October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) begins a qualitative leap in the areas of scientific research, through introducing its biotechnology research center. The center objective is to conduct scientific research using molecular biology and genetic engineering techniques in the fields of medical and pharmaceutical, biological, agricultural, industrial and environmental. The center aims to increase the dissemination of scientific research and provide scientific services to MSA faculty members, assistants stuff and the scientific community in Egypt. The biotechnology center will perform and offer support to scientific experiments that is directly linked to faculty members research points, topics related to M. Sc. and Ph. D. studies inside the MSA University, and to serve the state and society. MSA biotechnology research center is committed to maximizing the benefits of biotechnology research within the MSA University and scientific society in Egypt. The center facilitates high quality, comprehensive, multidisciplinary research in various fields of biotechnology techniques. Through the implementation of cutting edge molecular biology techniques, Bioinformatics applications and tissue culture techniques, the center will provide opportunities for creativity and innovation, which enhances the role and place of October University for Modern Sciences and Arts in scientific research in the field of biotechnology as well as its academic role.
Biotechnology research center at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) achieves excellence in the field of scientific research at local, regional and global levels, in a climate characterized by independence, efficiency and accuracy which contributes to community service and achieve academic excellence.
Biotechnology research center at October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) works on solving the problems of society and contribute to the scientific development in addition to:
- Design scientific research projects, programs and supervise its implementation.
- Provide technical and scientific consulting to entities and individuals.
- Enhance the scientific research skills and capabilities for scientific entities and individuals.
- Maintain the environmental sustainability through evaluating the environmental impact of the new projects, and provide scientific and technical advice related to environment safety.
- Study the problems of industry and maximize the role of applied research in solving its problems.
Goals of the Biotechnology research center:
- Provide research services to faculty members in order to enhance their academic and research capabilities.
- Facilitate and help teaching assistants to complete their own M. Sc. and Ph.D. research points.
- Apply and conduct research grants funded by Egyptian and non-Egyptian funding agencies.
- Create research working groups to implement projects in the areas of specialization Center.
- Contribute to the educational process in the field of center specialty to serve the MSA University and the scientific community in Egypt.
- Conducting scientific conferences, symposia, workshops and panel discussions, as well as participation in local and international conferences to keep up with scientific innovations in this field.
- Increase publications of scientific articles in national and international scientific journals with high impact factors.
- Provide research services to the scientific community in Egypt.
- Facilitate communication between the local and international institutes and the staff of MSA University scientists.
Location and working date:
Biotechnology Research center building H room 316. The center is open from Sunday to Thursday from 9 a.m
Prof. Ayman Diab | Faculty dean, and board chairman. |
Dr. Amr Ageez | Director of center. |
Dr. Ahmed Nada | member and quality control specialist. |
Dr. Gehan Safwat | member and training specialist. |
Dr. Ashraf Bakkar | member and biosafety specialist. |
- DNA isolation from plant, animal and prokaryotes.
- RNA isolation from plant, animal and prokaryotes.
- Protein isolation from plant, animal and prokaryotes.
- Plasmid isolation.
- Bacterial transformation.
- PCR analysis.
- Molecular biology techniques such as digestion, ligation, phosphorylation…etc
- DNA purification from PCR and agarose gel
- Agarose and protein gel analysis.
- 2-D gel analysis.
- Plant propagation; root propagation; shoot propagation and acclimatization.
- Sample investigation using phase contrast, inverted and florescent microscopes.
- Molecular markers analysis techniques such as ISSR, RAPD, AFLP …etc.
- Genetic Modified Organism (GMO) detection.
- Microbial identification using 16s rRNA and other housekeeping genes.
- Viral load determination using real-time PCR.
- Differential gene expression determination using real-time PCR.
- Using PCR for virus detection and DNA fingerprints.
- Training courses such as tissue culture, PCR, real time PCR, microscopes, Bioinformatics.
Biotechnology Research Center is committed to apply the biosafety requirements within the biological laboratories working in the field of research or diagnostics; to reduce the biological contamination on human, animal, environment and food safety. Biotechnology Research Center is committed to enhance the capabilities of biological laboratories concerned with the diagnosis and scientific research, through continuous training of its employees, the application of biosafety policies to limit and control the biological risks and adherence to precise safety and health regulations and the safe disposal of biological waste.
Scientific research ethics:
Biotechnology Research Center is committed to take all the necessary actions to prevent the transfer of scientific research and fight plagiarism.
Quality control and accreditation systems:
Biotechnology Research Center is committed to adopt and implement the quality/certification ISO 17025 Systems. The centers is committed to the complete of the necessary requirements and apply for a quality/certification ISO 17025 certificate.