The aim of CES programme is to graduate civil engineers who are capable of generating effective solutions by using engineering approaches in the field of civil engineering. The programme aims to supply the students with the advanced concepts of structure design and management of project recourses, risk, and safety.
Welcome from the Head of Civil Department:
Welcome to our department of Civil Engineering Systems at MSA University.
The department of civil engineering provides students with the tools to succeed in their technical careers in this increasingly complex world. We are a progressive department, training our students to be tomorrow’s leaders in defining and resolving societal infrastructure and environmental issues on a local as well as global levels.
We provide a rigorous yet flexible curriculum. By offering an increasing number of electives, we provide our students the opportunity to chart their own course and specialize in structural or construction management while having an interdisciplinary background that allows them to stand out and excel in the industry and job market.
We pride ourselves in bridging the gap between academia and the industry and preparing our students not only with theories, but also the practical applications that sets them up for success upon graduation. Our distinguished faculty, facilities, laboratories and advanced learning tools, in addition to our close ties with the local industry will warrant a unique experience at MSA Civil Engineering Systems.
Assoc. Prof. Emad Helal
Head of Civil Engineering Department
MSA University
An Overview of the Program:
The program includes a number of courses and each course has a specific weight in credit hours
On average, each course has a weight of 3 credit hours.
In addition to the first year as being a general year to all programs, the advancement through the program courses is distributed progressively throughout the four-year plan.
Students cannot register for a course unless the course’s prerequisites are met.
In order for a student to graduate from the program, he/she has to successfully complete all the required courses for this program plus the general year, with a total of 165 credit hours.
Students can complete all required credit hours over a minimum of 4 years when enrolled for two semesters each year, Fall and Spring. The Summer semester is optional and offered for a limited number of courses.