Deciding on your initial career may present a stressful and frightening prospect. A career is more than just a job. It includes your progress through life, your growth, and your development.
Many of us think that there is only one occupation that is best suited for us, but there are really several ones that may be good choices. As a college student, there are general skills that will be required regardless of the career you pursue.
The Faculty of Management Sciences has invited a group of its brilliant graduates who are holding huge positions in more than one multinational corporations to discuss with students their futures and how to start pursuing a bright future career.
All students are invited to attend the session. If you are wondering.
The session will discuss the following topics:
- What is the current roadmap and future potential for jobs?
- How can I plan for my career from now and not wait till after graduation?
- What are the skills I should pursue and enhance during my university years?
- How do I build my professional network?
- What are the needed skills in the job market nowadays?