Arts & Design Field Trip to Jotun

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Arts & Design Field Trip to Jotun

A fruitful interactive seminar has been held on Sunday 9th of December through a cooperative forum between Jotun Company and MSA University on decorative paints and performance coatings and its applications in interior design.

The workshop was organized and supervised by Dr. Noha Essam (lecturer of interior architecture/interior design dep. faculty of arts & design). The workshop was one of the most productive which Students of Level 3 have had through the unit program of Materials of Interior design INTR 371. Jotun is a very well known paint company. It has organized its global operations into seven regions responsible for the sale of decorative paints and marine, protective and powder coating. It has 65 companies in 45 countries worldwide represented in over 100 countries. Special thanks goes to Eng. Mr. Mohanad Mostafa Abou Ghanima (Specifications & SSS Manger/ Decorative Department) and his team for the beneficial information to our students, the gracious hospitality and professionalism.

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