Launching of MSA QAAC:
The idea of establishing a Quality Assurance Centre in MSA first started at the outset of the year 2010, in order to fulfill national quality systems requirements and to help the University to maintain its precedence in the application of international quality systems, which started with MSA signing validation agreements with two British Universities, namely Middlesex University & Greenwich University, in order to apply British quality systems based on the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education standards (QAA). The establishment of MSA Quality Assurance & Accreditation Centre was endorsed through the University Council meeting dated 10/1/2011. The QAAC is considered an administrative unit that directly reports to the University President, and is responsible for the establishment of QA systems and performance/achievement evaluation in all University academic, research and community service constituencies. Quality Assurance units were also established in all Faculties of the University. These units administratively report to Deans of their respective Faculties. The QAAC follows up their work and provides them with technical support.
The MSA QAAC aspires to be one of the reputable national and international Quality Centres, through adopting and applying national and international quality standards, which would earn the University a leading position and a competitive asset.
The MSA QAAC adopts and applies quality standards to qualify the University and its Faculties for national accreditation and international validation, and to win the society’s trust in the University graduates.
Aims of the QAAC:
1- Adopting and spreading awareness of and following up the application of regional and international quality standards.
2- Disseminating quality education culture and awareness among all stakeholders (leaders – academic staff members – students – administrative staff – community & beneficiaries).
3- Training in the field of performance/achievement evaluation and quality assurance and accreditation.
4- Forming follow-up and self-assessment committees.
5- Supporting, following-up and evaluating quality assurance units in Faculties.
6- Exchanging experience (cooperation) with counterpart national, regional and international quality assurance centres.
7- Contributing to the establishment of a comprehensive data system.
QAAC Policy:
1- The QAAC in MSA is responsible for the spread of quality culture, provision of technical support and training to all University Faculties, Institutes and Administrative Units, in order to develop their quality management systems to meet the standard specifications requirements of quality management systems, and the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE).
2- The MSA QAAC is responsible for encouraging all social spectrums of the University and the local community to actively participate in its activities.
Contact us:
Email: qc-msa@msa.edu.eg
Room: N203