Students’ participation in City Hackathon-2021, Climathon-2022, and Hack 4Climate competitions honoring
October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) is proudly congratulated and honored the students who participated, were shortlisted and who have won in Smart City Hackathon-2021, Climathon-2022, and Hack 4Climate competitions.
This event was organized as part of MSA University’s strategy to encourage students to work on projects that integrate different disciplines and that these projects are able to compete in the labor market.
MSA students had effective participation in those competitions, in which different disciplines were merged, which resulted in the inclusion of teams from the university in the short lists of the mentioned competitions as follows:
- Digital Health Care (shortlisted in Smart City Hackathon)
- Green MSA (shortlisted in Climathon 2022)
- Water Recycling (shortlisted in Smart City Climathon 2022)
- 4Cast (Shortlisted in Climathon 2022).
- Hexa Egypt (Shortlisted in Hack 4 Climate).
In addition, some of MSA University students won the highest positions in the:
- “Re-data and Omega” took second place in the Smart City Hackathon 2021 competition
- “The Scarab Team” won 1st place in the Climathon 2022
- “The ESM Team” won 2nd place in the Climathon 2022 competition
This event took place in the presence of Prof. Dr. Khairy Abdel Hamid, President of MSA University, Prof. Dr. Tarek Saleh, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design and Head of the Center for Scientific Excellence, and Prof. Dr. Ghada Abdel Hadi, Head of the Outstanding Hub. The honoring was presented by Eng. Nora Shaheen, supervisors moderator at the Outstanding Hub. In addition to the presence of professors, Dr. Ayman Ezzat from the Faculty of Computer Science, Dr. Sameh Shaaban from the Faculty of Pharmacy, and Ms. Sarah Noman from the Faculty of Arts and Design.