Graduate Attributes Event
The Faculty of Management Sciences held an important graduate attributes event. The faculty invited Dr. Salma Soliman who is one of the Faculty of Management Sciences’ graduates major Marketing and International Business as a guest speaker
Dr. Salma is now a senior lecturer of International Management at Middlesex University. Dr. Salma was one of the top graduates and was granted a scholarship by MSA to study for a Master Degree in Middlesex University and continued her studies and obtained her PhD from there. Prior to joining academia, Salma worked as a management consultant in the UK and Middle East.
Dr. Salma held two sessions: the first session was entitled “Developmental Talk: I’m graduating soon! Is it time to party, panic or may be plan?!” and the talk was on employability. She offered senior students some insights into this important phase of their lives; university graduation, and some tips on how to plan for a future career using the skills gained throughout their education.
The second session was entitled “Looking into the future: Industry 4.0 and international business”. It discussed the latest technological trends as part of the fourth industrial revolution and how it is influencing and will likely to influence international business.