second week of industrial projects
The faculty of Biotechnology arranged for its second week of industrial projects which was quite successful with a series of beneficial sessions in multiple fields including the challenges of superbugs and nano-based tools, this was in parallel to separate lectures on the research process, experimental design, and referencing.
To ensure safety precautions, students were divided by schedule and sessions were evenly spaced throughout the day.
122 Students attended a morning session with Dr. Ashraf Bakkar at 8:00am covering the development of an aim and research question. Followed by a session with Prof. Mohamed Elhadidy on the different challenges of antimicrobial resistance using throughput sequencing and nanotechnology tools. The final session was with Ms. Shaza Habib on ‘Referencing and using Endnote’ .
The other group included approximately 130 students who began with a session from Dr. Hossam Taha, followed by the same sequence of a session from Prof. Mohamed El Hadidy and Ms. Shaza Ahmed on referencing.
The sessions from the external speaker provided new perspectives to shifting the paradigm from popular topics e.g. cancer research and COVID19 in medicine and focusing on a ‘Food to Fork’ concept that is interdisciplinary and of ample significance!
Stay tuned for more!