Graduation Projects of the Faculty of Management Sciences
The Faculty of Management Sciences at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) announces the completion of an incredibly successful round of graduation projects!
A total of 248 students across four majors – Accounting, Economics, Marketing and International Business, and Managing Information Systems – presented their dissertations, with an impressive 107 projects discussed in total tackling real-world problems and providing valuable solutions and recommendations for a range of different sectors and industries with a focus on both the Egyptian Vision 2030 and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
We would like to thank our academic partners and external examiners from prestigious universities such as Cairo University and Ainshams University, as well as representatives from the UK’s University of Greenwich, who provided invaluable feedback and guidance throughout the process.
Congratulations to our graduating students on your excellence! We can’t wait to see the incredible things you’ll accomplish with the skills and knowledge you’ve gained during your time with us.