MSA Dentistry Faculty Treats and Educates Children at Diarna Nursery
The Faculty of Dentistry at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) has carried out therapeutic convoy work for Diarna Nursery, which includes an orphanage and a nursery for children with special needs in the village of Yousef Al-Sediq Center, Fayoum Governorate.
Members of the Sustainable Development Committee and the Convys Committee, together with volunteered teaching staff from the Department of Conservative Dentistry and the Department of Surgery, treated about 100 children of the nursery.
Some of the children were also converted to be treated in the Faculty clinics. Moreover, our semester 8 students participated in the convoy, complementary to their field training requirements.
Last but not least, DCMSA members educated nursery children and their teachers on the importance of mouth wash, teeth brushing and different methods of protection against decay through competitions, puppet show and drawings and distributed brushes and tooth paste to children and their teachers.