Congratulations to the winning team in the Interprofessional Education competition

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Congratulations to the winning team in the Interprofessional Education competition

October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) is delighted to congratulate the winning team in the Interprofessional Education (IPE) competition held yesterday in the SSB.


8 teams, each consisting of 6 students from the three medical faculties of Dentistry, Pharmacy and Physical therapy participated in the competition where the students collaborated to solve real-world medical cases that needed the expertise of the three medical fields.


The aim of this competition was to arm our students with the knowledge and skills needed in their future medical careers and to prepare them to be effective members of the Interprofessional practice.

It’s also noteworthy that MSA University is adopting top-notch learning strategies to develop the student's capabilities in Interprofessional education.

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