Masscom field trip to Al Ahram Online & Al Gomhoria Newspaper
The faculty of mass communication, MSA university organized field trip on March 14th, 2019 for students from the three majors to Al Ahram Online and Al Gomhoria Newspaper.
Under the auspices of Journalism lecturers Dr. Fawzy Abd EL Rahman and Ms. Mary Habib, and with the help of Mr. Ahmed Gomaa, the director of training department at Al Gomhoria, students had informative tour at the main news desk, investigative section, the production department, pre-press and scanner unit, the circulation department, and the printing room. A profession seminar was given by Mr. Sameh Abd Allah, the director of Al Ahram Regional Institute of Journalism, about training opportunities for our students during the summer which may long to four weeks. Mr. Sameh praised MCOM students for their academic and professional level due to the quality of education they receive at MSA. Finally, the students visited Al Ahram Online department headed by Ms. Dina Samak, the portal editor in chief, to get an overview of the work circulation and the journalistic work cycle.