbines with blades and bladeless turbines operating through vibrations are implemented among various systems that harvest energy from air, sea, and river currents. There are also projects for desalinating seawater using solar energy.

Pioneering projects were also showcased, such as the smart flight simulator that demonstrates the advanced level of our students, as well as interactive robots and facial expression readers. Projects contracted by industrial entities were presented, such as a machine that converts liquids into powder for export, embodying the “Made in Egypt” principle. Promising projects in the fields of advanced agricultural robots, smart and integrated agricultural systems, smart pharmacy services machines, colour mixing machines, 3D smart printers, five-axis computer numerical control machines, smart robots for serving people with disabilities and the elderly, and smart robots for detecting cracks in water pipes were also discussed, highlighting the depth of cooperation with the water company. Furthermore, there was an emphasis on the deepening role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in identifying different bird species at airports, which cause accidents in aircraft engines. A project was presented with a robot equipped with various sensors that can identify the type of bird and emit the appropriate sound to drive it away from the engine, and field experiments have proven the effectiveness and accuracy of this system.

Similarly, the Computer Engineering and Communications Engineering departments follow the same approach as the faculty of Engineering by providing continuous support to their outstanding students. Numerous graduation projects were discussed in pioneering fields, some of which address the goals of sustainable development, while others were sponsored by the industry. These projects include human emotion prediction using speech sentiment analysis, modelling firewall log files using machine learning, counterfeit money detection using deep learning, racial group facial classification using deep learning, grain storage monitoring based on the Internet of Things, a health bracelet for detecting heart attacks, human resource allocation using machine learning, detection and analysis of harmful driving habits, estimating human posture using computer vision, sign language translator and accident detection.
Projects related to clean water and sanitation were also addressed, such as “water recycling,” “water pollution detection,” and “environmental prediction and monitoring.” Likewise, projects targeting clean and affordable energy included “solar energy harvesting system,” “energy meter with current, voltage, and cost monitoring,” and “smart street lighting system.” The projects also tackled the goal of good health and well-being through projects like “hand tracking and gesture recognition,” “classification of skin diseases using deep learning,” “Braille-based intelligent recognition system for visually impaired individuals,” “pulmonary disease detection and classification using artificial intelligence,” and “assistant translator for the deaf using artificial intelligence.” The projects also covered the goals of industry, innovation, and infrastructure, such as “road detection using computer vision” and “enterprise intelligence using computer vision.” Additionally, the goals of sustainable cities and communities were addressed through projects such as “weather alert and monitoring system for smart cities,” “smart roads and vehicles system,” and “object detection using artificial intelligence for banks.” Some of these projects were sponsored by industry partners, such as the “satellite laser” project sponsored by the Egyptian Space Agency, the “integrated mobility for smart cities” project sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism, the “criminal investigation tracking with suspect prediction” project sponsored by Wire company, and the “driver monitoring system” project sponsored by Valeocompany.

A large number of these projects were funded by different entities due to their excellence, and research papers for some of these projects were published. The graduation projects for the College of Engineering students were discussed by a distinguished group of scientists from various renowned Egyptian universities. The examination committees praised the outstanding level of the students, as well as the graduation projects, which reflect the message of the Faculty of Engineering in supporting entrepreneurship, meeting the needs of the job market, and preparing graduates equipped with effective engineering skills rooted in a scientific research application. This contributes to serving our society, achieving Egypt’s Vision 2030, and implementing the sustainable development goals of the United Nations.