Magic Lake, Wadi El Rayan, El Fayoum

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    Published in Trips
  • Sunday, 06 December 2020 10:48
Magic Lake, Wadi El Rayan, El Fayoum

On 11 December 2020;

It's the time for a new adventure


The Sports and Social activities department is announcing a 1-day trip to “Magic Lake, Wadi El Rayan, El Fayoum” on Friday the 11th of December, 2020

The program includes


- Breakfast at Tunis Village


- Elmodawra Mountain Hiking


- Jeeps Inside the Desert


- Sand Boarding


- Boat Trip


- Team Building Activities


- Color Fight


- Beverages


- Sand Football & Volleyball


- Beduin Tea Eating & Marshmallows Around Camp


- Lunch Open Buffet


- Sun Set Photo Section


- Tents for Relaxing

Price: EGP 450 (including transportation, lunch, and rooms).

Bus pickup location: MSA University Campus at 7:00 AM


The seats are limited!


Hurry up and Reserve your seat at MSA sports & social Booth at the Olympic courts