The faculty of engineering graduation projects exhibition
The Faculty of Engineering at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) held a remarkable exhibition on Wednesday 26th of July, 2023 under the patronage of Dr. Nawal El Degwi, the Head of MSA University’s Board of Trustees, and Prof. Khairy Abdel Hamid, the President of MSA University.
The exhibition showcased graduation projects from the Faculty departments such as Mechatronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Communication Engineering and architectural engineering. The architectural engineering projects addressed the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic with the design of a health-oriented building. However, the other departments’ projects featured which all incorporated artificial intelligence as a language integrated with industry in its practical applications with leading industrial companies. In addition, the projects encompassed diverse fields and applications, including clean and renewable energies like wind and solar power.
It’s worth mentioning that some projects were contracted by industrial entities, emphasizing the “Made in Egypt” principle. Many of these projects were funded by different organizations, reflecting their exceptional nature. Several research papers related to these projects were also published.
Moreover, the event was honored with the presence of Prof. Nahed Sabhi, the Dean of the Faculty, along with the deans of other faculties at MSA University.
Furthermore, representatives from national and international companies were able to attend the exhibition including Mr. Mohamed Abdullah and Mr. Abdelnasser Abdelbaset from CISTEL Motorola as well as Mr. Mohamed Abdullah, Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdelkader, Mr. Mostafa Abdelmohsen from SMC, and Ms. Orit Nile, the former Academic Collaboration Manager at IBM.
The esteemed guests praised the students and faculty members for their innovative ideas and scientific approach, as well as the hard work put into the projects. These projects not only respond to the demands of the job market but also align with the Sustainable Development Goals and Egypt’s Vision 2030.
As the exhibition showcased the incredible talent and dedication of our students and faculty, we are immensely proud of their achievements and contributions to shaping a better future.