(IPE) activity - October 2023

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(IPE) activity - October 2023

In October 2023, an interprofessional education (IPE) activity was conducted between students of pharmacy and physical therapy.

The activity included several sessions and activities designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing between the two professions.


The components of the activity included:

  • Orientation: A comprehensive introduction to the IPE activity, outlining the objectives and expectations for the students.
  • Infection Control Awareness Session and hands-on activity: They focused on infection control awareness, where students learned about hand hygiene, the best disinfection techniques, and their application in real-world settings.
  • Pulmonary Disease Case-Based Learning Session: A case-based learning session focused on pulmonary disease, where students from both professions worked together to analyze and discuss patient scenarios, developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Iontophoretic Techniques for Drug Delivery Theory and Practice: A hands-on session where students learned about iontophoretic techniques for drug delivery, both theoretically and practically. This component allowed students to apply their knowledge and skills in a simulated environment.


Main Office - 6th Oct. Campus

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