Announcement (199)
Registration Place for spring 2016
On 28 January 2016;
Dear MSA students, Below is the Registration Places for spring 2016.
MSA updates lab servers and renews computers
On 05 January 2016;
With an eye that is always looking for the latest of technology to serve MSA community, the IT department has updated 40% of lab servers from physical to virtual servers.In addition, three labs (B225, B231, B232) have been equipped with 75 new computers.Another 50 computers in different buildings have also been equipped with new computers.
EBSCOhost & Jstor
On 24 December 2015;
EBSCOhost & Jstor book & research databases have been published in Students and staff portal.
To access the the e-books databases:
MSA TA obtains Master's degree with highest Dutch honor
On 08 November 2015;
Arwa Kohela, MSA Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Biotechnology, has obtained her Master's degree with the highest Dutch honor; the "cum laude" degree. Ms. Kohela studied at the number one ranked Dutch Masters programme, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease at Radboud University , in the Netherlands with a 2-year fully-funded scholarship. She also performed two internships; the first within the group of Dr. Harry Dolstra in the Hematology department at the Radboud university Medical Center (Radboudumc). There, the group worked on using stem cells as an immunotherapy against leukaemia and multiple myeloma to completely eliminate cancer cells after chemotherapy and we published our data in the International Journal: Stem Cells and Development.
MSA University subscribed in JSTOR Database
On 03 November 2015;
Now, MSA University subscribed in JSTOR Database (More than 1,100 titles in various fields – including Life Sciences Collection of over 5.5 million pages.) JSTOR is a growing digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. JSTOR's archival journal collections include more than two thousand journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Both multidisciplinary and discipline-specific journal collections are offered, covering more than 50 academic disciplines. We also offer access to more than 2 million digitized primary source objects.
MSA’s Faculty of Management joins CFA Institute Research challenge ’16
On 30 October 2015;
The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual global competition that provides university students from the top area business schools with a real professional experience in financial analysis, as they assume the role of a research analyst on a publically traded stock. During this competition, students write an equity research report on an assigned company and present their findings to a panel of investment industry experts and CFA Charter holders. The competition has three levels: Local, Regional, and Global. Winners at the Local level advance to compete against Teams within their geographic region at the Regional level. Winning Teams at the Regional level to compete in the EMEA Regional competition and global final that will be held in Chicago, Illinois, USA during the week of 11 April 2016.
first Creative Writing completion
On 27 October 2015;
The faculty of languages MSA is pleased to announce the launching of its first Creative Writing completion. If you are the writer of a poem or a short story of maximum 500 words, Please send it to the following email address: with your name and ID before November 5th 2015.
ACM International Competition Fall 2015
On 20 October 2015;
MSA Computer Science Students Aim for ACM International Competition. Two teams of MSA Computer Science students prepare to compete in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). The contest is sponsored by IBM, Headquartered at Baylor University, with autonomous regions on six continents. The ICPC is directed by Baylor Professor William B. Poucher, Executive Director, and operates under the auspices of the (ACM). The first phase is the national competition (ECPC) planned to be held in Alexandria with the participation of all Egyptian universities in early November and then participate in (ACPC) over the Arab countries.
Hejri New year Official Holiday
On 12 October 2015;
"Thou el Heja" holiday, To all MSA family, students and staff. The university will be taking the holiday determined by the Egyptian authority on Wednesday 14 Oct.
STEM Scholarships
On 09 september. 2015;
The Council for Private and Non-Profit Universities has announced 3 scholarships for STEM students in each faculty at all the Egyptian Private and Non-Profit universities.
MSA welcomes these outstanding “STEM” students. Please follow these steps to apply for scholarships:
1) Fill in the application in the Council’s admission office between 12/9/2015 and 17/9/2015.
2) The Council will proceed with the applications according to students’ scores.
3) The Council will notify the universities with the accepted students by the end of September 2015.
Best of Luck.
Main Office - 6th Oct. Campus
26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.
Tel. : 3837-1113
Tel. : 3837-1115
Tel. : 3837-1516
Tel. : 3837-1519
Admission Office:
Graduates Affairs:
Mobile: 01270447292
Hotline : 16672
International Hotline: 002-0216672