October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) and the Faculty of Computer Science would like to congratulate the Students Mostafa Ameen Fouad and Mazen Walid Fikri for publishing a scientific paper to the IEEE Xplore as part of 2023, which was published at the 2023 International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference.
Their paper titled “Real-time Detection of Taikyoku Shodan Karate Kata Poses Using Classical Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models,” presents a system designed to detect specific karate poses in real-time. This innovative system aims to provide instant and precise feedback to practitioners, revolutionizing training methodologies and improving performance.
By integrating machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models, the research addresses the need for accurate feedback in karate training. The system utilizes various ML and DL algorithms, achieving impressive accuracies of 98% with the Random Forest model and 97% with the Long-Short Term Memory model.
Through meticulous data collection, pre-processing, and model training, this system has the potential to expedite the identification and correction of technique flaws, facilitating faster and more effective learning while minimizing the risk of injuries.
You can read the paper through the following link:
Congratulations for your outstanding work