Multinational Cooperation - Valeo Egypt

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Multinational Cooperation - Valeo Egypt

MSA University and Valeo have a long cooperation full of achievements and success, and this cooperation started from 2016.


The cooperation with Valeo will organizes filed trips for the students to make them link the theoretical students with the actual industry.

Moreover, Valeo participates on MSA Build your future Career Advice Event as an expert to give a session about the Automotive Industry Revolution MSA Univeristy and valeo organize a Roadshow Seminar for MSA students, and more than 400 students will be able to attend this seminar from Faculties of Engineering and Computer Sciences.


Valeo Roadshow is one of the unique events conductes by Valeo's team of professionals with the objective of highlighting the latest technical trends available in the automotive industry.


Moreover, Valeo Egypt in cooperation with MSA University has established Software testing academy. The Testing academy introduced software testing in a way that will help & support MSA Students to recognize, and assess their abilities and skills in testing.


MSA University in cooperation Valeo Egypt, sponsored by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, launches The Xperts online Meetups. The seminar includes six online sessions that will be presented by Valeo Experts staff and Academic staff from MSA University.


The Seminars discusses many topics about different Technologies related to the Automotive Digital transformation.


To know more about our remarkable success with Value, from the following link:

  • Organized Roadshow Seminar, and the attendances were more than 400 students
  • Organized a Field trip for 10 students to Valeo Egypt.
  • Established Software testing academy.
  • Launched The Xperts online Meetups, which Included six online sessions that presented by Valeo Experts staff and Academic staff from MSA University and the attendees exceeded 500 participants per session.