The role of DNA fingerprinting in criminal offenses and national security
The Faculty of Biotechnology at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) proudly organized a training course and 5-days workshop entitled “The role of DNA fingerprinting in criminal offenses and national security” in fruitful cooperation with the National Defense College -Nasser Higher Military Academy.
The workshop was attended by 203 students from the first year of the Faculty. Relating this workshop to the biotechnology curriculum and courses, this workshop included various lectures on crime scene sciences, types of fingerprints, the role of DNA in detecting the perpetrators of the crime, and other topics which were given by a number of doctors and consultants specialized in crime sciences.
In addition, topics such as Crime scene sciences and types of fingerprints, concepts and dimensions of national security, Egyptian water security, Artificial intelligence and smart power and their impact on Egyptian national security were discussed.
Furthermore, this workshop aimed to qualify students of the Faculty of Biotechnology at MSA University and educate them to keep pace with labor market changes and challenges of the times and keep pace with digital transformation and technological progress.
The Faculty of Biotechnology was also honored by the presence of Major General Sameh El Degwi, Director of the National Defense College, who honored the students and handed them certificates. Moreover, the Faculty also extends its thanks and appreciation to those who participated in the various training lectures who are Dr. Adel El-Bary, Director of Forensic Medicine, Suez and South Sinai Governorates, Major General Dr. Eman El-Sherbiny, Professor of Crime Theater at the Police College, Major General Samir Badawi, Writer Dr. Engy El-Husseiny, Lieutenant Dr. Amani Abdel Maqsoud, Dr. Amani Abdel Hakim, Dr. Ghada Amer, Dr. Alaa Fawzy, Counselor, Counselor Abdel Rahman Al-Husseini, and Counselor Mahmoud Zyad