The 58th annual conference of the (ESPET)
Faculty of Pharmacy gladly announce the great success of the 58th annual conference of the Egyptian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ESPET) under the title of “New trends in Pharmacology”.
The conference was held on Saturday 20th April 2019, in the SSB under the auspices of Dr. Nawal El Degwy head of the university board of trustees , Professor Dr Khayri Abdelhamid President of MSA University, Professor Dr. Hanan El Laithy the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Dr Amany El Brairy the conference president & Professor Mohamed El Khayal ESPET President. The conference included distinguished panel of speakers, on their head Professor Dr. Nadia Zakhary professor of Biochemistry in the national cancer institute Cairo University& the former minister of scientific research and Professor Dr. Hussien Khalid, professor of medical oncology in the national cancer institute Cairo University & the former minister of higher education and Professor Dr. Taher Zanaty emeritus professor of internal medicine Faculty of Medicine Cairo University. Professor Dr. Nadia Zakhary gave an updated speech on Steps in drug discovery and the challenges against discovering new drugs and how to get over them. Her speech included the latest technique in the field of drug discovery and how to translate basic scientific findings into therapeutic interventions for patients. Professor Dr. Hussien Khalid discussed a controversial topic titled “Cancer control in developing countries”. His Excellency presented cancer incidence rates at national and regional level of Egypt, based upon results of National Cancer Registry Program (NCRP) and discussed how study of rates of individual sites of cancer might help in giving clues for preventive programs. His talk also included the latest treatment options in the field of oncology. Professor Dr. Taher Zanaty gave a talk titled “Update in management of Irritable Bowel Disease”. He explored different therapeutic options in the field of autoimmune diseases especially in the gastrointestinal tract. Meanwhile, two scientific work shops were held on MSA university premises. One in collaboration with Professor Dr. Sherif Mokhtar Intensive Care Unit in faculty of Medicine Cairo University about the Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the second workshop discussed the use of stem cells and its new therapeutic trends in different diseases.Both workshops offered the participants both theoretical and practical applications. On the other hand, more than one hundred and twenty pharmacologists shared the activities of the conference from MSA, Cairo, Minia, Alexanderia, Assiut, El Fayoum & El Mansoura universities as well as researchers from the National Research Center, National Organization for Drug Control & Research and from the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority. The presented oral scientific presentations and posters, showed a variety of Pharmacological research fields. MSA students and Graduates sharing in the conference gained the admiration of the attendees and the external evaluators because of updated pharmacologic searches presented in the poster session under the supervision of Pharmacology teaching staff in MSA.