“Occupational therapy pathway to stroke Recovery” Training Course
In light of the implementation of cooperation protocols, the Faculty of Physical therapy at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University), in cooperation with the Egyphysio Foundation, organized a training course in the field of occupational therapy entitled “Occupational therapy pathway to stroke Recovery” by Dr. Omnia Sweloum, a Certified ASI therapist (University of Southern California) and a Certified TMS practitioner.
The training course focused on evidence-based approaches that enables the participants after stroke to facilitate and improve motor control and hand function in the stroke-affected upper limb, to maximize the person’s ability to undertake his or her own personal self-care tasks and domestic tasks, to help the patient learn strategies to manage the cognitive, perceptual, and behavioral changes associated with stroke, and to prepare the home and work environment for the patient’s return.
Tag:MSA Courses, MSA Students