Scientific and cultural exchange on a global level
Believing in the role of student activities in scientific and cultural exchange on a global level and within the framework of achieving the vision and mission of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (EPSF-MSA) at the Faculty of Pharmacy, October University of Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), hosted the student Jacob Mikas, who studies at the Wroclawian Medical University in Poland, as part of the student exchange program.
The Faculty of Pharmacy, under the supervision of the Dean, Prof. Dr. Hanan Al-Leithy and the supervisor of the activity, Dr. Nora Abu Rehab, prepared a distinguished scientific program that lasted for two weeks in the faculty’s laboratories, where the program contained the use of some modern techniques such as stem cell separation and the use of comprehensive chemical scanning ( Metabolomics) under the supervision of a group of faculty professors in the departments of biochemistry and drugs. The program also included entertaining touristic tours in various landmarks of Greater Cairo. At the end of the program, the Polish student and all those who contributed to this great success, including professors and students, were honored at the faculty.