Field Trip to ‘Forever is Now’ Exhibition
The students from the Faculty of Arts and Design at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) had a remarkable opportunity to participate in a field trip to the international exhibition “Forever is Now”.
This exhibition provided a unique platform for exploring the connection between Egypt’s ancient heritage and contemporary art, featuring site-specific installations at iconic locations such as the Pyramids of Giza.
The exhibition fosters engagement with modern interpretations of Egypt’s cultural history and serves as an educational platform, enabling students to learn about diverse contemporary artistic techniques and the harmonious blending of tradition with innovation. This experience inspires them to expand their creative horizons.
Educational Objectives:
The primary learning goals of the field trip were:
–Cultural Awareness: To understand how modern artists reinterpret Egypt’s ancient monuments through contemporary art.
–Artistic Exploration: To observe and reflect on innovative artistic techniques and installations.
–Inspiration for Creative Work: To inspire students to think creatively and push the boundaries of their own artistic practice.
Activities During the Field Trip
Our students were guided through the display, offering them the opportunity to interact with the artworks and explore their contexts. The professor discussed the key concepts behind each piece, encouraging students to take notes and engage in discussions with their peers about the significance and themes of the works.
This experience has undoubtedly expanded their creative horizons, inspiring them to think beyond the conventional.
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